Harvest Nest

The Nesters after Harvest



Glenn county, California during rice harvest.

Golden hues,

Indian summer, 

Red sunsets,

Farmers long days,

Memories of my Father, 

Now my brother.


At the first ray of light the farmer sets out for work, rice harvest is in full swing in the Sacramento Valley. Either Mother Nature has worked her wonder in their favor, or not… They know the moment their harvester's blades cut into the grain.



nesters after harvest



After the harvest the rice stalk remains. My nieces and nephews have a tradition in the Amaro's fields around my mother's home, after harvest they go out into the fields and each of them make a nest and pathways to those nest. They try to make the biggest nest possible. Rice stalks equal rice dust which is itchy…

This year as Chelsea is home visiting, she too became part of the harvest nest tradition.

My nieces send me snapchats daily, hence these photos are from Molly and Marie. 







Nest building is done by hand.






The nest usually are stalked as high as they are tall. They spend hours building and hanging out in them daydreaming.






Chelsea and my youngest brother Zane, (also her Godfather) driving the harvester. There is nothing like being in a small cab on a vintage harvester out in the middle of a golden crop shooting the breeze.





My nieces' photos show childhood, happy, true, country, family… Fun, happiness, creative playing, childhood un-interrupted.

It is as if I can smell their salty skin from playing in the fields, see their long hair tangled and free, watch them tease, argue, laugh over who's nest is the best, then run back to the house for my mother's cookies.


rice harvest


What was a game you played as a child?




10 responses to “Harvest Nest”

  1. blissfarmantiques@gmail.com

    Once again, I want to go live in Willows, on a rice farm and walk the path to your Mom’s (on Monday’s right) for family dinner. I am so happy for Chelsea! What lovely American memories for her to add to her French “roster.” Your children have a rich life indeed. Well done Mama:)!

  2. I wanna lie in one of those nests how itchy are they?

  3. Nikki Maxwell

    Ah bliss.

  4. Wendy in Kennewick

    We used to use grass clippings to outline houses on the lawn. Gosh… I haven’t thought of that in decades! Thank you for bringing back a fun memory.

  5. We played in “the wood”. In a vacant lot, next to our 5 acres were piles of wood left over and abandoned by builders of a small housing development out in the country. The development was surrounded by farms. We would meet the neighboring kids at “the wood” and rearrange the piles into houses and forts, make mud pies and play for hours. Wonderful memories of freedom to run free and use our imaginations.

  6. At the end the black and white picture I sent you. I took it! Picture Credits to me 😋

  7. Tongue in Cheek

    terribly itchy!

  8. Tongue in Cheek

    I imagine it smelled so fresh!

  9. Tongue in Cheek

    How fun that must have been!!

  10. Tongue in Cheek

    Credits to you !! I love that photo Molly, it is beautiful!

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