Heading Home

The barn



Heading home. I know home is in France, but home is also with my mom and family in Willows. Next year I will have lived longer in France than I did in the USA. Home isn't a place really…

As usual, I am not packed. My plane leave at 4am (a few hours from now). I do not like to pack, nor think about getting on that plane, it scares me.

I am ready,

but not ready.




Rice fields




Autumn in Willows fails to disappoint:

The harvest, the golden hue, the open spaces to stand in awe.





Road W



Going home.

Feeling at home.

It is all the same.




Open space




I heard somewhere that the place where one lived when they are around twelve years old has a lasting impression on ones visual concept of soothing attractive colors.







Old barns.


Pick up trucks,

Rice fields.

Long straight roads.

Rice harvest.

My mother's home.



Barn rd 44



Do you live in the same place where you were born?


Where do you call home?


19 responses to “Heading Home”

  1. Don’t worry re packing: If you forget anything, undoubtedly you can buy a replacement once you get to Willows.

  2. Look forward to your home. Mom is there making it your real home. These are your roots….all the rest are your earthly adventures. You are so lucky to have a chance to go back. I will tell you that your mom is as excited as you, dear Corey …..Love you and enjoy your visit.

  3. Safe journey. I know you’ll savor every moment.
    I live in the same state where I was born, after living in Washington, D.C., Florida, Michigan, and then back to Ohio.
    My husband and I plan to move to France, he wants to retire next year, but it’s hard to leave our kids, around the same age as yours, behind in the U.S. I hope we make a decision that let’s us enjoy life and let’s them feel safe.

  4. Taste of France

    I have always called where my parents lived home. Even though I left 30 years ago. Have a wonderful trip, and revel in these moments with your mother.

  5. I hope it’s not true about the 12 year old self. I’ve never been happier since I moved to the country and have nature and green all around me. Have a wonderful visit to the Motherland!

  6. Safe travels Corey, I know you’ll have a wonderful time. I look forward to stories, photos and your wonderful live videos. Say hi to Cousin Judy, Auntie E and the girls. X

  7. Have a great trip and enjoy every moment. I call home right where I am living at the very time I am asked. I have been away from my family home so long it is no longer home. I think once my mother passed away that made a difference too.

  8. I, also, call home – WILLOWS 🙂

  9. Our French Oasis

    Home is definitely where I grew up, where I spent 18 years of my life in the same farmhouse on the same small Island to the south of England. However, I also call ‘home’ here in France where I live with my husband and our children, this is ‘our home,’ that was ‘my home!’

  10. Our home is now shifting to Provence and we’re smack in the middle of this transition. Colorado will now be our second home and we will be there every year, but for how long we don’t know yet. It’s exhilarating, scary, exciting and a bit uncomfortable. Enjoy your time with your beloved mother and family Corey!

  11. Oh to spend a month with my Mother!!! So many hugs, the smell of her cooking, her perfume, the sound of her soft voice; I miss her so. I love your posts from Willows. So much love, so much laughter! I was raised in Venezuela and Libya. Since I can return to neither country I call Dallas home, as I lived there since I married. Safe travels. Xoxo

  12. Hi Corey, Sorry I missed you in Paris but I was sick at the time you were there. If you come to San Francisco maybe you could have a meet-up with your San Francisco followers!!

  13. I’ve never thought about it, but so true – I’ve lived all over the country (US) but when I think of home, and my favorite home, I think of where I lived at 12.

  14. Irene Thomas

    We just had a gorgeous CA sunrise and when I saw your post I imagined you seeing one in Willows in just a day or so. We drove to Marysville last Friday and the colors resembled my 12 year old Chicago colors. Autumn will always be my favorite season. But California is my heart’s home. Bon Voyage, Corey!

  15. Kristin Espinasse

    Have a wonderful visit, Corey. Look forward to seeing you when you return. Xoxo

  16. I love it that your coming home . I live further south in the San Joaquin Valley
    and we have been having a beautiful fall ! We just took long drive yesterday
    To Murphy’s and the ‘Big Trees’, state park. Gorgeous day.
    Welcome home to California….. Know your family can’t wait. 🎈🎈🎈

  17. So glad you are going to have some “home is where the heart is” time…and your heart is divided between 2 homes…I lived in my grandfather’s beautiful home until I was 9…it is where my childhood heart is…
    You write such an incredible blog, Corey…”heartfelt” appreciation, Judy

  18. Best wishes for safe travels to and from California, and a wonderful visit with your family!

  19. I have now reached the point where I have lived longer in Indiana than I lived in Maine. Maine will always be true “home,” although I have learned to bloom where I am planted. It is hard for me, at times, to believe that I live in the midwest and will most likely die here. It is not what I pictured for myself when I was young. 🙂 Oh, how our lives’ adventures take us on journeys unaware — like to little towns in the south of France and new and wonderful friends!

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