I Always Wanted Long Legs


Before Chelsea left to go back to her job in Paris, we went shopping. Do you know what it is like to go shopping with someone who no matter what they put on it looks like a million bucks? Well I do, and gee it is pretty darn easy to go shopping with that as the only criteria.

Those legs. Makes me want to take up running. Though my legs would never be so long.

I told Chelsea, "If I had your legs I would never wear pants again."



image from https://s3.amazonaws.com/feather-client-files-aviary-prod-us-east-1/2016-09-05/ce78b26cc13b41818ed66ce80214e17a.png


After two dresses to take home we walked along the 

Les Terrasses du Port, a new shopping center in Marseille along the coast next to St Jean and the Mucem.


It was slightly windy today… or as they say in Provence, "Oh la la quel Mistral!"






11 responses to “I Always Wanted Long Legs”

  1. Jacklynn Lantry

    She is gorgeous!

  2. LauraInSeattle

    GORGEOUS!!! Mother and daughter!!

  3. Wow. She’s got legs.

  4. Taste of France

    She looks so French. Gorgeous and natural.
    Congratulations on the discipline of buying only two dresses when everything looks great.

  5. Our French Oasis

    She is gorgeous, I can imagine shopping trips are lots of fun. I adore shopping with all my girls from the 20 year old down to the 10 year old!

  6. You have two very lovely children, what a joy they are.

  7. Oh, believe me, I feel your pain. I used to stretch up to all of 5’2″, but now I barely reach 5’1″. The joke around here is, “Susie is just standing in a hole”. So not fair. Our oldest daughter is 5’9″ and youngest daughter is 5’11”. No doubt who the runt is around here. I just remind myself that by His purpose we are all beautifully and wonderfully made. My stature (or lack thereof) must be a gift I just haven’t figured out yet! HA!

  8. Too lovely, Two Lovelies . . . .

  9. Two beautiful women, through and through. Corey, what a treasure you have in your daughter, Chelsea.

  10. You know, 2 women of 2 different generations but both equally good looking. How nice to see.

  11. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    You’ve gotten so much more willing to be IN the photos instead of just behind the camera. Makes me happy to see you happy.
    and yes. THOSE LEGS. Or gams, and where did that term ever come from?

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