Back Home with Family


Corey amaro family


Back home with family.

Every Monday night my mother makes a feast for her family, last night there was eighteen of us.

No dishwasher, it is a choice, when I was growing up it bugged me, now I do not have a dishwasher by choice and love doing dishes next to my mom.

Yes, my mom does the dishes too.

It is as she wants it to be, "…for as long as I can do it."



Family dinner corey amaro


Mondays are full on with my brothers Marty, Mathew, Mark and Zane, their wives Suzy, Shelley, Diane and Zane's girlfriend Leslie, and the nieces and nephews Patti, Andy, Jack, Chelsea, Sacha, Gina, Maci, Kate, George, Sam, Joe, Marie, Molly and Warren. The youngest is 9. 

Quiet it is not. The children come after school and stay until after dinner.

Some rode motorcycles, some wrestled in the living room, other played music, everyone talked.

My mom made three desserts, because one is not enough?

It is like Thanksgiving every Monday.



Corey amaro family willows


Joe came home from college, Chelsea and Mr. Espresso were there too.



Corey amaro willows with family


Every corner of the house had activity.



Family willows Corey Amaro





21 responses to “Back Home with Family”

  1. I love your family.

  2. How wonderfully special!!! And so rare these days to see families like this. You have a real treasure of a family.

  3. We have a fully-operative dishwasher, yet Farmboy Husband prefers to hand-wash our dishes himself. I let him 🙂

  4. P.S. I infer that you and Chelsea are now starting to recuperate from your colds.

  5. Jacklynn Lantry

    So, so, so happy for you. Drink it all in, great draughts of family and love and happiness. xo j-

  6. I am so envious!

  7. I love, love love to see your nieces and nephew grow up. Sharing the joys of a large family. I love to see your cup refilled in these precious days with those so close to your heart. And I love to see you reconnect with the land of your childhood. Enjoy every moment and hold your wonderful mom close.

  8. Wow, it looks like a lot of fun. Your mum is amazing to still be able to cook such a large weekly meal.

  9. Deb Archer

    Love your family. Your mom is wonderful. I am glad you are “home” in Willows, with your kiddos too. Soak all the love in. 😍

  10. What was for dinner!

  11. How precious – and what a wonderful heritage!! Sorry we’ll miss you in Provence, but glad you’re making such fabulous memories in CA!

  12. Kristin Espinasse

    Enjoy your time with family, Corey. Then hurry back to France to your other family 💛 ! P. S. Hi to your mom from Little Kristi

  13. WOW I could read and reread posts like this. So glad that you are feeling better and can enjoy the traditional Mon. Dinner. I know you realize and appreciate what you have here. A huge and loving family. I give your parents credit as behavior starts at the top. Obviously first of all your parents taught their kids the value of love and respect. Well I could go on and on but I’ll just say this only child is truly enjoying watching from afar. Have a wonderful THANKSGIVING and I hope FH flys in at the last minute to surprise you. Xoxo Texas Francophile

  14. Cynthia Rieth

    Such wonderful photos! Wanted you to know I just finished The Velvet Hours and loved it! Thanks so much for the recommendation 🙂

  15. What a lovely, lively family. Your mother seems to be the heart and glue, and you are the mirror. I hope you are feeling well enough to participate fully. But it looks as though you are not having much trouble doing that!

  16. Suki Tutthill

    Hope you are feeling better Corey, how could you not with family and good old comfort food from home!.
    We, too, have a family tradition, Sunday night family dinner…used to be the night the teenagers were asked to be home, gather school work, laundry, etc and have dinner with Grandma Ethel. It continued after they left for college with Grandma, then, when then returned home and started their families, 4 generations!! Now, we are the Grandma and Grandpas, “Guki” and Poppy! Everyone’s comments are so lovely…Happy Holidays to all of us lucky folks who happened onto “Tongue in Cheek”

  17. How wonderful for everyone – this shared time together. Your heart must be full and I am so very happy for you.

  18. Nice! It must feel good inside and out!

  19. A M A Z I N G – wonderful – incredible – LOVE YOUR FAMILY!

  20. La Contessa

    LUCKY LUCKY YOU!!!!!!!
    I hope those kids know how lucky they are………MOST WOMEN TODAY would NEVER DO THAT!AT least the ones I KNOW………..anyway I get you and Chelsea to drive down to ORINDA?

  21. Ahhhhhhhmazong.

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