If It Were a Snake It Would Have Bit Him



A very small stone figurine stands in one of the many displays in the Louvre. It appears to be of a woman flexing her muscles, her expression: Joyful pride.
Most likely she was holding something above her head, as her fisted hands are a result of being broken. It is dated 400 B.C.

Yesterday I wrote about misplacing my coat which in its pocket was my credit card. French Husband was flipping out that my credit card could be stolen, and that he was going to cancel my card since in his mind I had lost it.

All this craziness about coat and credit card.

This morning I checked the closet, where I hang my coat 99 percent of the time, it wasn't there. So I went into the kitchen opened the pantry door where I hang my coat 1 percent of the time and there it was with my credit card in the pocket. 

You see if it were a snake it would have bit French Husband several times as he opened that pantry door at least that many times over the last three days…

Coat in closet, wallet in pocket, French Husband happy, all is good. 

And to think that statue without coat, credit card, a French Husband, or a cold has survived since 400 BC. Rock on.




17 responses to “If It Were a Snake It Would Have Bit Him”

  1. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    But. She might have had other traumas in her long life. In fact, judging from her footless handless state, I’m pretty sure she has. She just never had to worry about husbands flipping out. maybe.

  2. Holding my sides as I laugh. Don’t get me started. I cancelled my credit card once after asking the husband to check the end of the bed. He didn’t even take the time to slide his hand between the mattress and foot board. Thanks a lot dude.

  3. Well, that’s because, if he’s anything like my husband, he has no idea what your coat looks like when not on you..;)

  4. So glad you found the coat and wallet with credit card. You sound like you are feeling better, I hope so.

  5. There was never a doubt in my mind that you would find the coat and credit card; my husband is the same way as FH and I am much like you–we have had this same situation in our house and I always find what is “lost” although to me it is merely temporarily hiding. ((hugs))

  6. Wow, that’s one of Farmboy Husband’s favorite expressions. Guess it’s typical of country folks (sez the city girl).
    BTW, nice use of the subjunctive!

  7. so glad all is well including you….ROCK ON is right!

  8. The minute I read the headline, I knew you’d found it. Happy for you.

  9. Teresa Young

    Happy for both of you….

  10. Shelley Noble

    Big picture perspective. Nice. Glad things were sorted!

  11. LOVE this. Rock on, indeed!

  12. Men are surface lookers, so if it isn’t immediately obvious they don’t look any further!!

  13. Everything you have written in these last two post could have been a day in my life. I totally get pockets, the handbag nuisance and forgetting where that darn thing is.
    Glad you’re feeling better.

  14. You rock!

  15. Same overhere. Ha ha
    Are you feeling better Corey?
    Its raining so much, how is the weather in beautiful Provence.

  16. Dear Corey I have not read your blog for days… How can that be? So I am caught up and I know you have been ill and you lost your coat with a credit card in the pocket, or I mean mis- placed your coat and now it is found. I have to admit I have been laughing… French husband sounds like the pill I must be… I cannot believe he walked in the room with the Kleenex over his face! Or can I?
    All to say, I am sorry you have not been feeling well… I hope you are up and at it and feeling much much better as the hours go by..
    by the way, .I usually am a good nurse and do not wear a Kleenex mask .
    Love you sweet blogger

  17. Yup! I certaily have misplaced my keys AND credit card AND driver’s license! I even went so far as to go to DMV and have a photo taken and new license issued! Few days later I found my keys and wallet had fallen under the skirt of a chair!! Did I ever feel stupid!
    Been there, done that. Lots items always show up when you aren’t looking for them.

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