Home Made Love


WHS band


After seeing many videos of my niece Marie (a  Senior in high school) and my Godchild/Nephew George (a Freshman in high school) I finally saw them last night rocking out on the high school field. 



WHS band



Popcorn balls


The last three years in row I was been crazy enough to do a slumber party with the seven youngest nieces and nephews in my family. Let me just say that crazy isn't saying it enough. This year I am not so nutty, and refused to even let love get in my way in doing another slumber party. Staying up all night with seven fun loving kids is just not in me this year. I wish it were not true, but no way.

So instead two of them came over and slept in the living room while I slept far away happily. They said they made noise and stayed up, but I did not hear them. Whew.

This morning my mom woke up with the chickens and made waffles, cream puffs, popcorn balls… enough to make me wonder if the scale will tip when I get on it. Sacha gained 12 pounds when he came home last! He seemingly lost it over night once he was in France. The girls are making thumb print cookies. Does the baking ever end around here? No. 



Home love

All that baking, how can I still have room for anything else?

Sacha sent me this photo, standing on top of the Arc de Triomphe.

What are you up to this afternoon?




9 responses to “Home Made Love”

  1. Glad you got some sleep. Hope you are feeling better. What was I doing this afternoon? Hummm? Well I started my fruitcake for Christmas. It’s marinading until tomorrow when I will mix in the cake part and bake. Oh I hope I have found a good recipe. I do love a good fruitcake.

  2. This afternoon? Talked on the phone with a friend in Sacto., worked on my 2017 calendar for a while (am up to page 9 already!), then took a long nap. At least none of it was fattening, for a change 😉

  3. Preparing for guests coming to stay so I did housework.

  4. Taste of France

    At a certain point, it’s no longer possible to go a night without sleep.

  5. Jacklynn Lantry

    Thoughrs: Glad you are back in your toes. I want to make popcorn balls. Your mom looks like a million bucks. I should have taken Sacha out to eat when I was in Paris! I came home yesterday:( I want to return. Hey! Isn’t that the little pouting boy from a photo that was taken just yesterday? C, it looks like you are having a wonderful time, so happy for you.
    PS Found a Portuguese store in Paris!

  6. I am so enjoying your time in Willows home. Love the pictures and the happiness abounds. It surrounds everyone and envelopes everyone with a ‘love’ glow.

  7. Janet Eiffel

    Going to a Sunday Brunch Buffet
    with husband this afternoon. He loves eating out,
    hasn’t gained an oz. since we married
    a million years ago. I, on the other hand,
    Thanks again for being a “web friend”
    to so many.
    Really enjoying your trip home.

  8. It was 12 kilos!!! hahaha

  9. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    Oh for a short video of that rockin’ band! Sasha is handsome as ever.

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