You Know You are Hip Cool in Paris When…

2013-04-12 18.29.15


You know you are hip cool when you go shopping and your daughter and friend Alice ask to try on the new clothes you bought.

That happened after dinner last night.

As my head hit the pillow my reveling thoughts of "Gee I must be hip!" turned to, "Oh no I am not getting a cold am I?" 

The feeling was slight so I brushed it off and did not think about it until I got on the train togo back home…

As soon as sat down my nose was a faucet, my eyes waterfalls, I sneezed in sets of six… I felt terrible for the people sitting next to me until I realized we were a symphony of germs: The four of us, what are the chances? It was a weird relief… 

Off to bed with a bowl of soup and a roll of toilet paper.

…Sure I will show you what I bought, but not until my nose stops running 'cause I do not want you-know-what on my new clothes.

When is the last time you had a cold? (I love your comments, thank you for them!)


30 responses to “You Know You are Hip Cool in Paris When…”

  1. Oh no! Me too. Happened last night while in the middle of nowhere Texas on a girls golf outing. Came home with the sneezing, wheezing, watery eyes, sore throat and wanting nothing but my own bed. I guess it is that season everywhere! Feel better.

  2. I thought I had one last weekend but drank even more water than I normally do and tried very hard to ignore it; I guess it worked because it name came on fully.
    Get well!

  3. My throat feels a little scratchy as I type this…darn!
    I hope for a speedy recovery for you!

  4. Oh man, we’ve both had colds for over five weeks (including throughout our entire Portugal trip) 🙁 Farmboy Husband theorizes that the virus periodically mutates enough to return as a relapse, and give our immune systems another workout. We’re on at least our third relapse now — ah-choooo! (snuffle-snuffle). Honk!

  5. Looking forward to seeing your new vêtements et accessoires. Hope you feel meilleur in the morning.

  6. I hate that first twinge of “is it or no way am I getting sick…I am sorry to hear that but look forward to the pictures of the Paris purchases! I have been fighting a cold for about a week there but not there low on patience low on energy wanna sleep coughing and blowing nose-holding it at bay-Hope you feel better real soon!

  7. Here in California, I’m down w a flu too. Fevers, chills, aching body, fatigued, totally knocked out, have been in bed for almost 72 hours now…

  8. Just caught a cold three weeks ago. I would much rather a head cold than a chest cold! Get well quick!

  9. Thought I was getting a cold this week but it is those awful fall allergies. Hope you feel better soon

  10. Can’t remember the last time but am familiar with faucet-nose and sneezing in multiples!
    Feel better soin!

  11. I have some of the same symptoms…watery eyes and a plugged up nose, but mine is from allergies due to the mold this time of year in the Midwest.
    You may not feel well, but you still have a flair for telling a story…even if it’s about having a cold 🙂

  12. Jennifer Phillipps

    On this side of the world we have just finished the sneezy season of super flu bugs and now we are in the Spring Sneezy phase instead. I am usually not inclined to have colds, allergies and sinus yes, but not the flu. However, in New Zealand over the winter we had a very bad flu virus going around and my husband and I were home sick together and it took 3 weeks for us to shake it off completely, so I just hope your cold is a quick experience washed away with lots of soup and tender loving care from that lovely French Husband of yours! Keep warm….and get well soon

  13. I got through all of winter and then went on a holiday to Italy and got a cold in Venice. I took lots and lots of Vitamin C, and honey for my throat and got through it (I did feel sorry for my fellow travellers) but no one seemed to catch it from me. I hope you get well quickly.

  14. Not in a while, teaching makes you immune to a lot! Can’t wait to see the outfit, and hear about where you went to get it!

  15. Soup, orange juice,Vicks – and get better quickly.

  16. I’ve just traveled down one of your bunny trails from past blog posts. So here is my cheery gift to the sick, you do an amazing job of connecting beauty and family. Such an encouraging expressing of love, i want to do more of that. So, thank you for posting, your words inspire me to be love more and reach out for beauty around me. I live in the mountain range above santa cruz california, redwoods and ocean. ( im sure you are familiar with it) Tons of beauty everywhere, yet you help me to embrace it. Thanks Cory….rest well and im looking forward to seeing the new fashions.

  17. Teddee Grace

    I hate head colds and that moment you can’t hide your head in the sand any more and know one has got you. I haven’t had a cold in very many years. Knock on wood! Would rather have the flu. At least with the flu you can sleep because you aren’t congested with the runny nose. When I was a child we were so poor we used rags for handkerchiefs, including old worn out cotton socks. Sometimes I wished I could just fasten the sock to my nose somehow! Crazily, my mother always made us go to school. I’m sure we regularly infected everyone in our small-town school, but we had superlative attendance records! Get well soon and don’t let it go down on your chest. That’s an entirely different story.

  18. Sharon Nicholes

    By all the comments, and my own batch of the flu, this must be some pandemic illness. Lol
    I tried everything finally I started using some Vitamin C and Zinc. It really helped. I hope you feel better soon!

  19. Shelley Wildgen

    A cold in France is better than good health almost anywhere else, I’m guessing.

  20. Before going on vacation to Mexico we had a birthday party for my daughter’s friend. Then in Mexico she got sick, followed by my father in law, mother in law, me (once back and thinking it was jetlag) and then my husband. At least it’s a quick one! …but it’s been a year since I had a cold!

  21. Natalie Thiele

    Good grief! Everyone is sick except me. I’m sorry for you and your readers. Colds are so miserable. I own my own business and cannot be sick if jobs are coming in. I seem to only get sick when business tapers off.

  22. Natalie Thiele

    I’m dying to see what you bought!

  23. Oh, feel better soon, Corey. I had a little cold that lasted just a few days a couple of weeks ago. But last year I had cold after cold after cold. MISERABLE (which is the same in any language). I work in a germ factory (school) so I guess I’d better be prepared for more.

  24. Susan Vancover,B.C

    No cold for me yet this fall.However,allergies are bad this year.There like a long continuous cold.Feel better soon.Looking forward to seeing those new clothes.

  25. Lemon juice and garlic (yuk) really works !!! Corey, the fashion illustrations in this post are very cute. My Mother was a fashion illustrator in the 1930’s and we have all of her illustrations and some are framed. I would love to know if you have any other French fashion illustrations like you have in this post to purchase?
    Get well, bonne chance, bonne nuit, mangez une lemon!

  26. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    What a treat, Carole, to not only have wonderful old 30’s illustrations but that your very MOTHER drew! I love it!
    And I too quite like the illustrations at the beginning of this post.

  27. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    Sorry about the cold, and GET WELL because now I’m dying to see what hip clothes you bought!
    I haven’t had a cold in ages but I sure wish my health issues would arrive and then GO AWAY like a cold eventually does.

  28. Glad to say I can’t remember when I last had a cold,smiling at the roll of toilet paper because that is what I use too when lots of tissue is called for! looking forward to the new clothes reveal,get well soon!

  29. Flu update. 24 episode of House of Cards later, still in bed, savor in this time of the flu fighting. Have to watch 11 more episodes today!
    Still no solid foods, just water, warm blankets, and dozing off to sleep, maybe this is nature’s way of forcing me to take a stay-cation, literally, stay in bed.

  30. Corey,
    You are one of the chicest women I know. I’m not surprised that Chelsea and Alice wanted
    you to model your new finds! Get well quickly!
    Love to you,

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