Going Home

Going Home


 Going from home, one to the other.

Passing crops golden to a sea blue, following the long road while my thoughts unwind, divide, separate, gather, connect, holding me over space, time, through the goodbyes to the near future hello.

Twenty-two hours door to door.

The never-ending sky.

Changing light.

One heart beating, longing with a soft sadness, happy tears for everything, forever tucked close in my spirit's inner pocket.

I miss you already and ready to say hello.


10 responses to “Going Home”

  1. Hi Corey,
    I’m just home from 2 1/2 weeks in the States, but this time I didn’t go “home”, but met family members in Maine, on the beautiful coast.
    I have to say, I appreciate the journey home (although this particular trip from the East Coast didn’t take as long as it would from Alaska or Chicago – my other two “homes”). The many hours give me a chance to switch gears and change my focus, to reflect.
    I hope your ability to sleep in automobiles carries over to airplanes, that you can rest while *you* reflect, and perhaps snooze a little!
    Thanks for sharing your life with us. Safe journey to you.

  2. Jackie Lantry

    Bon Journey.

  3. Safe travels home, Corey. I’m sorry we didn’t get to meet up this time. 🙁

  4. 22 hours? Wow! Can you sleep a lot during the flight? We’re not able to, alas, so need the next day to sleep off the monumental jet-lag.

  5. Have a good flight Corey. Happy travels. Next time you come to SF, remember LA is only a one hour flight away. We have a new museum opening in September, The Broad, and it is stunning: http://www.thebroad.org/
    And I think I know somewhere where there is an extra room. 🙂

  6. Happy and safe travels. What a beautiful reflection (written and photo).

  7. Nice photo of you:) Safe travel……S/E

  8. Beautiful words about family and beautiful photographs!!

  9. Happy travels and welcome home hugs.

  10. What beautiful words you wrote and your reflection on the airplane glass, was moving and wistful!

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