Gathering Brocante

gathering peace


In an old box: A pair of children's slippers,

a bonnet of the same fabric with sequins sewn around the crown,

a letter, a baby tooth and a carved calcite of a Eros.

Sweet souvenirs.

How do you let your inner child lead you?


1900s Theatrical Hat


A theatrical hat: Golden fabric sewn over an elaborate wire design with a few bits and bobs adding bling to a bling thing that it already is. When did it last perform? Was it a hit? Did the darling who danced with such a glamorous hat wear heels? How tall was she from head to toe? Or should I say top of her hat to the point of her shoe? Did she bring the house down?

What would your diva name be?

Mine in Coco Puff.




A hundred or so old letters stacked and tied with twine. From the dust gathered, and the crease of the pages, I daresay they haven't been read in over a hundred years.

Kept secrets. 

Left as is.



cupid's backside


Two bronze cupids, broken off a lamp, or a candlestick…


eve undercover


I spy

Eve undercover.



antique bird


This little bird flew to the States…



image from


Flowers in a vase, oil painting on canvas which is barely hanging on to the frame.

And yet it does.



Nude man


This charcoal drawing that I loved, went for over 1600 Euros on Ebay.


Oh well back to the brocante drawing board.



Nude female painting


This one is still on EBAY… I wonder if she is looking at him.

Two for the price of one.

"Santa? I know what I want."




wings waiting


"Dare you to go first!"

"No, you, first."

"I went first last time."

"No you didn't."

Wings waiting to fly.

Are you a leader or more of a follower?



8 responses to “Gathering Brocante”

  1. My diva name would be Sparkle- or Double d (not bra size) just kinda hip hop like SPARKLE DOUBLE DEEE … I reserve the right to change my diva name-It may depend on my mood….and leader at timesand a follower others —-depending on situation at hand-

  2. cynthia wolff

    such an amazing theatrical hat….and the delicate hand…

  3. I am neither a leader or a follower, but a wanderer.

  4. I’d want to be called Cupcake. We would play Follow the Cupcake, but I’d get bored and want to know what you’d do if you were leading…so we’d play Follow the Coco Puff.

  5. Oh, diva (or burlesque) name..I’ve always joked it’d be Lucious Cheesecake but I also like Pinkie “Bubbles” Champagne & Velveeta O’Reilly..ok, I see we have food names! 😄

  6. I was called Sweet Pea when I was little as I loved to sing and dance to the Tommy Roe hit -SWEET PEA”!!!! Definitely have my inner child all sewn up in that song!! Do you remember it Corey?? The video is google worthy😉

  7. Janice@Curtains In My Tree

    My Diva name would be Madame Sterling
    Sorry you didn’t get your guy off ebay
    Merry Christmas’ Janice

  8. Corey, it looks like Yann could have posed for that picture ???

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