Until the Way is Safe Again.


The stories of sadness, reminds me of when Ruth and I were in Paris not far from the attacks, how silent the city was, how you could feel the pain in the air. 

The stories of the Orlando survivors and the guilt they feel for being alive.


When someone is hurting, and you do not know what to say, or what to do…



My mother always said, "When someone dies everyone is very present to the the loved ones for the first few weeks, which is good and needed. But do not forget in six months, or even a year after that those who have lost someone still need loving attention, maybe even more so as the weeks turn into months. Life goes on for those who haven't suffered, but those who have suffered, suffer long after."





No words are needed to show love.

To be loving kindness.





Wherever we are there is something to share.




image from https://s3.amazonaws.com/feather-client-files-aviary-prod-us-east-1/2016-06-15/5158e2879164449ca5a51ff40d7be14e.png



To be there in silence, sharing their emptiness.





A gentle smile.





Love grows.





Tears are water from the soul.





Making space for roots to enter.





Gentle bloom.





Petal by petal,

rain or shine.






Standing alone if need be.





Adding light to the darkness.










Side by side.





Gentle space.









A soft place to breath.






Until the way is safe again.


28 responses to “Until the Way is Safe Again.”

  1. This is beautiful, Corey. Thank you.

  2. Jean Pierre

    A beautiful post filled with empathy. Your lovely photographs enhance your thoughts. Thank you, mille mercis.

  3. Jacklynn Lantry

    Amen, Ameen…

  4. <3 thank you

  5. Your mama is a wise woman. Thank you for this beautiful post.

  6. This is a beautiful post and like your mom I have always said that-in the beginning the air is full and as life resumes… the ones who are in the new life without their loved one it can seem almost breathless-the air is quiet-

  7. pc brown

    Just lovely. Thank you for this. It helps.

  8. Mama is amazing and so are you, Corey. We all feel the pain and you have described it so beautifully. Thank you, Corey for your wisdom. I am adding my prayers………

  9. Marilyn

    So true! Your mama is a wise woman.

  10. Your mother is so right re a person’s grief continuing after others have moved on with their lives.
    Thank you for the flowers. Beauty helps with the healing.

  11. Beautifully said.

  12. Diogenes

    Beautiful pictures, beautiful words.

  13. nancy w

    Your post/pictures are beautiful. Thank You. I would like to add a thought. We cannot always be near where the present need is greatest to offer our caring. However wherever you are there is likely to be a need somewhere close by. Offer your caring right there. It will help whomever is hurting. All love is a balm.

  14. I love your mother’s wisdom and your heartfelt words.

  15. Taste of France

    What touching poetry. And comments.

  16. Penelope Bianchi

    Beautiful. What is worrying to me is…….will the way ever be safe again?
    These military guns among civilians……really? safe? are we?
    It is shocking to me that ordinary people can buy guns that shoot 13 bullets that fast. Why?
    Because of the companies who make them.
    And the power they wield. Will we ever be safe again?
    I am anything but sure.

  17. Our French Oasis

    Beautiful words, beautiful photos, a calming and soothing start to the day, thank you.

  18. Thank you 💕

  19. Deb Archer

    Beautiful thoughts Corey, we are all reminded to be love to each other. Thank you, Deb 🌺

  20. Amen

  21. Ardis Bucy

    Once again, Corey, your inspirational thoughts and pictures have delivered calm and love. Thank you so much for sharing with us. Ardis in Oregon

  22. Thank you Corey. And so agree with Penelope. Will those who believe assault rifles should be in the general population ever wake up?

  23. Charland

    So touching and beautifully done. Thank you.

  24. So true, Penelope and Jennie. Re the magical thinking of those who advocate that more guns can stop shooters:

  25. Chico Sue

    Is the way ever completely safe? Perhaps not, but we can show each other kindness, and you show us the beauty of the flowers today to distract us. Thank you, Corey.

  26. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    Lovely, thank you for flowers and gentleness and acknowledged sorrow and the wisdom of your mother.

  27. Beautiful.

  28. sharon morrison

    Your Mother made a wise statement…because she has been on the grieving end. Oh, to loose one’s mate is to loose half of your body.

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