Paella with Phillippe

Paella party

Photographs and Text by Corey Amaro.

First, you take a salsa loving man, put him in a tango style apron, and give him an enormous paella pan and turn up the heat nice and slow.
Next, you chop up red and green pepper, onions, garlic, snapper, prepare the mussels, and shell fish, and have olive oil, tomato sauce, lobster basque, and a ton or rice on hand.
Then you call your friends (especially those who do not have a kitchen to cook in) and have a Paella Party.
Our friend Philippe loves, and I mean loves, to make paella.

Paella with red peppers Shrimp

Philippe's paella pan is the size of a bathtub, I kid you not, it can make enough paella for forty people. Though I have a feeling that you are not as impress with the bath tub size of the paella pan, as much as you are impressed with the size of those shrimps (!), or should I say impressed with the "look" of those shrimps with their dangling legs, beady black eyes, and tails.
I am shockingly impressed that French Husband pinches off the shrimps' heads and sucks their insides out. I tell you after more than twenty years of being married to this man, it still grosses me out.

IMG_5680 IMG_5681

IMG_5685  Paelle rice

Making paella takes time. You need to prepare everything in advance, and because you need to saute each thing separately you will need many containers to hold each sauteed item separately. You will have a stack of dirty dishes at the end, but the reward is a whole lot of wonderful paella.

After each part of the paella has been sauteed, you need to prepare the round rice, which cooks with tomato sauce, lobster basque and olive oil. I promise I will add the exact recipe as soon as I ask Philippe to re write it for me. (I would lose my head if it weren't attached, and that is not because of French Husband's shrimp eating habits.)

When the rice is nearly cooked, the fish is added on top.

Philippe's paella making paella

fish paella Paelle spanish

Now tell me do you love paella, or the polka dotted, tango, styled apron, or Philippe the best?

Yes he is single.

About twice a year we ask Philippe to come over and cook for us. It is a darn good thing he is our good friend. Otherwise… no paella parties for us! Tonight, Besides Yann and me, Sacha, his girlfriend Celia, Alice, Fabrice (Sacha's childhood friend) and our very first friends we met in Paris 27 years ago Bonnie, Tom, Ben and his girlfriend Emily are coming over. I promise more photos to come. 


19 responses to “Paella with Phillippe”

  1. The only time I have eaten Paella was when we lived in Brazil. I loved it!

  2. Paella doesn’t sound like something this vegen would want. And since I’m happily married, I’ll have to pass on Phillipe. But I’ll take the fun of friends getting together any day!

  3. Wendy in Kennewick

    Tough decision! I wish the aroma could come through! I don’t think anyone else could do that apron justice!

  4. Phillipe because I am allergic to shellfish and even if I were not, it would still be Phillipe who couldn’t love a man who cooks, looks delectable and is single.
    Food looks good too ( wouldn’t want to hurt the cook’s feelings).

  5. Found some vegetarian paella recipes online, for us non-pescatarians. Ones with lots of artichokes, garbanzo beans (= ceci = chickpeas) and other veggies sound yummy!
    Re the apron: I long ago made myself a dress out of an almost identical print, that I loved dearly, and wore frequently in summers until I (oops!) outgrew it. Accessorized it with a wide black elastic cinch belt, for contrast.

  6. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    Phillippe IN the apron! Kudos to a man who cooks and is cool enough to flaunt a sassy apron like that, when it’s offered to him.
    (Plus I wouldn’t have turned down that paella if I’d been there, that’s for sure!)

  7. No, just no. The “lady bug apron” gotta GO!

  8. But it’s funny to see nonetheless.

  9. RebeccaNYC

    Corey, you match maker, YOU!!!

  10. I love paella, the apron is wonderful and suits the occasion, and Phillipe is perfectly charming. Three gold stars!

  11. We love, love, love paella. It is great for dinner parties. Don’t forget the saffron.
    Philippe, with your big heart and cooking talent, the right young lady will show up. Enjoy!
    Corey, if we ever make it to France, this has to be part of our tour.

  12. Barbara Snow

    French Husband knows the shrimp brains are the best part. Sorry, but it’s true.
    Barb in Minnesota

  13. Sharon Kasner

    If I were younger, Philippe would no longer be single! What a delightful life you have, you are truly blessed.

  14. Natalie Thiele

    Darling cook and love that apron!

  15. well can one really separate the man from the tango polka dot apron… I think the two go perfectly together…and yes to delicious paella a trifecta anyway you slice dice or sauté it-

  16. Karen Carson

    Ya gotta love a man confident enough to wear that apron! Plus he’s adorable. And I”m sure his paella rocks!

  17. Good luck with the match making. Anyone that would make paella and wear that apron would be a catch for sure. Yummmmm!

  18. Mademoiselle Tango

    A salsa dance from paella-polka-dot-Philippe.

  19. I love paella too! And we usually have it with friends, cooking it all together before eating it, it’s a hard work for just one person!

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