Happy 80th Birthday Mom!
There are days like today that I wish I did not live faraway.
Would I bake you a cake if I lived closer? Probably not since whenever I mention cake my family chimes in, "…the carob cake that Corey made for Zane's fifth birthday that even the dog wouldn't eat."
My mom is feisty, but also shy.
My mom is ultra creative, and ultra organized.
80 Amazing.
80 With it
(Though without a cell phone, the internet, an answering machine, with a phone that goes dead in ten minutes… yet with it nevertheless and I know you are reading this at work. Yes my mom still works.)
80 Tough.
80 Strong.
80 Beautiful.
80 Faithful.
I tell my mother everything, what a gift that is, and to know it is held safe.
Happy Birthday Mom! I hope that today is as lovely as you are, and that everyone and their brother wishes you a glorious day.
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