Our Journey in Greece


Our travels to Greece and Italy


On our journey we went to Greece and Italy, my Belle Mere, Alice, French Husband and I travelled together for two weeks. We had a wonderful time, the weather was oddly flawless. My Belle Mere, her name is Monique, but I have always called her Bonne Maman, like the French confiture; Well actually her grandchildren called her Bonne Maman, so I did too, and so do our children. Anyway Bonne Maman rarely sat, and when she did I took this photo. She never said no to anything, was gamed for everything, no matter how many stairs or how far away. When we returned to the ship, she would go to the jacuzzi, the sauna and then dance until midnight. Some would say they hope to be like that at her age 86, but I say I hope to be like that now.





Alice was twenty thousand steps ahead of us, of course she is young, so it stands to reason. But considering she was hanging out with us three older folk I was impressed she didn't ditch us.

Alice leaves for her homeland in Australia in February we are going to feel the empty nest feeling again.






When we got off the ship in Volos (Greece) we took a taxi to Meteora. Talk about stunning landscape. Photo-opt central! This is the sort of place you want to drive around, pray for fog or clouds to give depth to your photos, and have the different play of light throughout the day. 

If only I had my camera… but I gotta say the cell phone did a good job considering.

To see incredible photos click on this sentence.







meteora greece



"The Meteora, literally "middle of the sky", "suspended in the air" or "in the heavens above" is one of the largest and most important complexes of Greek Orthodox monasteries, second only to Mount Athos. The six monasteries are built on natural sandstone rock pillars, in central Greece.

Caves in the vicinity of Meteora were inhabited continuously between 50,000 and 5,000 years ago. The oldest known example of a man-made structure, a stone wall that blocked two-thirds of the entrance to the Theopetra Cave, was constructed 23,000 years ago, probably as a barrier against cold winds.

In the 9th century AD, ascetic group of hermit monks moved up to the ancient pinnacles; they were the first people to inhabit Meteora since the Neolithic Era. They lived in hollows and fissures in the rock towers, some as high as 1800 feet above the plain. This great height, combined with the sheerness of the cliff walls, kept away all but the most determined visitors. The hermits led a life of solitude…" Via Wiki




monastery greece


Nowadays there are stairs going to the monasteries, so you do not need to be roped up as before. 



meteora going up


Up we went. Bonne Maman in heels with her clutch, "Are you okay?" I asked knowing the answer, but asked anyway, "Oui, oui, oui, just an everyday promenade."  She likes to say things in three: "No no no", "Oui oui oui" and her favorite is a tsk sound, "tsk tsk tsk." I wonder if she wrote a blog what she would say about me. THANK GOD she doesn't.




meteora greece



We visited three of the monasteries.

We were told that in the summer the lines are miles long.

Though in January we walked right in. I do not think I would do it in the summer. Crowds are not my thing, nor the heat.





meteora greece



A few stairs here and there and everywhere.





meteora greece



Rather stairs then being roped up.



meteora greece


"I am the official photographer," I teased, "Strike a poise."

Since French Husband's mom lives on the other side of France we only see here a few times a year. This trip was special for Yann as he was able to be with her, for two weeks without work or daily life activities. I figured the least I can do was let them have their moment, and take photos to show you what a tough little cookie she is.

One of my favorite things to do is tell people my Belle Mere's age… Their expression goes into shock, and then they look her up and down, those perfect legs, her wrinkle free face (not fair!) and then they say, "Incredible." I do not say my age, but I have thought to say I am 95 just to have an incredible reaction too. 





greece meteora



This is the loading dock where the monks use to haul up and down monks and supplies.

Stairs have my vote, and your vote too if you saw the drop.




the cave greece





greece meteora





greece monastery





monastery greece on rock pillars




greece meteora monastery



On the left side of the photo you can see the rope bag that the monks still use to bring up supplies.








image from https://s3.amazonaws.com/feather-client-files-aviary-prod-us-east-1/2016-01-28/38d525f579e4494bb335c4793253a648.png



Monastery on a sandstone pillar.




corey amaro in Greece



We walked up there!



29 responses to “Our Journey in Greece”

  1. teresa cesario

    Awesome Post Corey! Have enjoyed your blog for a long time now. Thank you!!

  2. What is it about some people in their 70s and 80s?
    My folks (ages 79 & 76) are in the middle of a 3 week trip to Columbia and Panama. In April they will go on another 3 week safari!
    Meanwhile, I sit here, working and dreaming of such a time.
    Wonderful photos Corey. So glad your husband and your mother-in-law got to enjoy the time together.

  3. I don’t know which is more impressive, Yann’s mother or Meteora. Both are beautiful!

  4. All amazingly, beautiful pictures along with the beautiful people. You are all so blest…Thank you, Corey.

  5. Clearly Yann and his mother have a close relationship; so nice to see him be attentive to her.
    Beautiful photos once again today, Corey.

  6. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    All those glorious views and photos and what do I focus on? Bonne Maman’s SHOES! I keep watching her feet as the photos scanned by, hoping to see what stylish footwear she was going up those steps in. Finally! A picture with the feet showing, and those 3 lovely straps and great shape. Wish I could see them exactly, like a photo of ONLY the shoesies. Which I quite like.

  7. I am impressed you all made it up there, but especially your Bonne Maman! What gorgeousness! Truly beautiful! Words don’t do it justice.

  8. George in Brooklyn

    Check out the James Bond film — “For Your Eyes Only”. The ending was filmed at Meteora. From what I have read, they were only allowed to film the exteriors. Interiors in the film were sound stages. A really beautiful place and post. Thank you.

  9. Wow, Corey
    I hope to visit these wonderful places one day.
    Oh, these gorgeous french women, so stylish and in control. Thanks for sharing your mother in law with us. Is she wearing nylons? Very nice.

  10. Janice@Curtains In My Tree

    amazing and beautiful pictures, I don’t think I could live on a cliff like that hanging over to just air LOL
    The monastery is a site to see thanks for sharing

  11. Absolutely beautiful! Thank you for sharing!

  12. I am truly impressed you took such wonderful pictures with your cell phone!

  13. Jacklynn Lantry

    Your belle mere is amazing!

  14. Wa-ow! Them’s some amazin’ views! I’d only seen something like that in an old movie, where they were hoisting up the actor on a rope..I wonder how the heck they built them hanging off the cliffs..yikes!
    Your belle mere sure is stylish & fit..I can see where Yann’s great bone structure comes from..so lucky. 😄

  15. They made ’em tougher back then, didn’t they?
    My 70 year old mother-in-law runs rings around me.
    I feel like a sloth!
    Enjoying your travel photos enormously.

  16. Judi Delgado

    Well, now we know where Yann gets his good looks! What a beauty.

  17. I too was looking for a good shot of Bonne Maman’s shoes and WoW–tres chic! She is beautiful, Incredible for 86 indeed! I love her coat too.

  18. Gorgeous pictures! Beautiful post, and thank you for sharing.

  19. Thanks for sharing your wonderful family with all of us…..and your wonderful photos.

  20. Chico Sue

    I am not sure what blows me away more, the unearthly photos of this part of Greece, or your mother-in-law’s stamina. I am speechless. Thank you for sharing!

  21. Wow….I’d like some of her genes too….I’m sure these are moments French Husband will cherish all his life…Beautiful pics, btw.

  22. Wonderful pictures and story. Thank you!

  23. Drooling over these photos and want to go there. Thanks for the mini vacation.

  24. Marilyn Marcus

    Wow I want to go!

  25. I had to force myself to go more slowly as I was viewing the photos, one more incredible than the next, so I could truly take them in. Wow.

  26. The beautiful photos of Yann and his mother warm my heart and soul…she is truly a treasure, and he is wonderfully made to care for her and friends and family…so much love he shares. Beautiful.
    The monasteries on the cliffs are spectacular! I am terrified of heights and yet loved seeing every one of the beautiful photos. Thank you for a grand post today, and for sharing the whole story of your cruise and explorations on this trip.

  27. La Contessa

    I AM with YOU!I wish I had half the ENERGY SHE HAS!
    WHAT A TRIP…………………….XX

  28. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    I was just admiring her coat too.

  29. I love how French husband looks just like his mom – the way my son looks like me. FH will have these incredible shots to look back on. And, sweet Alice has memories that will last a life time. You all are blessed!

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