Love Washes Up



As a mother I know how my mother feels today.

Chelsea spent three weeks with my mom, she returned this morning.

Looking at this photo (taken before Chelsea left) a deep sea of emotion opens wide.

Those closed eyes, that open smile.

In the middle, in between, invisibly in every cell love washes up.

It is a Chelsea morning.



"Chelsea Morning"
Joni Mitchell

Woke up, it was a Chelsea morning, and the first thing that I heard
Was a song outside my window, and the traffic wrote the words
It came a-reeling up like Christmas bells, and rapping up like pipes and drums

Oh, won't you stay
We'll put on the day
And we'll wear it 'till the night comes

Woke up, it was a Chelsea morning, and the first thing that I saw
Was the sun through yellow curtains, and a rainbow on the wall
Blue, red, green and gold to welcome you, crimson crystal beads to beckon

Oh, won't you stay
We'll put on the day
There's a sun show every second

Now the curtain opens on a portrait of today
And the streets are paved with passersby
And pigeons fly
And papers lie
Waiting to blow away

Woke up, it was a Chelsea morning, and the first thing that I knew
There was milk and toast and honey and a bowl of oranges, too
And the sun poured in like butterscotch and stuck to all my senses
Oh, won't you stay
We'll put on the day
And we'll talk in present tenses

When the curtain closes and the rainbow runs away
I will bring you incense owls by night
By candlelight
By jewel-light
If only you will stay
Pretty baby, won't you
Wake up, it's a Chelsea morning




16 responses to “Love Washes Up”

  1. What a beautiful picture of love. But I was taken by surprise when I read that first line when tears welled up. Love and parting bittersweet it is. And yet your Mom is a lady most blessed, surrounded by love near and far.

  2. A beautiful picture, but love always makes a beautiful picture.
    A late happy birthday wish for your lovely mother who did such a wonderful job raising such a loving daughter. Many thank yous for your blog. I read it daily. Many times I think of it as a ministry to so many. So glad I found Tongue in Cheek; so glad I found YOU!!

  3. P.S. Love that song of Joni’s. The lyrics paint the picture.

  4. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    Love in the interstices — the small close space between those two lovely women, making the large spaces between you and your mom smaller but larger too, that love.
    I love those lyrics and what word pictures they paint! (ditto-ing Carol above) “And the sun poured in like butterscotch and stuck to all my senses.” And now I have that lilting tune in my head too. thanks!

  5. This is just lovely!! very touching-I do not know this song but will be looking on you tube to see what I can find-all the songs from that era the pictures painted by word and music sticks with you!

  6. Did you name your Chelsea after that song, Corey? Your Chelsea is just as bright and beautiful and the song, in every way.

  7. I can’t even imagine how you feel when you look at this picture. So much love! Your mom is the quintessential mother we all wished for, and, Chelsea, goodness, she is soooo adorable. You are blessed! Can we hold on to today for forever? God, please???


    Wow, that is a wonderful photo!

  9. One of the most touching pictures on your blog Corey! Such love expressed. Joni Mitchell is one of the best lyricists of our generation and I love “Chelsea Morning.” As one of your other readers asked, did this song inspire you to name your daughter Chelsea?

  10. Love that song. How beautiful that Chelsea has been there and felt the love from your mom.

  11. A beautiful picture of your Mother and your daughter! and your thoughts, feelings, words once again–as always–expressed so beautifully! I feel like Carol wrote-your blog is a ministry and it always seems to touch my soul. And I too thank you for your blog!

  12. this blog is the BEST! thank you for sharing

  13. I AGREE!!!!!

  14. So perfect… I agree with everyone and am still teary.

  15. Teresa Young

    All I can say…..That picture is priceless!

  16. maggie schneider

    I love that photo so much and the song which I remember so very well. I’m thrilled Chelsea could be there for the three weeks and celebrate with her grandmother on her 80th birthday. Hooray!

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