What I Saw at the Brocante: Paintings Galore

8 responses to “What I Saw at the Brocante: Paintings Galore”
I can’t highlight or underline things in books, much less cut a painting. Parents really instilled respect for books and art to me from a very young age.
Have you heard about “Loving Vincent,” the new animated film made entirely based on his paintings? See trailer online.
English: http://www.slate.com/blogs/browbeat/2016/02/29/the_trailer_for_loving_vincent_a_vincent_van_gogh_movie_animated_with_oil.html
Français: http://www.lefigaro.fr/cinema/2016/04/19/03002-20160419ARTFIG00163–loving-vincent-quand-les-tableaux-racontent-la-vie-de-van-gogh.php -
I favor the ‘cut’ painting. The mood and delicate brush strokes calms me and I love that the road is evocative of a path yet to be travelled.
I have cropped my own paintings! Love all the paintings wrap them up please,,, and love the small one of eight inches oil on wood in your “B” shop…
I frequently crop my paintings! I started using this technique by accident, years ago.
Actually, I could go for any of the paintings you have posted, but watercolors are favorites. I don’t think I could ever crop a painting, just like I can never deface or tear a page from a book. On the other hand, never say never. 😉
I adored the painting Alice found at the brocante with you
….. I love portraits and old fruit kitchen paintings -
Love very much the first one, country table..then the colorful port & purple flowers in vase and the watercolor with red roofs. Those all would be very pricey here at shops & flea markets..which is why I need to paint my own.
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