Pockets Have a Purpose


Fragment 19th century flapper decor


When you are married to a French Man and if you are not French, the first thing you must understand about the French is that everything must have a reason or a purpose. It simply cannot be… just because.

Anyway as most of you know I have been out of it with a cold. This morning when I woke up I did not feel myself but far better than the days before, I was happy-ready to jump out of bed and get going.

Then the Bad Nurse (French Husband's newest name) came in, and one thing lead to another, which reminded me that I have misplaced one of my coats which has my visa card in its pocket…

The Bad Nurse started going on about how putting important things in your pocket is not a good ideas. Pockets are not made for important things, and how could I have lost my coat!

Oh that poor French Soul, that poor Bad Nurse, that poor French Husband… 

First pockets have a purpose, and a reason.

Second I like pockets.

Third purses are a pain and I do not like them, cute yes, carrying them no.

Fourth things can be misplaced and not lost, Misplaced does not mean lost.

Fifth just because I misplaced something does not mean I have to find it the second I cannot remember where I put it.

The Bad Nurse rolled his eyes, then looked at me without any understanding as to what I was talking about. In his world:

Misplaced is lost.

Lost is lost.

And lost means find it now.

Made feeling sick yesterday seem like a holiday.

The end of the day nears, and I haven't thought of my coat nor visa card. I trust it is somewhere where I have yet to look.



17 responses to “Pockets Have a Purpose”

  1. Oh I hope you find your coat with credit card soon and also feel better too.

  2. Hoping you are feeling much better soon. The bad nurse & I are quite similar in nature . . . So right now I’m feeling very French! Lol

  3. Ah, the Flu episode almost over…
    Sigh, the last 5 days have been…surprising amazing!
    Lying in bed, all day, for 5 days, binge watching 24 episodes of House of Cards.
    Eating very little, sleeping lots, fresh pj everyday, 3 warm showers a day.
    No work, no email, no phone calls. Ordered in, Burmese takeouts.
    Note to self: schedule a 5 day, bed-cation regularly from now on. No need to travel, plan pack, entertain. Thank you, Flu! For giving me a new idea for future vacations!

  4. So glad that you are felling better. Tomorrow will be even more so! I’m sure you’ll find your coat and card soon. Have a lovely day 😉

  5. Eeks! ‘Feeling’ better not felling!

  6. Shelley Noble

    C’est la vie, n’est-ce pas?
    My husband suffers under a similar sad illusion. That every mistake is strictly due to a moment of inattention. And that anything less than a total, constant attention to every aspect and possible contingency of life is the only way to avoid having problems.
    Of course this is not possible to do, nor should it be. We do our best in a practical way and the rest is perhaps up to life.

  7. I wish I had your confidence, I get so worried when I have misplaced my credit card or wallet now.

  8. Pam Norwood

    Honey, this is how ALL men are!! It will show up!!

  9. I rarely carry a purse so lipstick and credit cards are always in my pockets. Not the best idea but glad for washer/dry because it is usually where I find them.

  10. My Italian Husband is just like your French Husband ! I think they are all the same ! Hope you’re feeling much better and the coat and card have turned up ….Hugs …Cookie …xxx

  11. Teresa Young

    Girls…I can tell you not all men are like that. French, Italian, American…whatever. My husband and Corey would be very similar. It would show up. I on the other account, would be sick with worry. I set on a bank board and see people get their identities stolen with stolen credit cards. Also, I have seen people’s credit wrecked from a card being stolen. So, this has taken away my free nature of such things. Its a matter of what you deal with in life everyday.
    Corey…hope you are on the mend…and I hope you find that card to relieve some of that stress from Yann. Now, I know why he carries the money at the brocantes. LOL.

  12. That’s one of the most eloquently funny, economically articulate, charming story thing you’ve written in a while (though I love all your blogs) and I am throughly in your camp! My husband won’t let me have that little bell to ring him from bed when I’m sick. Apparently, I abuse my privileges. Thank you for the smiles. Diane in San Rafael. CA.

  13. corey the reason it has been misplaced is because before this virus reared its ugly head you were sick- not yourself…I constantly say you have to watch me when I am tired sick overwhelmed or going out of my mind juggling a thousand things I misplace cards(credit bank etc) wallets keys important papers money just taken from the bank-so I totally get it not your fault not yourself-I am in total agreement I must have pockets I have grown to dislike carrying a handbag-although I really love certain ones I have and am drawn to vintage-you will find it for sure already asking St. Anthony and your guardian angel for intercession I am glad you are feeling more like yourself-good healthy thoughts

  14. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    Your week actually sounds rather heavenly. Aside from the coughing sneezing overheated achy feeling-like-heck parts.

  15. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    “Now, I know why he carries the money at the brocantes.” Ha!
    I did not know that. But yes. Not a bad plan.

  16. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    And Diane, you make me laugh. Having abused your bell privileges and all. I used to have a bell by my sickbed. I loved it. Husband did NOT. Now I keep my phone so I can call him (in the same house) so he doesn’t have to run up to the bell, find out what I want, then run down to get it, then run up again. Makes for a Less Worse Nurse-Husband.

  17. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    My bag is an extension of my body so that’s less an issue for me.
    In the matter of misplacing things (casually assuming they’ll turn up later) I’m on the same page with you.
    And it appears that PacNW Husband is on the same page with FH. It came as such a shock when we first married to learn his go-to position: when something is lost, Everything Must Stop Immediately And All Hands On Deck Searching Until The Missing Object Is Found.
    Because my personality type is this: once, when single, I dropped a contact lens on the floor and after a cursory, unsuccessful search, gave up and figured it would turn up; sure enough, it did the next day. (Though I will confess that one other time it turned up but had been stepped on so was in smithereens. Oh well.)
    I have learned that I have to drop everything and help look. It’s my lot in life, my trade-off for having a husband who’s perfect in almost every other way. Here’s to things not getting lost so we can get on with our lives!

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