The Famous Question… Toilet Paper and Friendship

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Last night our friends Trisha and her husband Ben came over. Trisha I met through blogging a few years ago. Out claim to instant miracle is that we met for a drink in Paris as Trisha was on her way home to the States. Though a few weeks earlier Trisha had asked me if I could find her a large chunky monkey crystal chandler. Long story short I did, so instead of a drink we went straight to the antique shop that was closing in 15 minutes. Longer story made shorter, Trisha loved the chandler yet how was she going to get it home since it wasn't something you could never slip into a carry on. We walked the streets in record breaking speed, found a box, then had the antique shop call a taxi, while we dismantled the chandler into the box the size of a baby elephant.

The chandler made it back to the States. When Trisha took it too be rewired the black iron chandler was gilded underneath and the crystals tagged… yes it was that dirty. Later Trisha found out that the several hundred dollar chandler that I found was worth 10000 dollars.

Of course the next time Trisha came to France she took me out to dinner to celebrate our first meeting and great find.

Anyway I am way off the subject… last night while Trisha and Ben with at our house the famous question was asked again…


Why does France have a passion for pink toilet paper? I am not talking pink as in isn't that cute. But France has more pink toilet paper than white toilet paper. 

As Sacha has said before: "When you get pass the nice things to talk about, and start talking poop and toilet paper you know who your real friends are."

Thank you for being my friends



If I had pink toilet paper I would have put a picture of it. Secondly, brocante is my thing… so old is gold not pink.



10 responses to “The Famous Question… Toilet Paper and Friendship”

  1. Of course I had to Google the pink toilet paper thing. ‘Cause I can never let a sleeping dog lie.
    Apparently in France it’s all made from recycled paper, which would be gray, so they dye it. Pink is the best selling color in the Paris region, apparently, so that’s why it is everywhere.
    I prefer mine white and quilted, but a big chandelier would be even better than a roll of TP. Apparently there is a company in Portugal that is famous for its black toilet paper, which you can get on Amazon:

  2. Hysterical– chandelier, super find and pink toilet paper. Love it!

  3. Ourfrenchoasis

    Amazing find, I can imagine it is beautiful and the pink loo paper, I have never questioned it before, despite having lived in France for many years, but, like you, I have always marvelled at the amount of pink paper in the supermarkets! We are going to dinner with French friends, whom I should add we know very well, this evening, I shall ask them why!!!

  4. Ourfrenchoasis

    After your comment, I decided to google pink loo paper in France, I was amazed, it seems a very popular topic, after a while I gave up reading all the explanations and theories, but it seems everyone has something to say on the topic and it has certainly not gone un-noticed!!!

  5. RebeccaNYC

    Ugh, that pink TP. I never buy it. For some reason it just grosses me out. and I agree with Sacha…you know you are good friends when you can talk about your bowels.

  6. Sharon Nicholes

    Here’s a thought everyone could see the pink TP, if Corey would use it as packing for shipments. I agree with Sasha you are a true blue and trusted friend when you get moved up to the poop and TP topics!

  7. Sharon Nicholes

    Ahhh light bulb moment, we were included in the true friendship topic, we must all be good friends too?

  8. …but it is not just pink toilet paper — there are other colours, including mint green, yellow, pale lavender. (hip places have black, bright turquoise and fuschia). But apart from being coloured, French toilet paper can also come scented.
    Shopping for toilet paper in France was always an experience!
    (for the record, my favourite was super thick quilted white paper called Just One — not sold in North America)
    But oh, the chandelier!!!! I wish there were pictures!

  9. Chris Wittmann

    That’s too funny, but I’ll bet French toilet paper is no match for the awful scratchy stuff they had in England and probably still do. I actually wrote a letter home on it, it was that stiff and scratchy….almost like waxed paper! And it had a horrible antiseptic smell like creosote. Pink would’ve been fine if it had been soft! I sure hope they don’t still use that stuff

  10. Stubblejumpin Gal (Kate)

    I would like to see this pink toilet paper … .

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