A moment of Silence

The French President declared that today at noon there would be a moment of silence. I was in a massive hardware store when over the intercom I heard, "We will respect the moment of silence …" The entire store stood still, people bowed their heads, the store music stopped, a moment of utter silence and reflection took place. It was so moving, powerful, sobering… in that moment of silence I heard courage, beauty, love… prayer in its finest.



9 responses to “A moment of Silence”

  1. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    Yes. Amen and amen.

  2. Marilyn

    So touching!

  3. Taste of France

    I was in Ikea in Toulouse and it came to a halt. Occasionally phones would trill, quickly silenced. Everyone looked so sad.

  4. Our French Oasis

    I was at a tennis tournament. Our youngest daughter happened to be on court she was just warming up when the entire tournament came to a standstill. 9 and 10 year old girls and boys stood in silence, most of the parents afterwards agreed it moved us to near tears, this is their future.

  5. Kristin

    yes, yes…indeed we all need more of those moments throughout each day – to hold silence and feel all the love that holds us all in a connected, strong world of peace and love.

  6. Janet Eiffel

    The sadness and the fear is so heavy
    for me, I feel like I’m drowning.
    I don’t feel safe anywhere.
    I cry at the news every day.
    More shooting and more death.
    You and your readers and commenters
    and I, are the minority, I am convinced.
    Last night, after dark, some idiot
    set off a round of fire works
    near the winery.
    People in my neighborhood began calling
    each other for fear it was a shooting
    or bomb or ???
    Some called 911.
    This morning neighbors were gathering
    along the street discussing and
    expressing all sorts of thoughts……
    and we cried. For fear and for relief.

  7. Sarah Desmarais

    LOVE>HATE. xo

  8. Just beautiful! Thanks for reporting this message from the President and where you were at the time. Such peace when we stick together!

  9. Powerful. xoxo

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