Mother’s Day


Photo of my mom 2008


My mother is loved.

My Mother to me is
the center,
the rock,
the faith point,
the cookie maker,
the matriarch, who brings us together
in the place called home.

Happy Mother's Day Mom xxx


Tell me about your mother.


9 responses to “Mother’s Day”

  1. Happy Mother’s Day Mrs. Amaro and Corey!

  2. oh corey-what a loaded questions for me…my mom was the essence of lady like behavior she never cursed or swore and even when she raised her voice it was not loud-she was a very smart woman-way ahead of her time I often called the first hippie without her knowing what a hippie was-she gave us her children everything-she often did without so we could have that ski trip or that family vacation -she never complained EVER-she was a caged free spirit caged because of the time she came into the world and honestly the best way to describe her is the living beatitudes-seriously every time that is read in church it describes her in her being true selfless being she gave her 4 children a love and respect for our religion living by example not sermon-she did not have a temper she was funny and sadly she died young 68-and suddenly -there is still a rawness to it so not a complete description of our beautiful mom but can one comment ever fully capture a person ….. I have mixed emotions on this day….not sadness just a longing…

  3. My Mother is imperfect, she is messy and flawed and real and human. Un-religious, sarcastic and a bit selfish and has the wickedest temper ever seen, passed on to me of course. She loves hugely with her heart and is wildly creative. She isn’t perfect because she is a Mother, but I wouldn’t want perfect. She taught some basics that resonate in me today and allow me to see her as more than a mom but as a fellow human. Another person, another woman just making it through life, a life that is much harder on women than on men. She taught me that there are many religions, many jobs, that differences don’t mean people are un-equal. She is supportive of gay rights, pro-choice and believes animals should be treated with kindness. Her heart bleeds for every lost pup or kitten who crosses her path.
    She loves nature, the trees and passed this love on to me, so my eyes are open to what humans are doing to the planet.
    She taught me confidence and strength and that I can question what came before me because history does not mean it’s right. Re-think, re-invent, re-imagine 🙂
    She’s not suddenly elevated to some platform of perfection as a Mother because she just happened to raise children (adopted and birthed) and because I can see this, I respect her all the more. She’d say feck the flowers, gimme wine and laugh.
    I love my Mom 🙂
    I am quiet on Mother’s Day as so many compete on facebook to suddenly place women in positions of perfection that do not actually reflect reality. And I can see how it could hurt some people they got a car, this one got floers, oh this one got flowers a card annnd a phone call…
    I say Happy Day and then tomorrow I’ll post my face all over her wall cause…I make my Mother a Mother 🙂 And she being my Mother will totally get that.
    Happy day.

  4. Taste of France

    I lost my dad in October and my mom in November. Tomorrow is her birthday, the first without her. She would have been 91. My dad was sick and we knew he was dying, but my mom went suddenly. She was sharp until the last days, on the Internet doing geneaology research. She had an epileptic seizure, which I learned is quite common in the elderly, then another, and never recovered. Her family was with her when she slipped away–pretty much as she would have wanted it. I still cannot believe she is gone.

  5. Leslie in Oregon

    I cannot describe all that my mother was, because she died before I came to know her as an individual person beyond motherhood. I can say that she was everything I wanted and needed in my mother, and I would give anything to be able to tell her that. She died 31 years ago, and all three of her children miss her mightily to this day.

  6. Aussie Leonie

    A Mother’s Love is unconditional,
    A Mother’s Love is enduring,
    A Mother’s Love is all encompassing
    A Mother’s Love is always there, in good times and bad,
    Three years have passed since I last saw her face & held her hands
    But I thank God I had her for 68 years,
    I talk to her every day,
    and she answers me in so many ways.
    Those you love don’t travel far, they are always close,
    in your heart and soul.

  7. Happy Mother’s Day! My mother is formidable. I hope to be just like her.

  8. Stubblejumpin Gal

    My mom, who died at age 64, almost 11 years ago, always saw the best in people. I get that from her and am grateful for it.

  9. Shelley Noble

    I never had one. The woman who gave birth to me didn’t wish to be a mother and so she simply didn’t do it. I was profoundly neglected and raised myself.
    Other children were been physically tortured and abused, so I didn’t have it as bad as that. I’m senior now have been thoroughly loved by a good husband for the last 20 years so all is well and healed. I thrive and am grateful.
    I save a fortune on m-day cards and appreciate not having to worry about visiting family. Guess I take after her in those ways.

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