Here it is the next French Antique Guessing Game-
For those of you who have never played and for those of you who have here is how it works:
The photos are of a French Antique that I saw today and did not have a clue as to what it was.
And when that rare occasion happens I put it here to see if it can stump you too.
The first person to guess what it is, purpose and name, wins a prize.
The person with the most creative original idea wins a prize too.
You can guess as many times as you want.
I will announce the winners
tomorrow, or the day after
depending if there is a correct answer.
The French Antique is over two feet long.
It is made of brass, it has two knobs that do not turn, never have never will.
It is about 100 years old or a little less.
I can only imagine some of the hilarious responses I am going to have…
and I dare say none of you will know the answer.
The last French Antique Guessing Game nobody got it right. But the one who won with the most creative response received the cup carrier.
This antique is not the prize, it is going in the apartment in Cassis.
Guess away! I cannot wait to read what you will say.
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