French Style from my Bedroom

corey amaro back home French Style


Most of the day I slept, and the rare moment where I wasn't sleeping sniffling, coughing, drippy eyes and fever sat by my side.

My goal is three days, this is day two.

Sunday, tomorrow is the brocante… that is the real goal. If the brocante cannot get me out of bed… though it doesn't seem likely I'll be going. Ugh.

So fun.


corey amaro back home French Style


My bedroom that French Husband came in with a kleenex over his face, "I don't want to get sick."

Do you have a spouse of friend who goes overboard with loving care when you are sick? Send him over. Of course I kind of like to be left alone don't you?

So loving.


corey amaro back home French Style


That is where I usually sit to blog, though today I am in bed.

So comfortable.


corey amaro back home French Style


My little bedroom that I love.


corey amaro back home French Style



This is as close as you get to seeing me actually in bed, Red Nose and not even Christmas! Sounds from the comments yesterday we either are sharing being sick or you are just getting over being sick, or your lucky and not sick!

I cracked up when I read: Shelley's comment

"A cold in France is better than good health almost anywhere else, I'm guessing."
And Tedee Grace, I stuffed tampons in my nose… forgive me but that is how it is… no photo.



20 responses to “French Style from my Bedroom”

  1. So sorry you are sick! Hope you are able to have hot tea with lemon and honey.

  2. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    You’re so funny, that you’re sick and yet you sit in your bed, snuffling and nose-blowing no doubt, and take photos of the lovely corners of your bedroom. I could envision me doing that. I love the details of my home too.
    Get better!

  3. Your bedroom looks absolutely divine-love every detail shown-I hope you are feeling better and wish you sweet dreams in your comfy bed!

  4. My Dad was always super paranoid about catching a cold. Mom and I always joked that he could catch a cold from a telephone call if the caller mentioned they were ill. Your bedroom is so beautiful and calming to look at.

  5. Being tucked all safe and sound in your own bed sure beats three flights in two days, including a transatlantic red-eye, while suffering full-blown colds, as we had to do last month. No wonder the viruses are still hanging on so determinedly, given how worn out and jet-lagged their human hosts were for so long.
    With both of us sick simultaneously, we try to tend one another as best we can — taking turns making TWO mugs of tea at a time, e.g. Lucky thing we’re both happy having homemade grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner most nights, since they’re so little work to fix, plus we have home-frozen vegetables (especially Swiss chard, yummmm!), home-canned peaches, yogurt, etc.
    And what with this being football season, there are plenty of games on TV. Plus Farmboy Husband’s taken to watching old TV series reruns and movies on overflow TV networks. Plus, we’re both positively a-slosh from so much tea!
    Maybe this virus is just ping-ponging between us each time it mutates: it can’t possibly hang on forever, right? :-(((

  6. Mirror, settee, armoire
    Love all three
    Feel better so you can shop 😉

  7. PS – Courvoisier is good for a cold
    That’s my story and I’m sticking to it

  8. Debbie Z.

    I love the quilt on your bed- would that be referred to as a French boutis? Very, very pretty. Get well soon- colds are no fun at all and I am sorry you are not feeling well.

  9. Shelley Wildgen

    Those colours. Those textures. You are wrapped in loveliness.

  10. Marilyn Marcus

    Poor baby. Feel better! Love seeing your pretty room

  11. Take care. It takes a lot to keep me in bed….luckily I cannot remember the last time I’ve been sick enough to stay in bed. We can these vitamin packs called Emergen-C around that we mix with OJ when we fill a sick coming on…they work! Get well!

  12. Sharon Nicholes

    Ok, I have the perfect solution. I will be there in the morning to take care of you. In return you can show me the rest of your home. Just the glimpses that I have seen it is so beautiful. Fell better soon.

  13. Lovely and so cozy surrounded by beautiful and memorable items………..get better soon.

  14. Teddee Grace

    What a good idea! I don’t think those existed when I was a child, though. The silver lining…you’re not going to the brocante where you would have caught the cold if you hadn’t already caught it!

  15. So sorry to hear that you’re sick. You sound just miserable! Take care of yourself in the way that works for you.

  16. There’s no place like home and your very own beautiful bedroom when you are sick. I want to live in your bedroom…it’s so lovely
    and soulful. We are missing France terribly..!

  17. Get better soon, Corey! So sorry you are sick, but what a comfy, beautiful room in which to recuperate. Hugs from Florida!

  18. I do hope by now you are beginning to feel better.

  19. La Contessa

    Feel better and GO check out my blog today in BED!I have a new POST up…………you may enjoy!

  20. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    I shall keep this in mind, Diogenes. A very good Health Tip!

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