The Canal Behind my Mother’s Home

reflections at sunset



As the last rays streamed down creating a masterpiece on the still water of the canal I was was transfixed on how an ordinary canal running behind my mother's home became a work of art. The canal's dirt road, the fields in the background, the barns and sheds that dot the canal bank were transformed simply from nature's brush of golden hue.



reflections at sunset


The nearby eucalyptus scented the air, the branches gracefully bowing added to the scene. I was taking photo of my nieces their eyes deep pools called me in, "I know you. I love you. You are the tomorrows of many moons and stars."



reflections at sunset


Later as I was washing dishes, while my mom baked cookies I was carried away from the moment with thoughts about returning back to France. Making mental lists as my thoughts raced from one thing to another. The marbleize suds popped catching my attention, my mental list stopped. I looked over at my mom who was measuring butter, cinnamon and love into her mixing bowl. 

Be present to the moment.

Be present to now.

This is why you are here.

My heart swelled as I prayed I would become more mindful to the moment at hand.



reflections at sunset


The coming and going of youth and age, like the changing seasons crossing our stage, slowly transform before our eyes, and yet suddenly the recognition that something has passed, time has gone by, life's experiences have settled within the soul of who we are.



reflections at sunset


The sun sets highlighting the walnut tree by the chicken pen.

A crown appears on the end of the day.

What did I make of it? It gave me more than I gave back.

The fortunate moment at hand, while others for no other reason of their own live in turmoil (war, famine…) 

What do I make of this glorious gift of peace, harmony, love, family, meals, faith, comfort, water, land… the time to reflect without worry?



reflections at sunset


Is it enough?

All this because the sunset over the canal behind my mother's home.



19 responses to “The Canal Behind my Mother’s Home”

  1. Taste of France

    Your mother measuring butter, cinnamon and love…how beautiful. I hope she knows you wrote that.

  2. Jacklynn Lantry

    You are a priest…the catholic’s just haven’t figured it out yet (to their detriment.)

  3. Beautifully written so that we are carried away to this glorious place.

  4. Touching words and photos.
    Thank you.

  5. Oh yes, Corey! Take it all in and savor. These memories are precious. Put them in your pocket for a day when you will need them, then pull them out and once again remember. Beautiful words!

  6. Art in both words and pictures.

  7. You are a poet in words and photos. I felt like I was there with you experiencing that moment. Being mindful…we who have so much..

  8. Exquisite!

  9. Beautiful sunset,,, relax Corey be in the moment you over think just enjoy the Now … Life is beautiful…. anywhere we may be

  10. The moment. We overlook the moments in our hurried lives. We forget to look up at Gods creation. We forget to stop and breathe in life. We forget to take a moment until we are reminded, by a a view, a smell, a blog post. A word from God delivered by one of his angels on earth, I believe He uses us to reach out, I believe He uses you to touch hearts and to remind us to stop and be in the moment.

  11. Patricia Rich Lloyd

    Utterly beautiful

  12. You have so beautifully captured in words and images that truth of holding memories, feeling them, touching them and then tucking them in to the pocket to carry along as the life walk continues. You bring blessings to all of us as you open your deep, soulful thoughts and feelings to share with us. I give thanks again and again for the years of being in your pocket with your stories and finding blessings again and again. My life has a richness of deep, faith stirred again and again by your blog. Thank you, thank you.

  13. Wonderful sentiments …Beautifully written.
    Your pics are wonderful too. Curious…are you taking these pics with your phone or your professional camera?

  14. If anything can really be perfect, this is … all of it.


    This blog post should be delivered from a pulpit..or a fallen log amidst, so beautiful.

  16. Shelley Noble

    So beautiful in every way.

  17. Leslie in Oregon

    “…this glorious gift of peace, harmony, love, family, meals, faith, comfort, water, land…” We are so very fortunate, and we each have a duty to share that incredible gift. Thank you, Corey.

  18. La Contessa


  19. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    “The coming and going of youth and age, like the changing seasons crossing our stage, slowly transform before our eyes, and yet suddenly the recognition that something has passed, time has gone by, life’s experiences have settled within the soul of who we are.”
    Beautiful. thanks.

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