Friday Fille that would be Me, Corey Amaro in Provence on a Friday


corey amaro in provence


I am usually the one taking the photos, and as many of you have noted I am rarely in those photos. I made French Husband take photos of me in our neighborhood, and then some as we went to Thierry and Gael's for dinner last night.

But before we went to Thierry and Gael's we went to the dentist for a check up, a special date you might say. All is good, and whew I won't have to go for another six months. While French Husband was at the dentist I ran into Agnes who I met through blogging (she is French) at the grocery store. We had a lovely time catching up. Why didn't I take a picture?


corey amaro in Provence


I am standing in the long entrance to the garden in the little house. If you ever want to feel like you are back in time, tucked in a unruly garden, surrounded by a massive wall then the little house is for you.

It rents for 500 Euros a week or 1300 Euros a month.

You can see more of it here:

It is a stone throw from my house.



corey amaro in Provence



This is around the corner from where I live.

I love this lion head.

It is probably as old as the sun, or the moon, or at least as old as the water running through all the fountains in our village.



corey amaro in provence



Don't you love my walking shoes.

Yes I am still walking.

I miss you everyday Maggie.






corey amaro in Provence


Thierry and Gael live by Notre Dame in Marseille.

You cannot drive up to their house, instead, oh no, one must park your car which is impossible as there is never any parking around, then walk… up 60 steps and God knows how many pathways to get there. Let's just say it is the kind of place that if you forget your keys, or something, you most likely would think a bad word while you turned around to head back up the hill to fetch them.


corey amaro in Provence


We were lucky as we find a parking not to far away. Blame it on August. The locals are gone and only tourist are around.

Which if you are a local parking is the easiest in August.


corey amaro in provence


What did you do today?

How many steps from your car to your house?





12 responses to “Friday Fille that would be Me, Corey Amaro in Provence on a Friday”

  1. Love the walking shoes, Corey!

  2. Irene Thomas

    Great to see some photos of you, Corey. You look so happy and relaxed in the beautiful doorways of Provence.

  3. Is that little black dress one you made whilst at your mom’s? CUTE

  4. You and your mom have really great style, love it

  5. The photos are happy and beautiful. Your dress is really wonderful. Looks supremely comfortable and stylish. It is so much fun to be able to participate in someone else’s life for a change. Thanks for the tour.

  6. Noticed the sandals and thought how neat that they are made for walking & probably comfort..after years of wearing flat sandals & flip flops, practically year round, I developed painful plantar fasciitis..I’ll have to look around for some of those.

  7. lana kloch

    you look ravishing corey.. so glad you are posting pictures of you.. the area is so lovely.
    missing you.. did you get my e-mail?
    lana cano kloch

  8. Judi Delgado

    42 steps to the front door. And that is after walking 1400 steps from the train….uphill! P.S. You have great legs, Corey. Maybe it’s all that walking? 🙂

  9. Great walking shoes and also love the dress. Yesterday when you posted this I was having a little hike with my grandson and didn’t count the steps, but we steps on leaves beginning to fall. I was wondering about moving into a house with so many steps, what a chore; but oh so beautiful.

  10. Nice to see photos of you!! You look beautiful as always! Love the goldie locks on you too!

  11. You made your dress ?! You look darling in it! Actually, you look gorgeous In every one of fthese pictures. Love your hair!!!

  12. Hi there Corey, long time reader, first time comment.
    I followed the link to the Tiny House post and was interested in how I would go about booking a stay there? What is the availability in October 2015?

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