Someone to Guide Me Through


I was stressing out about something, I don't remember what, something unimportant now but was sapping my energy then. I was frustrated, poor French Husband became my focal point, though he wasn't the reason for my attitude he certainly was getting my grief as I barked up his tree.

Then something in his eye calmed me. Thankfully some small goodness in me stopped and held his gaze. In that brief second I caught the lifeline back to the real shore of my being.

I asked for a hug. Sounds simple, sounds corny. But that hug soothed my rough edges, putting me back on track.

That is what I love about him he takes my thorns and allows me to bloom.



16 responses to “Someone to Guide Me Through”

  1. Gorgeous words! I love that you notice these small things and share them with us. It causes me to notice too.

  2. dear Corey…I am sure you are also his “rock”. That is the way we should be.

  3. Diogenes

    Beautifully said. 🙂

  4. Lana Kloch

    so blest that your love is so beautiful… you regained your beautiful self with just a look..and recaptured your awesomeness..
    lana cano kloch

  5. Our French Oasis

    Beautiful words and how marriage and relationships should be

  6. Taste of France

    Just lovely!

  7. your open sharing of your life brings beautiful lessons, like this one, to all of us who gratefully read your words and see your photos. Thank you for another heart centered lesson today.

  8. Teresa Young

    oh my Friend! We all have to stop for those moments…and a hug is always the best way to refocus on what matters. Love your love for each other…peace

  9. Judi Ryba

    We are blessed every day to have wonderful husbands and great marriages. It is a gift that not everyone gets! Have a great weekend Corey AND Jann.

  10. Little Kristi

    There is a mirror in our kitchen, as you know. Today, while trying to make a picnic–while fielding a series of pertinent questions from my family, I caught sight of a scowl on my face. Later, walking arm and arm with my daughter, on the way to our picnic, I told her I never ever wanted to see that face again! I think we all need a mirror in which to see the way we look when we talk to a loved one, or to anyone. I want my face to look peaceful, always. And yet each time I see the reflection in my computer tablet, my brows are knit so tightly. I then make a conscious effort to relax. (maybe I just need glasses?) =-) Loved your story and could so relate.

  11. You are beautiful

  12. Heather Lindstrom

    The healing power of touch, right? My husband and I practice the 30 second hug sometimes, especially during times of stress. It is awkward at first but very powerful in many ways.
    How is Paris? So excited about our upcoming trip to YOUR gorgeous apartment in Paris in July!!
    xx, Heather
    PS-Holding down the fort here in Butte County. 😉

  13. Nancy Reppert

    Such a beautiful expression of love – from both of you –

  14. Beautiful post. He sounds lovely.

  15. Penelope Bianchi

    So true! Beautiful words that ring true as a BELL! Lovely!! And thank you!!!
    That exactly describes my relationship……good grief! almost 40 years! Never take one minute for granted!!
    We are so so lucky!

  16. Rebecca currently in Isla Mujeres


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