Graffiti in Paris

Graffiti in Paris

In the 11th neighborhood in Paris there is a section down an quiet street, quiet is hard to come by, that will be demolished to create a new housing project. The buildings though old, are not interesting when it comes to beautiful or unique, though the graffiti is elaborate.

I thought I would share a few photos of the street's artwork.


Graffiti in Paris

Yellow is the color in Paris this summer.


Graffiti in Paris


Alice is back in Paris for a few months doing an internship in UNESCO.


Graffiti in Paris


Wild colors,

Summer bloom.

Soon to be destroyed.

Graffiti in Paris



Graffiti in Paris


Graffiti in Paris



Graffiti in Paris

Hair pinned up,

No makeup,



Hungry in a balloon dress.


Graffiti in Paris


His thoughts scribbled on the wall.


Graffiti in Paris


Graffiti in Paris

Graffiti in Paris

Alice took these photos of me goofing off,

Five seconds worth.


Graffiti in Paris


What did you do today?



14 responses to “Graffiti in Paris”

  1. Hi Corey, ‘enfin’ a little sign of my love for you…..
    Your husband’s thoughts made me burst out with laughter. It’s Hero Husband’s brain too!!!! Only comprehensive to a ‘lucky few’ and to himself 🙂
    I also like the ‘modern dating’ cartoon – like it, but it’s so sad. I made it a point this year to not put my computer on at all over the weekends, to use my smartphone wisely (try to phone mostly on the ‘free’ land line) only to skim through the mails in case of a REALLY important one and do less ‘talking’ in the web as my eye-sight is so bad.
    Sorry, there I go again, ‘only a short message’ and she writes a whole novel…. Love K

  2. Madame in Bangkok

    Love the street art .love your dress . You look fabulous

  3. christine

    Hi Corey, love these photos and at the moment my thoughts resemble Yann’s !!! Trying to get ready to leave for holidays on Friday, such a lot to do….Anyway it will happen. This is cheeky, but I’ll ask anyway. Do you think that your friend Alice would be prepared to tell my daughter Alexia about her experience at UNESCO ? Alexia wants to try for an internship there next year when she graduates, and would welcome any advice . Let me know and I’ll give you Alexia’s contact détails to pass to Alice. You’re a doll xxxxx

  4. Wow – 22 hrs door-to-door & you look like THAT? How do you do it? Love the colorfulness of the art, & that you have the energy to jump around for the pictures!

  5. Well I didn’t dance in front of amazing graffiti. Are you trying to keep yourself awake with jet lag by dancing. I shopped at Cost Plus/World Market for whatever hit my fancy, something I never do and it was fun.

  6. Goodness Gracious Sakes

    Love it all. Get some rest if you can. xo

  7. You must’ve slept on the plane, right? We’re unable to, alas, so are always wasted our first day in an eastbound destination.
    Worked on PowerPoint slides for one of my talks at two conferences next month. No rest for the wicked, I guess 😉

  8. Well, I love the street art. Especially the art behind Yann. It is a shame that it will be demolished.
    This story reminds me of “5Pointz” a huge New York City warehouse building that was covered by graffiti. Ultimately it was torn down, but many wanted to turn it into a graffiti museum:
    And if you have not seen the movie “Exit Through the Gift Shop,” I highly recommend it. Laugh out loud funny. It’s about the London street artist Banksy, but you quickly realize in the film that there is a set of graffiti artists that globe-trot:

  9. lovely to see you home safe.
    such fun photos.
    helping my 95 year old mom out.


    really incredible ideas

  11. Wow! Can you start a “save the graffiti” petition or something? It’s wonderful! 22 hrs is no fun at all but you look amazing!

  12. Natalie Thiele

    Beautiful artwork!
    Love the dress! Did your friend make it for you?
    Yesterday we returned from our road trip to Bozeman. Today we have furniture to move. Three houses to unstage, one to stage.

  13. You are radiant! 🙂

  14. My Corey, what great legs you have!!

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