A New Way to Carry my Keys

French Grill on our door


The front door to our apartment in Paris has a grill with an angel carrying the key. Looking at that I thought, "Yeah that will do, no need for a wallet, a purse or a pocket."

French Husband could be that angel… little does he know he already is, even when he is being all French and everything.

If you or someone you know are coming to Paris and need a place to stay remember our apartment http://willows95988.typepad.com/paris_apartment/

Also if you are on Facebook can you go "LIKE" our homepage for the French Muse where we put up daily doses of French brocante info, links, sites, how to, where to and etc.



French key corey amaro brocante



Please leave a comment so I can pick one of you to send a little antique key.

Here is the question:

When is the last time you misplaced something importanat? Did you find it? And please do not tell me you lost it okay 🙂


74 responses to “A New Way to Carry my Keys”

  1. I misplaced my son’s birth certificate and ss card three years ago while getting his drivers license. It’s still misplaced, but I know it’s here somewhere! 😉

  2. Misplaced fabric: I forgot I had placed it in the freezer for quarantine!

  3. ChicagoSheila

    Misplaced my car “key”– it is actually just a fob. I knew it was in the car, because the car would start and I could drive around. I looked every day for that darn fob. I had to take the extra key with me for two weeks just so I could lock the car (because the car won’t lock if I don’t have the key outside of the car). My friend found the lost key fob…in the car of course. I guess it is time to clean the car!!
    Also, we visited France a couple of years ago…misplaced my heart…found it in our vacation photos.

  4. Yesterday. My wallet. On the passenger seat floor with black carpet. I couldn’t see it.
    I’m always telling family members to rent your Paris casa. No luck yet.

  5. Janet Eiffel

    A couple of weeks ago I lost my husband at the Mall.
    We were sitting in one of those cozy sofa areas waiting
    for the Apple store to open. Meanwhile, I thought of something I needed at another store.
    I said “wait here, I’ll be back in a flash.”
    I returned (in a flash). Husband was gone!
    I sat and waited for almost an hour.
    Then I rang his cell phone, Him–WHAT!
    Me–where are you? Him–CAR!
    When I got to the car flames were coming from
    his ears !!!
    Husband found …………

  6. Enrollment paperwork for next year’s health care through my employer – fortunately I found it where I had put it “for safe keeping” with my time sheet (the meeting was yesterday).
    I love that you have an angel at your front door 🙂

  7. i lose all things all the time but they are only misplaced. I’ve stopped stressing about it when it is my wallet; it is always where i left it!

  8. My iPhone this morning. I panicked because I thought that I might have left it on top of the car when I was going out to exercise this morning at zero dark thirty. I’ve done that before and a neighbor found it in the street! So I went in the house and called it and it was in my car having slid down between the seats. Whew.

  9. I have misplaced my house keys. Some can be replaced, but not the worn leather key holder
    I have used for 30 years. Many times I have seen a new leather ring that I like, but cannot part with the old special leather one initialed with my heart, with keys that opened favorite places, many memories attached to the keys and ring. The keys, worn by time, some new, some old, unused, but kept close like old friends. I hope they are only misplaced, that they will show up smooth and worn in my pocket again.

  10. Natalie Thiele

    Sunglasses! I love ’em and lose ’em. I refuse to go the cheap sunglasses route because they are on my face and part of me. Occasionally I have to track down identical replacements. Sometimes an old pair shows up years later.
    Last week I found my red sunglasses in my traveling makeup bag. I was so relieved, but also realized that I must not be going away often enough!
    Hope your keys show up soon!

  11. Natalie Thiele


  12. I put my engagement ring in a small paper cup and put the cup on top of the refrigerator one time when I was cleaning house and had some workmen around inside, too. I didn’t want to take the time to go put it away properly. I forgot where I put it, but found it months later when I was cleaning off the top of the refrigerator. I thought it had been taken.

  13. Living in California we are aware of fire danger and so we have a small fire-proof lockbox for passports, precious family photos and jewelry. The other day I looked for it everywhere and couldn’t find it. Went through all the possible places in the house. Oy. Where was it?
    Finally my son reminded me that we’d put it in the crawlspace under the house when we went on vacation, thinking it would be safer there. From now on when I hide things I’ll write myself a note. Otherwise what I’ve hidden will be even safe from me!

  14. I found my glue gun today after looking for it for months. I’m still looking for a keyring with an extra set of house, car, and mailbox keys. I know it’s here somewhere.

  15. Sharon Nicholes

    Years ago I misplaced my son’s glasses. I know impossible right? He was little and goofing around in the living room and I told him to take them off, which he did. Later I was picking up the toys etc in the living room and put the glasses someplace so as not to loose them. Well yes when my son later said where are my glasses I simply could not remember. Did I mention that the glasses had brown frames, and that is was Christmas? Look…look.look some more no luck. Ready to go to the eyeglass shop the next day, leaving through the living room door, turn off the lights and grab my keys off the entryway table with a cute little pine cone tree and remembered I put the glasses on the tree. True story, every thing was brown and blended perfectly!

  16. Your post reminded me of my grandmother. When she lost something she would say a prayer to St. Anthony. She would say ” Sainte Antoine de Padue, aidez mois retrouver ce que j’ai perdu.” She said that in his time St. Anthony would always return her lost items. She was English but always said the prayer in French, not sure why… lovely memories!

  17. Misplaced glasses……always find them later, but it is a real pain when I can’t find them and will be driving home in the dark! Have had to resort to wearing dark glasses at night to drive home a couple of times (realllllly dark)!

  18. Some items I always put back in their usual place, so I know where to find them.
    Some new items I put in crazy places, because it’s easy to remember something silly.
    But when I put a new item in the most logical place, it seems I then tend to forget where, just because it’s so logical.

  19. My mind! Thankfully I always find it. 😋. Ooooooh, I want that antique key ……..

  20. Yesterday I misplaced the remote for the garage door…it should be in the car as I used the remote to close the door as I left for work, BUT on returning home at the end of the day I couldn’t find the remote to open the garage door. I have searched my car 3 times and still the remote is ‘misplaced’!
    PS. I am glad we are having such lovely weather and it is not raining as I have to get out of my car to open the garage door manually.

  21. Well, when my Grandma died my mom gave me her beautiful gold locket from England with a diamond in it. When we went on vacation I wadded it up in foil and put it in the freezer safe from robbers or fire.(??) The day we got home my husband cleaned the freezer and trashed it. (unknowingly.) I was so sad that he went to the dump and tried to find our garbage. Lost cause. I will always feel bad about it. He smelled like a garbage truck when he got home 🙂

  22. this entry should WIN! So sweet about leaving her heart in France 🙂

  23. Renee McLeod

    I lost my piano playing glasses a few years ago. My husband found them when he pulled one of the big drawers out in the kitchen. There was all kinds of stuff back there! Great place to hide jewelry or other valuables.

  24. Yes! I also misplaced my credit card and hunted in my two handbags several times, through my wallet, in the car, under the car seats, phoned the last cafe I had been to, dreamt about it, and my husband Michael said look in your pockets…no, no, I did not wear a coat that day. Two days later I went to my wardrobe, felt in the pocket of my black puffer coat……Yay, there it was!! I was speechless, husband was smug…..Is it an age thing? LOL

  25. Laurie SF

    Natalie, the textile department at FAMSF (San Francisco’s de young and Legion of Honor fine art museums) has a custom freezer to accomdate all incoming large tapestries and textiles. Moths are a conservator’s worst enemy. The freezer takes care of any looming pesky pests.

  26. Laurie SF

    Lose my keys and wallet daily.
    They always turn up, but never in the same place. I’m a tornado.

  27. Cynthia Rieth

    I put away some very expensive jewelry in my closet when I had workers coming; forgot I had hidden it and finally found it two weeks later!

  28. I lose things on a daily basis – car keys, house keys, even my wallet on a recent trip. My solution is to pray to St. Anthony who in every case, but one has found my missing item right away, except one time when I lost a small Hermes scarf! I told him if he was alive today, he’d be a billionaire. He even helped me find an antique ring that went down the drain.
    Laura G.

  29. Tongue in Cheek

    Oh Elaine… if that happened here… I would be tonight’s dinner.

  30. Tongue in Cheek


  31. Tongue in Cheek

    kills the feast-ers! without being toxic.

  32. Tongue in Cheek

    “…Also, we visited France a couple of years ago…misplaced my heart…found it in our vacation photos.”
    Love that!

  33. Tongue in Cheek

    Thanks D. You gotta come first! Because if your family comes without you I will scream!

  34. Tongue in Cheek

    Your husband and my husband could have a BBQ together.

  35. Tongue in Cheek

    Oh no! Did all turn out well?
    Thinking of you everyday Star!

  36. Tongue in Cheek

    we think alike!

  37. Tongue in Cheek

    Your phone is one tough cookie!
    Good on you for exercising, no way could I before sunrise!

  38. Tongue in Cheek

    Poetic lost and found!

  39. Tongue in Cheek

    Sunglasses, I cannot wear them because I flat out cannot manage taking sunglasses off to wear my real glasses. In fact one year I left home with my sunglasses on and spent the next five weeks in Willows wearing Sunglasses for everything, day and night.

  40. Tongue in Cheek

    Lucky duck!

  41. Tongue in Cheek

    Lol! Now you have to find a new hiding place too, since we all know 😉

  42. Tongue in Cheek

    As long as the glue gun wasn’t turned on….

  43. Tongue in Cheek

    It is a good thing you found them, because then santa would have had to bring a new pair!

  44. Tongue in Cheek

    In any language praying to St Anthony works. My prayer usually goes like this: “Okay it is me again… I know what I am asking for is pretty low on the importance chart but there you go…” St Anthony is pretty cool.

  45. Tongue in Cheek

    …really dark, lol!

  46. Tongue in Cheek

    I understand. 😉

  47. Tongue in Cheek

    Ask and you shall receive!

  48. Tongue in Cheek

    oh no! St Anthony might have to come to the rescue!

  49. Tongue in Cheek

    oh no Dee! I am sorry.

  50. Tongue in Cheek

    Oh what other treasures did you find?

  51. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi Helen, Yeah when that happens I think someone is playing a trick on me!

  52. Tongue in Cheek

    Not an earthquake?

  53. Tongue in Cheek

    Glad you found it!

  54. Tongue in Cheek

    Our Saint Anthony is a hunk!

  55. I think that it is time for a Saint Anthony intervention! Repeat Please: Tony, Tony Look Around ,Something Lost Must Be Found!!!P.S.Look in all of the pockets of the clothing that you were wearing when you were shopping with your friends.

  56. Did you go back to the shops where you purchased your new clothes? I am praying for you! Please Saint Anthony!!!

  57. Chris Wittmann

    I constantly misplace things on a daily basis. Nothing new for me. But now here’s a really bizarre one for you. Late April of this year I lost my sense of taste and smell. Not kidding. It hasn’t come back yet either but for a few faint scents of a handful of things. I can’t enjoy my food anymore, can’t smell the roses in my garden, can’t even smell the soaps i make. I have to label everything so I know which soap is which. My husband is no help as his sense of smell was never great anyway. Allergies were bad this year but the loss happened before that. Guess I should get tests, but I haven’t as yet. In any case, I do intend to send soaps your way this holiday season, and for the gal who inquired, the 2 spoiled kitties are doing well, but we lost our barn kitty during the terrible winter we had. He just disappeared.
    Other than that, I’ve misplaced old family photos but happily found them eventually.

  58. I misplaced my insulin pump while at the local hair salon and could not find it after traveling the 1 hour back to home
    Luckily when I called after searching the car and the house they had it with my name on it at the desk waiting
    Whew would have cost 3500 to rep;lace
    not mentioning needing to go back to taking insulin via injections while waiting for the new one to come in the mail
    Hubby would have been very angry as well

  59. Darlene Schueler

    Oh Corey I have “hidden” many things in my house. Last was checkbook which lives in the same drawer always. I frantically searched the drawer and house for weeks. Then I yanked the drawer out all the way, and sure enough, the checkbook was wedged against the back and I could not see it. Even putting things in their place doesn’t always help me. Ta

  60. Darlene Schueler

    What a good thing to know.

  61. Darlene Schueler

    That is my life. Aggravating.

  62. Molly Johnson

    Well…a couple of weekends ago after perhaps one too many cocktails I pretty sure I lost my dignity!

  63. Darlene Schueler

    My aunt lost hers from a blow to the head. Always said food tasted like cardboard. We teased her for using butter and gravy. She said she remembered what it tasted like. Good luck to you.

  64. My husband and I took our first trip to New York in our mid 20’s. Of course we had to go to Tiffany’s. We decided to buy me a tiny gold whistle on a thin little chain. (It was the least expense thing we could find). It came in a tiny velvet bag. Years later, I was wearing it shopping. I wasn’t feeling well but decided to trying on something anyway. I must have pulled off the necklace as I changed the shirt. I didn’t miss it at the time and it was gone when I return. I’m still sad about it but I still have the little bag.

  65. Chris Wittmann

    Well I know it wasn’t a blow to the head! But I’m really surprised at how many people have the same issue. And no matter how many tests they’ve undergone the doctors come up with nothing. I too am using memory and texture to try and enjoy food. You have no idea how you miss those senses until they’re gone.

  66. Often misplace random thoughts, but they come again eventually. I think I already like the French Muse. Oh now that I am thinking on this I am curious about your apartment rental for 3 nights in May 2016.

  67. blissfarmantiques@gmail.com

    I forgot that I hid 10 $100 bills after I did a show! They were under the stack of pants in my closet. I was so happy when I cleaned my closet and found them:)

  68. to freeze any bugs: ie lice or bedbugs.

  69. It was just me though, he would not be so tricky…..he would not dare!

  70. Tongue in Cheek

    lol, no not you Molly!! lol!

  71. Tongue in Cheek

    Oh that made me sad. I really don’t like when that happens. I am sorry.

  72. Tongue in Cheek

    OH I hope you will join us one way or another!!

  73. Tongue in Cheek

    That would make me happy!!

  74. Tongue in Cheek

    Omg! How scary. Glad all ended well.

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