Unexpected Surprise at the Brocante

image from https://s3.amazonaws.com/feather-client-files-aviary-prod-us-east-1/2016-03-13/02a061e536c0400e83b4ec96f45db303.png


The unexpected surprise, the pleasure of two for one:

Thumbing through a book I had bought earlier,

a piece of paper folded between the pages.

A small painting.



image from https://s3.amazonaws.com/feather-client-files-aviary-prod-us-east-1/2016-03-13/289e977db2b640dd84e072e2cd6cd78f.png


As if whoever painted it, did so in a hurried state, though obviously with a talented hand.

A droplet of water stains the page, or maybe a delighted person's tear?



image from https://s3.amazonaws.com/feather-client-files-aviary-prod-us-east-1/2016-03-13/9bcf6543290649f2b98392d975fefb5f.png


Tiny waist, red hat, black gloves, pushed back hair,

a cigarette holder in one hand

and a letter in the other.

Can you hear her calling out to someone?

Or maybe she is leading the band before she does the can-can.



image from https://s3.amazonaws.com/feather-client-files-aviary-prod-us-east-1/2016-03-13/d54b753e255a443b9acfe80429ef3680.png


Just the right blotches and smears.


Was the painter infatuated with Mademosielle Parler-Vous?

I am.



image from https://s3.amazonaws.com/feather-client-files-aviary-prod-us-east-1/2016-03-13/c0d726d17e494cadaeb69eb6381ef5ef.png


Brocante surprises every single time.


Have you had any good surprises this week





12 responses to “Unexpected Surprise at the Brocante”

  1. Sue Young

    Hmmmmmm… Perhaps an undiscovered Toulouse- Lautrec?!?
    One can dream, n’est-ce pas???

  2. No surprises, but I love yours!

  3. Exquisite!

  4. I think it looks like she is conducting the score in one hand the baton in the other either way love it! so precious!

  5. That is the Baroness of the Brocante, aka Babette, helping you guide a French Muse group to treasures!

  6. Our French oasis

    What a gorgeous little painting, I would most certainly frame it. We had a huge surprise on Saturday, brocante at home! I went into the attic of our old French farmhouse, which I hardly ever do as it is difficult to get into and freezing cold, I was looking for some old tiles and I found an abandoned mirror, it’s beautiful, I never knew it was there. Anyway I was so excited, I wrote about that and other things on the blog yesterday!

  7. reimagined couture

    Such a lovely surprise, it is so lovely to open a book and something lovely drops out, little curiosities that never fail to make us smile and wonder.

  8. jend’isère

    Potential energy goes kinetic! Thanks for releasing her to energize us!

  9. La Contessa

    In a movie and EVACUATED because of a GAS LEAK…………it was at the GOOD PART!Will we ever see the end?

  10. Teddee Grace

    Love it. Make sure it’s not a Foujita!

  11. What a fun surprise, and obviously of a certain age by the clothing of the woman.

  12. I am emailing you about this Corey. xox

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