Summertime Memory: A Trail of Happiness



Repost 2008


The boy who dreams the entire year long for summertime in Willows is happily living his dream. Yesterday he turned sixteen and his Cousin Curtis and Uncle Zane gave him a summer job cleaning their rice dryers. It is a classic dirty job of farming rice. One that many teenage boys on the farm do…the job consist of crawling under the large metal bins and cleaning out the dust and debris that has gathered after drying the rice. Sacha and his cousin had a taste of dirt yesterday. One bin down 20 more to go. It is a valuable birthday gift.

Since it was Sacha's birthday his cousin Sam offered his help. They put on my father's work clothes, it felt strange to see them in his wranglers, button-down work shirts, baseball caps and sporting his red hand-kerchiefs…the boys attire released a flood of memories in me: Will they be like him?


Oh how they were covered with dirt yet they sparkled proudly.

After the photo they asked me if they could run and jump into the ditch, to cool and clean off? "Why not, yeah sure go for it!" I said and then thought, what fun it is to be Huckleberry Finn.

…………….in a split second they turned, ran, kicked off their shoes, peeled off their socks and clothes and blazed a trail to the ditch.













At this point I wondered how far were they going to go… certainly they knew I was behind them, as was my mother.


















The trail to happiness is having the freedom to be yourself dirt and all.



14 responses to “Summertime Memory: A Trail of Happiness”

  1. Love.

  2. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    Those wonderful strong wiry young boy/man bodies! Love the stop-action-ness of this. And the sheer abandon in that last photo — perfection.
    (And, what are you up to today that you’re reposting this lovely? You faithful blogger you, posting something every single day no matter what. We appreciate you.)

  3. Taste of France

    Absolutely exquisite.
    They are lucky you did this. Proof of their joyous youth.

  4. Jacklynn Lantry

    What a joy to read. Funniest thing of all…I do not know you well Corey. I’ve never met your family, never met your dad. I only know of them through your blog. When I read
    “They put on my father’s work clothes, it felt strange to see them in his wranglers, button-down work shirts, baseball caps and sporting his red hand-kerchiefs…” I knew-immediately knew-what the clothes looked like! I could picture your dad in those clothes (especially the red handkerchief;) just from reading your blog and absorbing your photos. Thanks for letting me enjoy your family.

  5. Just dawned on me, this June’s the 5th anniversary of Sacha’s graduation from Willows HS. Is he there for his class reunion?

  6. Rebecca, I have the same suspicion as you do 🙂

  7. Diogenes

    I read this, at first, without seeing that it was a repost from 2008.
    And so I thought Sacha is aging backwards. And I wanted to know how I could do that too.

  8. Marilyn

    What a fun memory!!!

  9. Our French Oasis

    the freedom of youth, it is so important for kids to get dirty and be natural, these memories will start with them forever.

  10. Kristin

    your wonderful cross-the ocean family memories always stir family warm thoughts in me. Young experiences can always form deep memories to carry throughout a lifetime; how fortunate your children have been in their growing up with arms stretched far and wide.
    So, hmmm, I wonder what it is you are up to to give us this re-post?

  11. Deb Archer


  12. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    Probably roach clips having something to do with the secret, Diogenes!

  13. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    I feel the same, Jacklynn. Well said.

  14. I remember this post as if it was just a few years ago . . . could it really be 8 years?

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