Brocante Buddies
Look how they are taken life in as the antique dealers and treasure hunters walk by.
Today was the first day that autumn seem to give way to winter.
The Brocante Buddies huddled closer.
I would have froze if I had been doing anything other than brocanting (Brocanting a Franglais word of my own. Brocante means an upscale flea market. Brocanting is when someone goes antiquing.)
French Husband did not dig the brocante at first, not in the least… but after tagging along with me these last three years, he is my Brocante Buddy.
One thing he has discovered is that he gets a kick out of loved old worn stuffed animals. Whenever we see one we have to take its photo, then coo at it, "Oh aren't you soooo cute?"
We haven't bought many of them, maybe two or three, though I have a feeling that could change. 'Cause when I come home and look at the photos I feel I have left a little friend behind.
Most of them are stuffed with straw. Their fur has worn velvet smooth. Usually a limb, or an eye or both are missing. Though as the Velveteen Rabbit told us:
A heart is made whole by the act of loving and being loved.
Brocante Buddy you have my heart.
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