Chelsea’s Classmates from Junior High

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Chelsea took a few days of vacation to come home, and to be her friends Domi and Leah (friends from the sixth grade.) Leah lives and works in Milan, and Domi works and lives in Guyana.

We had dinner, which started with melon filled with limoncello, why not.


Chelsea is wearing Leah's glasses, because she is silly like that.




image from



A few stories about them here:

and here

and Sacha's first kiss (Domi's sister)


As a parent I see now that my children will always be my children, and that no matter the age or distance between us they are and will be my darling little ones in my heart. After dinner, the girls went into Chelsea's old room, that looks more like a storage unit and tried on Chelsea's old clothes. You see Chelsea is the same height and size as she was when she was thirteen, plus she rarely and I mean rarely gives anything away. She has clothes from when they all first met. Teasing is order.

Today Chelsea went through her closet and gave bags of belonging to salvation army called Emmaus in France. It was odd to see her going through her things and bagging them up for a new life. Do not get me wrong Chelsea is not a hoarder, nor is she a spendthrift, she takes such good care of her things. She had pens and pencils from grammar school, she just never saw the need to buy new or give up what she loved. But the day came for things to move on.




Do you friends from childhood?

Do you keep things or give them away?

Do you wear the same size as you did ten years ago, twenty years ago… yesterday?

Hug those you love 



10 responses to “Chelsea’s Classmates from Junior High”

  1. Diogenes

    Great pictures! I bet that melon filled with limoncello was good!

  2. Jacklynn Lantry

    My sizes go up an down about every 5 years:) I have two friends that I’ve had for years and years. My 19 year old daughter has a group of friends (they call themselves “The Fam” as in the family) from first grade. They met when they were assigned the same lunch room table in first grade. They sat together every year after that and have stayed best of friends ever since.

  3. Actually,much smaller than 15 years ago. Now the weight stated on my license is my actual weight and not a fib.

  4. My good friend and I have been friends since we were 7 yrs old and were in the same class at primary school. I give things away, a few things are kept for sentimental reasons and up until the age of 24 I was very slim…what happened?

  5. Taste of France

    My best friend and I met when I was about five months old and she was about six months. Our mothers spied each other, a couple of houses apart, and got together. She is like a sister to me, though we live far apart.
    I don’t have clothes from childhood, but I discovered a huge stash recently, cleaning out my parents house after they both died within weeks of each other. It was quite a trip down memory lane.

  6. I am blessed to have 9 friends from childhood that are still in my life. Two of us were in preschool together. We all turn 70 this year! “Make new friends but keep the old, one is silver and the other gold”.

  7. La Contessa

    I FOUND EMMUS when we lived in ITALY!I LOVED TO SHOP THERE!It was way out in the country!!!!!!!!!I do give things away only because I run out of space………….am I the same size as then HELL NO GIRLFRIEND!I was 124 when we married 30 years ago………now I am pushing 175!!!!!AND HE STILL ADORES ME!He of course has not GAINED AN OUNCE………last night I asked what he wanted these days for a snack I make his lunch every day!!!!!!!!DO YOU KNOW WHAT HE SAID?CARROTS!!!!!!!I say CARROTS…….with peanut butter?NO just a couple of carrots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    THEN HE TELLS ME TO FINSH the meat or salad……………every single night!I SAY NO YOU EAT IT!I GAIN with just looking he stays the same………and is not eating like HE USE TOO!
    GORGEOUS DAUGHTER………….FRIENDS ARE IMPORTANT!DO I stay in touch……….I TRY but we are SO different I’m getting to the age of NO MORE!

  8. Janet Eiffel

    Such happy pictures!
    Most of my friends I’ve only
    known as an adult.
    Only one since teen years.
    As far as size goes……..
    My dream is to weigh
    what it says on my drivers license.

  9. Susan Cox

    I’m going to compliment you, but it will sound like I’m bragging, so I hesitate to write. However, I went to Paris in 2009, and around then, I discovered your blog. It was when you were in the states when your father was sick.
    I fell in love with your blog, and of course, all things French. I read your blog daily! I redecorated my living room this summer, had a party last weekend for my husband’s 60th birthday, and three people commented that my living room looked like the French countryside. That’s when I really realized how much your style has rubbed off on me over the years. So, thank you for that!!
    Keep posting FOREVER!! I love, love, love your style!!!

  10. Susan Cox

    “The Fam” That’s cute! My 28 year old daughter is lucky enough to have her “St. Joes girls” group. Friends since Catholic pre-school.
    I love it when friends have such history together!

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