The Moment When…

Tee shirt


Photo Via Tee Shirt


Just too funny not to share.


11 responses to “The Moment When…”

  1. Sometimes I dream in Portuguese — and of course in the dreams my Portuguese is flawless and articulate 😉 In real life, not so much.

  2. Cute!

  3. Jacklynn Lantry

    That t-shirt is tres (trop?) drole.

  4. Taste of France

    So funny! We mix the languages all the time. Sometimes one just has a better word for what you want to say.

  5. I had a moment like that a couple of times. I wish I had stayed with the moments. I might be bi-tri-lingual by now! hahaha

  6. Our French Oasis

    All seven of us speak a mixed up melange of French and English, it extends ones vocabulary!

  7. Ah oui c’est true!

  8. I so get this! In college, I dropped Spanish because things were getting really complicated.

  9. Franglais. I love it.

  10. Ces’t cute n’est pas…

  11. Love this!

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