Goodbye Babette



For as long as I can remember I have been afraid of dogs (Silly maybe but true.) until I met my friend Lisa's dog, "Babette".

The last time I saw Babette I picked her up and held her, that was a giant leap in a good direction to overcoming my fear. It doesn't mean I am going to pick up other dogs, or even pet them, but now I can at least be in the same room and not freak out.

Babette's eyes spoke in a way that never made me feel fear.

When people's pets die I never really understood why they were sad, as if they had lost a friend…

I will miss Babette, she was a good teacher.

Lisa has lost a friend, and I feel for her.


Lisa has lost a friend. 



24 responses to “Goodbye Babette”

  1. Oh! So sorry to hear about Babette! I know she was an important part of your friend’s family & that she was important to you, too. My thoughts are with you all.

  2. Deepest sympathies to your friend, and to you. What a lovely photo of Babette. May her memory be always green.

  3. My heart breaks for Lisa having myself experienced this sadness. I send my sympathy.The photo shows a beautiful, loving dog.

  4. Deepest sympathy to Lisa. I’ve been there many times and it is never easy saying goodbye to a canine companion. You were a good girl Babette. Thank you for lessening Corey’s fear of dogs.

  5. Shelley Noble

    So sorry, Lisa. These wonderful animals are our friends. Babette seemed very special indeed.

  6. Jacklynn Lantry

    So sorry Lisa. I remember when Babette kissed your hand!

  7. Please give Lisa a hug for me. It is so hard to lose a dear friend.

  8. 🙁 I had a cavalier — also a tri colour — Pickles. She died last year just about this time.
    My condolences to your friend, Lisa. I understand the loss. Cavaliers are notoriously sweet — perfect little dogs.

  9. Taste of France

    I’m also afraid of dogs, and I can see how Babette’s big brown eyes could make a person get past the fear.
    Condolences to Lisa.

  10. Julia – Vintage with Laces

    It’s wonderful that Babette took away a little bit of your fear, Corey. Maybe one day you’ll meet a cute puppy or another very kind grown-up dog who will make you feel even more comfortble when you get in contact with dogs.
    I’m very sorry for Lisa. We’ve lost several cats and dogs over the years, so I know how she feels. You have to own a pet and love him/her to be able to understand how heartbreaking it is when he or she dies.

  11. Our French Oasis

    Condolences to Lisa, she has lost a dear dear friend and a true companion, for that is what dogs are, they put so much faith in us and they just keep giving unconditionally asking for little other than a warm bed and food in return.

  12. Leslie in Oregon

    Please express my deep condolences to Lisa on the passing of her beautiful and wonderful Babette to Whatever Comes Next. It’s amazing how much Babette expressed in just a photograph, much less in the compassion she extended to you, Corey. I hope that you are able to honor her memory by, and give yourself the enormous gift of, learning how to experience the joy a dog can bring.

  13. Our dogs love us unconditionally. They are our faithful companions and it is so hard to lose such a friend. My thoughts and sympathies are with your friend.

  14. Sending many hugs to Lisa.

  15. Oh, I am so sorry to hear about Babette and shall be sending prayers and thoughts for Lisa.

  16. Such lovely eyes. No wonder everyone was in love with Babette, including you. Sincerest condolences to your friend, Lisa. It is so painful to lose a loved one. My husband told me that if we ever get a pet again, we must make sure that that pet will outlive us because he couldn’t bear to see another one go.

  17. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    I didn’t know you actually picked her up, even, and held her. What a big step, and what a good girl Babette was to be sweet and trustworthy enough to help you make that big step.
    I know that there are big holes in Lisa’s home now, the special places where Babette would lie and hang out (and have to be stepped over, perhaps) and where she isn’t now. And there an even bigger hole in Lisa’s heart.
    I’m glad there’s a Babette-shaped hole in your heart too. And I’m sorry for your and Lisa’s loss. What a wonderful photo — she does look like a little sweetie.


    so sorry for Lisa’s loss. My dogs give me so much joy–can’t imagine living without them. One of life’s true gifts.

  19. Those eyes! I’m sure Lisa must feel a gapping hole in her heart now. They truly worm their way into our lives and hearts.

  20. Janet Eiffel

    It’s true Corey, when you bond with a pet
    the feeling never, ever goes away.
    That is a good and pure loving feeling,
    but it also breaks your heart when
    when they leave you.
    I don’t know Lisa or Babette
    but I’m sad for them both.

  21. OH NO-I feel for her…yet I know it is not goodbye only until we meet again-I had a cat a street cat who took some hits from the rough neighborhood he roamed-his name was aja(like the steely dan song) when he came here via my dad he was really a brut-he was wild at his core-but with time he mellowed didn’t like adults but loved children-when my mom left us as would hear me crying and would come and howl or moan until I picked him up the only one we had 3 at the time-he was so special when he went back to the ONE who created him I mourned him for 3 weeks he was such a unique creature-he loved the snow-all this to say my loving thoughts go to Lisa and her sweet Babette-just until they meet again…..

  22. TerriNTexas

    Our pets are our little furry children. RIP dear little Babette.

  23. jody in florida

    Much love to Lisa in her sorrow. It is hard to replace a beloved pet and they never leave your heart.
    I’m happy you picked her up and held her Corey. That was healing for you, Lisa and Babette also! Aren’t you glad you did?
    Love to you too, sweet Corey, I know it hurts to see your friend sad.

  24. Suzette Bannister

    Yes, au revoir Babette. Such a sweet and gentle lady, she brought joy and happiness to Lisa and will be forever in her heart. Thanks for the beautiful photo of Babette.

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