Capturing What I find Beautiful

Corner statue



A crown on her head, roses of the softest shade.

Along the streets of France history surrenders itself to anyone who wants to see.

Caressing my path, filling my desire… I sigh.

"You are under my skin."

The petals of her crown land at my feet.



Olive tree shutter


Though it is not all a bed of roses in France, no place every is, it is a matter of choice, it is a matter of how one sees beauty or the beast around them.

The hand of both reaches out asking us silently with determination:

"Which will you hold? The rose or the thorn?"



French door knocker



How many times have I wanted to knock on such a door, and take a peek simply to see what is inside…

"If it looks this good on the outside imagine what it looks like inside!"

Imagination helps weave a path.

So does trust, so does believing, so does holding on to that which is good.




Pink-hinge corey amaro


Call me crazy, but I find this beautiful.

Some would say, "Yep, crazy!"

 I could walk a thousand streets just to see more.

Have you ever felt something that is hard to explain, that has gotten under your skin, that leads you to yourself and sets you on fire? Like a song that makes you want to dance?

Love. Life. The age worn peeling wonder of it all.



Window view



Not shiny, not new, not in style, just standing the test of time, still winning hearts.

No need to change: Shutter, lantern, stone wall, roses climbing… Classic Provence.

"God, is that the gift I see?"

That I can be myself, simply me.

The history before me, the soul of time, I am a part of that, so are you, woven piece by piece.

All is good.



Passage between




Like a crown above a doorway a few carved words remained: "Au Lait"

"Milk" it said.

"Cream!" I smiled.

Two hundred years old or more, I am so glad it remains.

France how did you become so faithful to old beauty? 



Hinge shutter



A hinge on a shutter, with a curl at the end.

That is what I am talking about.

The moment of surprise, the wondrous little surprises!

A curl.

The eye opener, that makes you catch your breath, quicken your step and fills your heart with enough "Wow" that smiling stays with you throughout the day.



Peeled back



Art without trying to be.

Living art.

Being art.

An artistic way, layer by layer, lives intertwined, with the passage of time.

Seeing beauty when nothing is telling you that it is.



  French alcove


Between two windows an alcove,

a pedestal of sort,

a base and a crown though the statue is missing.

Pregnant space.

Waiting for us to stand and say,

"Here I am."



An angel


An angel overhead, 

under a broken window.

A lady walking down the street asked me, "What are you taking a photo of?" 

I offered, "The angel above the door, with the broken window above it."

But under my breath I thought, "Capturing what I find beautiful."



13 responses to “Capturing What I find Beautiful”

  1. and you do it so wonderfully-capturing beauty!

  2. I believe that GOD in His infinite and constant love wants us to be happy. I also believe that He gives us beauty on a daily basis. All we have to do is be still enough to experience it. Mother Nature is His assistant and a fabulous artist is she. I am so grateful that you share what you see Corey. Thank you.

  3. I love all the same things you do, Corey. Kindred Spirits.
    A brand new year.
    I didn’t miss one entry you wrote last year and am looking forward to being on the ride with you in 2016. Thanks for the memories 🙂
    P.S. Checked out the French guy in the Dept. Store. I’ll keep looking…

  4. I “touch and agree” Nancy. Beautifully said.

  5. I think France is the perfect soul home for you
    Thankyou for always being so inspiring
    Xxgod bless

  6. I get breathless over the same things, and I think it’s amazingly wonderful that you still do after living there so many years. It is so brimming with detail that discovering it is never ending. I am most thankful to share the sacred gifts that you offer, your loving photos and your heartfelt words.

  7. Thank you for restoring the feeling that France’s beauty is most definitely under my skin. I’m still working on my francaise and I will find a way ! Thanks, Corey

  8. Marilyn Marcus

    Your words take my breath away this Sunday morning! Thank you!

  9. I feel the same way about Paris. The pictures are beautiful!

  10. Teddee Grace

    …”France how did you become so faithful to old beauty?” You have described perfectly the difference between France and the U.S. For those of us who see detail, France must be heaven. Thank you so much for the lovely, lovely photos and Happy New Year!

  11. That’s a lovely phrase about France & beauty..I’m so glad for that faithfulness. Here most people can’t see the beauty in the past & tear it down for new cheap construction..ugh! There are some preservationists who are saving the “old” (obviously our history isn’t as old as Europe) buildings & turning them into hip shops so gotta be grateful for kindred souls.

  12. Your words are so beautiful and poetic. Oh for the surprises and eye openers along life’s path.

  13. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    And thank you for walking about, taking photos there of what you find beautiful in France, and sharing them with those of us who can only be there rarely if ever (for some.)

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