What I Saw at the Brocante: Paintings Galore

image from https://s3.amazonaws.com/feather-client-files-aviary-prod-us-east-1/2016-05-09/c463455e5bea44c1b46b76b4077141b3.png
At a nearby brocante shop these were the paintings, a few of the many, that caught my eye. I did not buy any of them simply because hanging them on the ceiling is not an option.
Most of these French provencal paintings are oil on canvas, and 1900s or older.
"Country table with the plaid tablecloth rolled back."
image from https://s3.amazonaws.com/feather-client-files-aviary-prod-us-east-1/2016-05-09/85f052c51079411d89e76386e17277fa.png
"A port in Marseille"
Blame it on Cassis that I started noticing boat paintings. Oh yeah see them I do, but not ready to commit to a nautical theme, nope that I cannot do. As I type that a voice inside me says, "Sporadical - spontaneous – slapdash – impulsive – flake cake - inclination towards the unexpected … never say never cause a boat will probably float onto your walls."
Corey amaro antiques brocante
This one I bought before Cassis and sold. Buying to sale is not like buying to keep.
"Flowers," the vendor said, "Flowers are big sellers, portraits not so much, boat paintings are very much in demand."
I love portraits in big chunky frames.
My inner voice, clears its throat, and says, "Add odd ball to the above list."
image from https://s3.amazonaws.com/feather-client-files-aviary-prod-us-east-1/2016-05-09/3a4fb7ca9d5e4e02964b92037f85d07f.png
Though, at the brocante shop, I have admired this painting for over a year. 
A woman walked up, grabbed it, offered less and walked out with it.
Poof gone.
image from https://s3.amazonaws.com/feather-client-files-aviary-prod-us-east-1/2016-05-09/57b6e7db68a54a6283feb6b723157e9f.png
A friend recently told me, that at times she cuts off a section of a painting she doesn't like and then just like that the painting improves. Sadly, I understood what she meant. Not that I have cut off a painting, but at times I can see how a painting would greatly improve in doing so.
image from https://s3.amazonaws.com/feather-client-files-aviary-prod-us-east-1/2016-05-09/f7515a21c5a4472baf6e7905df28d1bf.png
See if the painting were cut, (photoshopped) it changes that mood, my imagination shifts, I prefer it.
Do you?
Have you ever cut a painting?
image from https://s3.amazonaws.com/feather-client-files-aviary-prod-us-east-1/2016-05-09/0e96a9f40a864ee9a58a2af749b99986.png
This is a classic house from Carmargue.
A fireplace at the back and a rounded roof in front.
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Lighthouse cassis
The lighthouse in Cassis.
image from https://s3.amazonaws.com/feather-client-files-aviary-prod-us-east-1/2016-05-09/e35318c8745f4b6280facc470d48f67f.png
After fishing.
I assume this painting is not from Provence. It seems like Bretagne, where French Husband's father's family is from.
What's your guess?
image from https://s3.amazonaws.com/feather-client-files-aviary-prod-us-east-1/2016-05-09/58f8e2e6b45a476dab3fb485a83e70da.png
Yes it snows in Provence. Not this year. But it does. Of course not enough to ski, or wear snow boots, nor have to put chains on your car, okay maybe snow is too big of a word… sugar coating cold.
image from https://s3.amazonaws.com/feather-client-files-aviary-prod-us-east-1/2016-05-09/26805ee136d24cda957cb7657185c200.png
The lack of color attracted my attention. 
image from https://s3.amazonaws.com/feather-client-files-aviary-prod-us-east-1/2016-05-09/0750b920ca214ed4998d13396b26e87f.png
A watercolor.
image from https://s3.amazonaws.com/feather-client-files-aviary-prod-us-east-1/2016-05-09/f17e650d1bb3448eae6dfd0d66415658.png
Red tiled rooftops, that says Provence and those colorful small boats.
Almond or cherry?
Almond is my guess.
image from https://s3.amazonaws.com/feather-client-files-aviary-prod-us-east-1/2016-05-09/ecd85960f2284da29179df2a516954fd.png
Cyprus tree,
Mont St. Victoire
Between Aix en Provence, Marseille and Saint Maximin.
Cezanne's painted this landscape many times…
Photo via "The Meaning of Trees".
Résultat de recherche d'images pour "cézanne sainte victoire"Résultat de recherche d'images pour "cézanne sainte victoire"Résultat de recherche d'images pour "cézanne sainte victoire"
Résultat de recherche d'images pour "cézanne sainte victoire"Résultat de recherche d'images pour "cézanne sainte victoire"Résultat de recherche d'images pour "cézanne sainte victoire"
Résultat de recherche d'images pour "cézanne sainte victoire"Résultat de recherche d'images pour "cézanne sainte victoire"Résultat de recherche d'images pour "cézanne sainte victoire"
A collection of Cezanne's painitngs photographs via Wiki 
Cezanne painted Mont St Victoria over eighty times.
Corey amaro boat painting antique
This one is eight inches oil on wood.
Which painting do you like the best?


8 responses to “What I Saw at the Brocante: Paintings Galore”

  1. I can’t highlight or underline things in books, much less cut a painting. Parents really instilled respect for books and art to me from a very young age.

  2. Have you heard about “Loving Vincent,” the new animated film made entirely based on his paintings? See trailer online.
    English: http://www.slate.com/blogs/browbeat/2016/02/29/the_trailer_for_loving_vincent_a_vincent_van_gogh_movie_animated_with_oil.html
    Français: http://www.lefigaro.fr/cinema/2016/04/19/03002-20160419ARTFIG00163–loving-vincent-quand-les-tableaux-racontent-la-vie-de-van-gogh.php

  3. I favor the ‘cut’ painting. The mood and delicate brush strokes calms me and I love that the road is evocative of a path yet to be travelled.

  4. I have cropped my own paintings! Love all the paintings wrap them up please,,, and love the small one of eight inches oil on wood in your “B” shop…

  5. I frequently crop my paintings! I started using this technique by accident, years ago.

  6. JudyMac

    Actually, I could go for any of the paintings you have posted, but watercolors are favorites. I don’t think I could ever crop a painting, just like I can never deface or tear a page from a book. On the other hand, never say never. 😉

  7. I adored the painting Alice found at the brocante with you
    ….. I love portraits and old fruit kitchen paintings

  8. tammyCA

    Love very much the first one, country table..then the colorful port & purple flowers in vase and the watercolor with red roofs. Those all would be very pricey here at shops & flea markets..which is why I need to paint my own.

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