Nice ….



We came home, all four of us, we had not all been together since Christmas, the minute we walked in my phone was buzzing, "Are you safe?"

Yes we are.

I am speechless.

My prayers are with those who suffer this evening.

XX Nice XX



29 responses to “Nice ….”

  1. Jacklynn Lantry

    The world is going crazy…I am relieved to hear you are safe and so sorry for those who are not.

  2. So happy to know you all are safe. So sad at the state of the world as of late. Prayers to all during this tramatic time….

  3. Diogenes

    Thank you for posting this. I was worrying about you all.
    Prayers for the victims and survivors.

  4. My thoughts and prayers are with all .

  5. Becky F


  6. No words.
    Thanks for letting us know.

  7. Barbara Stevens

    Thought of you and your family immediately.
    John 14:27

  8. Diane Belforte Lewis

    glad to hear you’re safe

  9. I am angry. Something must be done to put a stop to this madness. All the innocent lives being lost. It’s too much. So glad you are safe. I pray all your friends are as well.

  10. It breaks my heart and I am sick to my stomach once again.
    I am so happy you posted. so happy.

  11. Jennifer Phillipps

    So pleased to know you are all safe. The first thing I thought of when this news travelled across the world to New Zealand was, will Corey and family be safe and sound……best wishes to all those who have been affected by this horrible event….keep safe one and all

  12. Thank you for your post. Heartbreaking. Pray for the world and those taken too soon.

  13. Janet Eiffel

    My heart can not take much more
    of this hurting.

  14. So glad to see your post, and happy to know you and your family are safe. My heart is breaking from this senseless violence. What can we do to stop this madness? (((Nice)))

  15. xo

  16. Claudia

    Dear Corey,
    so glad to know that you are safe. Our thoughts are with you.
    Take care of yourselves, all of you.
    The senseless violence of Nice will make us move closer together…

  17. Leigh NZ


  18. Taste of France

    As we went to fireworks last night in Carcassonne, I actually thought about an escape plan if anything happened. Walking home, amid hundreds of thousands of people, all of them so polite and happy, I thought, whew, France made it. Only to get inside and learn that France hadn’t made it. This is beyond sad.

  19. PenelopeBianchi

    Completely heartbreaking……..I have no words……

  20. Chico Sue

    We are, once again, speechless. Our prayers are added to the millions of good people throughout the world.

  21. Was very glad to open this post this morning and know you are safe.
    We pray for the families of those who were not.

  22. Marilyn M

    So cruel. So wrong. I’m so happy that you and your family are safe.
    My heart breaks for those who are suffering and for France.

  23. Thank you, Corey, for letting us know you are all safe …
    This world … incomprehensible. Sending love …

  24. kathleen short

    Glad you are safe…prayers for the families affected by this senseless act.

  25. Darlene P

    I’m glad you all are ok. I hate what is happening to our world. So much fear and sadness.

  26. Wendy Going Forward

    Thoughts and prayers. Be safe

  27. Linda P.

    I checked last night to see whether you’d posted and were safe, and you had and were. Yet I could think of nothing helpful to say then, and I’m having trouble now, too. Thinking of you and your family and the greater family that encompasses us all.

  28. Thought about you last night when I heard the awful news & all day today (just didn’t know what to say! & still don’t) After reading your blog for awhile, we decided to go to Provence a couple of years ago. We went onto Villefrance-sur-Mer & visited Nice- walked along the Promenade. So beautiful! What a nightmare. We adore France & are so sorry about the tragedy- we’ll be back next year… Not going to be stopped by these occurrences!

  29. Claudia Strasser

    Thinking of you and all in France. Sending my love, strength and prayers.

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