The Blossom of Friendship




After months of living in a cute cracker-box studio in Paris, French husband and I found a large, bourgeois-style apartment by the Bastille. Since the rent was tres cher (very expensive, and we didn't want to give up eating,) we rented out one of our rooms toEllen, who was an American.

Having room-mates in Paris was a rare concept at that time. Can you imagine the eyebrows of the Parisians when they heard we were newlyweds with a room-mate? We were considered the oddest thing since Napoleon tucked his hand under his vest.


Plus, we liked peanut-butter and jelly sandwiches, and didn't smoke.






A couple of years later our paths separated. French husband and I moved to the south of France, and Ellen rode her bicycle solo across India. She was a wild woman.






During the beginning of her amazing journey through India I found out I had cancer. I didn't have the heart to tell her, knowing that if I did she would ride her bicycle straight to my doorstep. My letters to her (via the American Express office) stopped.

After a year in India, Ellen flew into Paris on her return flight back to the USA. She was going home. In Paris she met up with mutual friends of ours. She mentioned to them that she hadn't heard from me. They told her why. Without a moment of hesitation, she canceled her flight to the USA, and flew to the south of France.

When I opened my door, I didn't see Ellen, I saw an angel.







Ellen and her husband, who live in North Carolina will visit us next week. I am already emotional about our reunion. A friend like Ellen is someone who is the fabric of my being and someone who just thinking about makes me cry with utter thanksgiving. I cannot wait to hug you Ellen.


 It feels like old times (except we haven't seen each other in several years and have new roommates called, children….)

Friendship doesn't change at the roots, it blooms and flowers wherever it is planted and includes you in its landscape.


27 responses to “The Blossom of Friendship”

  1. Obviously we need post about this reunion…thanks for sharing such special feelings…

  2. What a lovely story. Please share as many details as you are comfortable doing. Best wishes for a great visit!

  3. Angel indeed. Angels just visited my house too, in the form of cousins. The car got fixed, another relatives house packed up, memories shared and many laughs.

  4. What a lovely story. Friends like that are so wonderful!


    Such sweetness I know you will build more memories this visit as well. God bless Ellen she knows how to be a friend! There is a reason she is in your life you are the same Corey!

  6. I imagine that when you see one another again, it’ll feel as though it were just yesterday 🙂

  7. Jacklynn Lantry

    Your excitement and happiness at the thought of your good friend/angel coming to visit is palpable. I am so happy for you:)! Have loads of fun.

  8. and I have gotten emotional just reading this-SO BEAUTIFUL!

  9. Too wonderful for words.

  10. I can’t wait for you to see and hug Ellen too! How precious these special friendships are.

  11. Ditto, heartwarming

  12. Love this post. With passing time the value of friends grows deeper and deeper. I’ve always enjoyed reading about Ellen in your blog. Have a great time! Have a girl slumber party.

  13. Hope you have a grand reunion with Ellen! Those Tar Heels are darned good people. If you don’t know what that means, Ellen can fill you in. Have fun!

  14. Crying with you…. That is so touching xx

  15. Tears of happiness, I had tears in my eyes just reading this. True friendship never dies. X

  16. Wow……so blessed to have so many wonderful friends…..I love my friends!!!!

  17. What a beautiful time you will have! Thank you for sharing. In all of my travels the things I am most grateful for are the people God has put in my path and the friendships that have grown. Priceless!

  18. Have a wonderful visit. Ellen has indeed been an angel to you. I have such angels too and am always grateful for their friendship. Delightful!

  19. How blest you and Ellen are to have such a deep and abiding friendship. The two of you would never have been drawn to each other if you didn’t both possess giving, generous souls. Embrace your visit with one another! And enjoy!

  20. Always, always, dear Corey you write words that go straight to my heart. Just this week a friend of over 30 years was on a road trip cross country and stopped to share breakfast and warm, comfortable, deep love friendship conversation. You story reminded me of how much treasure there is in the relationships we have with our friends. This “angel” friend story warmed me to the center of my being. Thank you.

  21. The Girl Scout song comes to mind. Make new friends but keep the old… I am so glad Ellen is coming to see you. Good memories come flooding back in the presence of good friends. Enjoy your time with Ellen. She sounds wonderful and adventurous, like you and my friend Sandy. Next week I head to Seattle to tell her all about our 50th HS reunion that she didn’t attend.

  22. Beautiful….brought tears to my eyes. True friends, you know them by their words and actions. Looking forward to hearing more about your dear friendship reunion coming up. PS. I love how you and Yann were thinking ‘outside the box’ even way back then!

  23. I love you sweet and touching story……have fun with your friend!

  24. I can’t wait to hear about your visit with Ellen.

  25. Ellen, equivalent to unconditional love.
    Have a blessed time together!
    xxoo jody/fl

  26. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    Just beautiful, friendship spanning over many years and miles. Be sure to point out to us that THIS is the Ellen of this story, okay? Have you showed here already? Was that her laughing at FH in Carpentras?

  27. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    I ask you questions as though I expect you to answer this, and then I never look back again to see if you did or didn’t…

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