Month: October 2015
“How many Frenchmen does it take to change a light bulb?”
Until the candles melt away. So I say Cassis the wrong way, it is not pronounced with the "s" at the end, like Paris is not pronounced with the "s" on the end. When I wrote about that yesterday…
Oh well, I am who I am and Cassis is still Cassis.
Anyone who has read my blog for a short while knows I am in love with Cassis, from the first moment until this day. I claimed it my New California, well actually Westport, California. Not that the two look…
A Bunch of Things
A bunch of little things from Paris to Provence. 18th century piece of red toile and a small catch tray. Some things I keep, most things I sell. That is the trade off… if…
Chelsea’s Home Coming
When I married French Husband, left California and moved to France, I made a promise to myself that I would "go home" at least once a year for a month. As the years rolled on I had babies, and those…