Melon for Breakfast



Melon sliced on the breakfast counter. It set the stage. Ripe and ready. Generous and lush.

Do you ever have those moments where out of the blue something reminds you of something and instantly transports you to another destination in time?

It happened to me yesterday when I cut the melon in half.




 I wasn't transported to a memory, but more to a feeling. A feeling of youth… young, vibrant, full of dreams with feet strong and carefree to take me. A sense of childhood… standing at the kitchen counter watching my mom slicing a melon for us kids to eat.


Ripe and ready.  Full of seeds. Juicy…life. 




And while the feeling took me away I smiled.

Daydreams in the morning. Lucky little things aren't they.

Moments to ourselves amongst the reality of the day.

Like invisible butterfly wings fluttering about us, taking us in and out of consciousness without our awareness. Though interiorly we stop, listen with a different ear, see with a different eye, feel with a different heart… then wonder around far from the moment.





Delicious life.

Giving of itself.

A thousand seeds, ready to plant.

Bite in. 




 The breakfast melon on the counter was full of unseen surprises.


13 responses to “Melon for Breakfast”

  1. Looks good……I want both of the white dishes!!!

  2. We had wonderful California cantaloupes, honeydews, casaba melons and occasionally other more exotic types during my childhood.
    After my dad died we stayed in California most of the summer clearing out his house — and while I can’t truthfully say it was a happy time, I do fondly recall the sweet, juicy Mendota melons we got in abundance at the peak of the season.
    Nowadays we occasionally buy a cantaloupe at the farmers’ market, but even those aren’t quite so good, probably because this isn’t the optimal climate for them.

  3. That first photo is like a Dutch still life from the 1600s. Beautiful.

  4. Shelley Noble

    Such a Fine art still life! So much like a photographic Vermeer!
    And your thoughts like a perfect sermon.
    You are an extraordinary woman.

  5. Jean Munroe

    I would love to buy a print of the first photo. As others have said, it is like a Vermeer still life. And it does evoke a feeling. You can almost smell its heady perfume.
    When are you going to sell your photographs? You are sitting on a goldmine.

  6. kelleyn rothaermel

    I need to eat melon more! I love melon for breakfast or lunch or for dinner!

  7. Constance

    Beautiful moments, thoughts and photographs to match!
    You once wrote to me something which I cherish enormously, I reread it last week and wanted to tell you thank you again!
    Hope all is well for you and French Husband, in your life in every way!
    Keep planting your beautiful seeds Corey Amaro!

  8. Beautiful still life, I can smell the sweet melon. Proust knew something and it is wonderful when it happens. You wrote it so well.

  9. Yes, I recently experienced that feeling. I had stepped out onto the porch one really lovely morning and was touched by a very soft breeze at the same time heard birdsong. I was instantly “young” again. Transported back to carefree summers of my childhood. Had exactly the same feelings, mentally and physically as when I was young. It didn’t last but a moment but was magical nonetheless. I truly believe they are smiles from God. Reminders that He is there.

  10. Love the photos!

  11. Your first photo reminded me of a piece of art from a museum. Yes, often in summer with fresh apples and watermelons I am transported to a different time and dreams.

  12. Agree with the others on the quality of your (especially first) photo(s).
    As it happened, I wrote a letter to myself (yes, I do that!) yesterday about much the same feelings. My theme was ‘at home’/Home (in German it’s easier and more refined: Heimat/Zuhause, both in the factual sense as well as in spiritual home)…. I spoke of my thankfulness, the feelings of ‘what makes a place a home’, of memories and thoughts & dreams…. how very similar we think.

  13. It is beautiful because the melon surely tastes as good as it looks… There is nothing as delicious and primal as fruit that tastes as it should. The contrast of the simply white ceramics and that knife ( oh, that knife!!!) is perfection. So pure, so perfect.
    The last time we were in Prague, I tasted the best strawberries of my life. It was in August, not prime strawberry season. We have just returned from almost two weeks in Prague, and yes, I found those strawberries again. They carried them in little greengrocer shops, tucked away off the tourist paths. Corey, while I love Mara strawberries, these were even better. The fragrance! They were soft and juicy, and would not last more than one day. I do not know the variety, but they came from Belgium. I will find them, and try to grow them. Here in Canada, there are no comparable strawberries to be had…

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