image from


This is the Fisherman's house in Cassis that we found in late August, and finialized the purchase in March. We started the work on the same day. The Fisherman's house is 700 square feet on three floors. We are in the process of a massive renovation. As what needed to be done, it would be easier to say what did not need to be done.                                         Simply put: Everything needed to be done.


The photo above shows the third floor which is the bedroom. We knocked the wall out that faced the port and took off the entire fake ceiling to bring in more light to the bedroom, also we wanted to reveal the beams. There was a ladder that accessed this bedroom, we covered that ladder entrance by rebuilding the floor, the stairs will come up on the left hand side of this photo, where there is a wooden barrier to remind us that there is a hole three floors down.  





The bedroom was wallpapered with pink roses, and there wasn't any electrical plugs. Renee and his father are stripping the pink rose wallpaper and are adding electrical outlets.





The pink rose wallpaper is behind and to the sides of this photo. There is a small skylight that we cannot enlarge. The beams are exposed, some of them will be roughen up so they "match" the older ones, then a white wash will be added to them since every beam in the Fisherman's House is different. 

The grand opening that you see is where we took out the wall, will have two fine round iron bars running lengthwise as a guard rail.




The stairs will come up here, on the left hand side.



image from


Before there was a wall here.

Now from the bedroom you can see the port, and from the bathroom which is under the bedroom you can see the port too.

The ceiling is very high which surprisingly allows the light of this one window to bounce around lighting the entire room. I purposely focused on the boat outside with my cell phone so you could see the boat and how close the port is.





Here you can see how light it is.

Yes that is one tiny cozy sitting room.





As we had to re-build the floor that had an opening for the ladder, then open a part of the floor on the opposite side for the stairwell, we had to reinforce the part we opened, since we cut through two main support beams. Renee bolted an iron rod from the floor to the ceiling and then covered the iron rod with this old beam I bought. He cut the beam lengthwise, then carved an opening, then encased the iron rod. Pretty cool no?





Renee's father stripping the wallpaper and re plastering the wall.



Pink rose wallpaper… And now what?




Looking down from the ledge.

I will feel safer once the stairs are in place.

The floor below we have to raise as it slants. We will be replacing the tiles with wood.



image from


In this photo I am looking down from the bedroom, pass the middle room, into the kitchen. If you look closely you can see the bathroom window underneath.

Yes ladders up and down, Renee and his Father are in such amazing shape, they never complain as they go up and down countless times in a day.







This is the air vent for the dryer, and for the bathroom. We had wanted to add an air conditioner but we are not allow to add anything on the facade or roof. This evacuation outlet is going through the chimney that was once present but had been removed long before we bought it.

If you have any questions I will try to answer them.




35 responses to “”

  1. oh! The color of that water!!!!

  2. Mais oui, c’est magnifique!

  3. I know there is a restaurant and storage areas one which was purchased along with the house-but my question is at one time was it all one property which was subdivided-looking good-

  4. Can you take the floor tiles to the place you got the beams and window and get credit? There is a store here that does that. That boat looks like it is 2 ft. from your door!

  5. Wow: I would sit in front of the window and never leave…..It’s coming together:)

  6. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    These tell the story well. Good job.
    “I will feel safer once the stairs are in place.” Of course, a girl can fall down stairs too. Says one who did it, falling “off” the bottom stair (I got distracted and forgot there was one more) and wrenched/sprained both feet. Still, that’s less worse than plunging 3 floors down.
    (Just had a thought. Is it your brother Mat-with-one-T who’s the architect? He must be enjoying this construction theme these days as a respite from “too much brocante”!)

  7. Getting there Corey!
    it is going to be fantastic!

  8. Jacklynn Lantry

    It looks like that boat is coming straight into the house! So cool!

  9. This is going to be amazing. Oh, the boats are so close. How exciting! Love the way the steel beam has been camouflaged.

  10. Diogenes

    I cannot believe you can see the water and boats so close. Beautiful.

  11. Wow Corey, I have been following your reno of the fishermans cottage…what a project, layout of love…creative minds at work, and true artisans too! I just love the little boat in the port view…will you be renting this from time to time? I would be very interested to know,..Sept, October? I want to paint in Cassis…. I want to paint that boat!
    Really love your posts. They come in at my bedtime…lovely reads. Thank you!

  12. oh Corey, I’m having dizzy spells every time I visit you…. all these hights without stairs, my heart can’t take it any more 🙂
    I also absolutely stop breathing going through your tales – I have been there but only partially so and I can’t imagine the total work you’re achieving in ‘no time’ and with only a crew of two. It’s über-amazing and brave and wonderful. But one thing bothers me since the beginning: In France, Renée is a girl’s name, so how come you deal with a young man with this name? They can’t be French, or do I learn something new here?
    God be with you all every hour of your busy days – kiss your artisans from me, they are worth their weight in gold. Wish I could have them here for a while!

  13. Chico Sue

    Incredible, simply incredible!

  14. Leigh NZ

    Wow, your latest photos really bring home the true space that you have to work with; it’s a postage stamp! I really admire you all for your vision for such a tight (but beautiful) space and all the restrictions that go with it. It’s all coming together now and when it’s complete I would love to see a photo of you sitting at the window sipping a well deserved glass of Rose wine!

  15. Tongue in Cheek

    It is that beautiful!

  16. Tongue in Cheek

    Yes. The same owner that sold as our part, remains the owner of the restaurant. There is another owner for the other storage space, that was sold years ago.

  17. Tongue in Cheek

    We could take them, but not for credit. They would cost more to take out then to try to save them. They are not so old, 1970s? The were so that were very old, but we could not save them.

  18. Tongue in Cheek

    That is a dream of mine too!

  19. Tongue in Cheek

    Exactly! We have three flights of stairs in our home. Actually, stairs are pretty much in every home in France. France has been building vertical for years… And yes my brother is certainly enjoying the process.

  20. Tongue in Cheek

    Fingers crossed!

  21. Tongue in Cheek

    That boat in front of the Fisherman’s house is the best looking boat! I am glad it is the one in front of us! It is about 8 to 10 meters away.

  22. Tongue in Cheek

    That’s the word, “steel beam” and yes Renee did it brilliantly.

  23. Tongue in Cheek

    Oh we do, the port is 8 to 10 meters away. From the windows we have an incredible view.

  24. Tongue in Cheek

    The sailboat in front of the fisherman’s house is not for rent. Though there are others available, and hourly boats that go to the inlets along the coast. We will be renting a few weeks out of the year. If you are interested let me know by email

  25. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi Kiki
    The crew Renee and his dad are French. Most names in France have a feminine and masculine counterpart: Francoise and Francois, Francis and Frances, Andre and Andree, Daniel and Danielle, Jean and Jeanne… and their are plenty of names that are both Feminine and Masculine:

  26. Tongue in Cheek

    Thank you.

  27. Tongue in Cheek

    Postage stamp indeed. Limited space to create is a challenge, but worth it. I am very fortunate to have such a good team.

  28. Not only have you and Yann had the gift of working together, and eventually enjoying your labor…but you are also being good stewards of the future of this little gem and the future of the port of Cassis!

  29. I am having such fun following your adventure!

  30. the boat shot is awesome. have loved seeing your progress,

  31. Claudia Strasser

    Congratulations, it’s exquisite…well, it will be when you’re through with it! Bon chance!! xoxo

  32. It is going to be so, so lovely! I would like to come visit for sure!

  33. Natalie Thiele

    What fun! From this end, things seem to be moving quickly. Wonderful to see your vision coming to life.

  34. Corey, is it possible that you have one foot in France and another foot in heaven?

  35. Just love the view from the bedroom down through the beautiful arched old window out to the port – I can really see how beautiful that space is going to be.

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