The Inner Corey Photo


My brother Marty sent me this photo that he took on a bike ride last night in Northern California. He sent it to me, titled: "My Inner Corey Photo" he went on to write that it needed a story.

As soon as I read the title, even before I saw the photo my eyes watered. 

The horizon, a long forgotten fence, an open gate, a barely noticeable path that leads to the gate but does not go through, and a field turning golden is it growing in circular movement?

What is the story? Your story? Your reflection, not necessarily about me… What does it say to you?














29 responses to “The Inner Corey Photo”

  1. Rebecca from PacNW currently in Isla Mujeres

    I recognized your CA rice fields as soon as I saw this, even though I’ve never seen them in person. That gate: like an entry into a magical place, like the wardrobe in CS Lewis’s “The Witch, the lamp and the wardrobe.” Delightful.

  2. When I saw it, I thought it looked like me. Coming to the gate, able to see beyond but unable to step through.
    I love that there are wide open spaces that allow room to think and breathe deeply, and yet knowing that even as you stand there with no one in sight, you are never truly alone in Nature.
    You come from a beautiful part of the world, Corey. Thank you for sharing it with us, Marty!

  3. It says to me that from your agricultural roots in northern California, you found an doorway to another life that would also be your passion.

  4. First of all, I do love the photo. Immediately it reminded me of doors opening in unlikely places. We must pay attention and take the open door all the way through to what lies beyond.

  5. I am very moved that you have that kind of connection with your brother.

  6. Come in. It’s all yours. The sunshine, the wind the beauty. Leave the gate open for others may want to join us.

  7. The future is vast …look at those hills in the distance! The gate is open wide so you can go forward, yet return. And, the photo is beautiful, just like you and your family.

  8. What a beautiful beautiful country we live in. If only we could reflect on that beautiful photo in what seems to be an increasing ugly election year in the states. That’s for sharing it and to your brother for taking it.

  9. Thanks for sharing …

  10. It makes me think of everyday life and the choices each of us have in front of us. It makes me think of the fear that lives within us all. Can we walk through the gates of our tomorrow? Are we strong enough? Do we have the courage? Life is not a certain. Thankfulness and gratitude are. I am thankful. I am grateful. I am blessed.

  11. my thoughts too!

  12. all the doors and gates we pass through in life…some we do not pass through-we go around or maybe stop turn and find another way….

  13. Very moving. You share all your jewels, Corey. You’re truly a rare, special bird.

  14. chicosue

    Your brother also has “the Amaro eye”.

  15. Taste of France

    That’s just what my reaction was.

  16. Great photo. Wyeth was my first thought. I think the photo IS the story. Beautiful.

  17. Carolyn from Pittsburgh

    I am moved as well by your picture poetic connection to your brother. So few people really get us and to have a brother be one of them. It is delightful.

  18. Leigh NZ

    An invitation to move forward in life; uncertain, wanting to step through the gate but hesitant at the same time.
    A beautiful photograph

  19. Jacklynn Lantry

    At first glance, Matt seems to have registered the gate as an object d’art (obviously the artist gene runs rampant in the family) But upon closer inspection…fences are about containment and staying put. Open fields are about letting loose and taking off. We all live with those themes juxtaposed in our lives…some of us stay put, others take off. Some would go through that very gate, in that open field, rather than bypass it. Others would not even “register” the gate as a gate, or see it for it’s intended purpose. Raised together, living thousands of miles apart, yet still connected at the most primal level. The photo shows a deep, (some would say sacred) connection between brother and sister.

  20. Gretchen Seibert

    Possibilities! The open gate and “pioneer” feel of the photo says to me that this is an opportunity for anyone willing to follow the path.

  21. Dawn Fleming

    Very beautiful and peaceful photo. Thank you for sharing it. To me it reminds me that His door is always open and we are all free to enter. Sometimes when I shut God out of my life, like lately, I need a reminder like this photo.

  22. Teddee Grace

    Beautiful photo. Am I the only glass half empty respondent? I couldn’t help but think of opportunities abandoned. That gate has been open a long, long time. Maybe it means your talented brother should start selling his photos!

  23. The picture reminds me of a time long ago, lives lived in struggle in remote places, that time changes things, they never remain the same. My Mother would have called it a “lonesome” picture. Yet, it is a beautiful scene.

  24. Karen Carson

    The light is gorgeous and the gate is beckoning, as if to say, “Walk through this gate…a wonderful world awaits!”

  25. He knows his sister well and obviously loves her.

  26. Janet Eiffel

    Not sure why, but the photo makes me very sad.
    Sort of moving thru gates and door ways
    and going no where. Really sad.

  27. Two thoughts:
    1. What was originally on each side of the gate? (Best guess, barbed wire fencing, now long gone).
    2. Who built it? Probably not a Portuguese-American, since they likely would’ve made the gate out of barbed wire:
    OTOH, my non-Portuguese grandfather had a lot of barbed wire gates in fields on their ranch in the Redwoods region, due to being unable to afford fancier materials. I hated those things when I was a kid, as I’d get caught on the barbs while out exploring.

  28. Marilyn

    There is no fence to hold me back. Only my own fears. 😉

  29. It says, “Oh my god … the light … .”

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