Anyone who has read my blog for a short while knows I am in love with Cassis, from the first moment until this day. I claimed it my New California, well actually Westport, California. Not that the two look anything alike, but that is how I see it: Love = love.
Twenty five years ago we moved from Paris to Marseille. Rebecca C. who reads my blog asked me the other day, "When you moved to the south of France why didn't you live in Cassis?" Good question, a simple practical reason… Money.
So anyway the other day I was talking happily about my day in Cassis to Yann, Vlad and WR-PL-BB (aka: Denise) and Mr. French Husband got all French in my face, and thought after twenty five years he might as well tell me that I have not been saying Cassis the right way.
That man of mine is…
So cute.
Really nice.
Such a friend.
Oh well, I am who I am and Cassis is still Cassis.
How do you say it the French way?
Well you can ask Mr. Light Bob.
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