Finding Modern at the Brocante

finding modern at the brocante


Back to the brocante, back to searching for pieces for our place in Cassis. Back to hanging out with my Super Hero, Mighty Man, French Husband.

Soon after arriving at the brocante a beautiful antique olive pot distracted me from my Modern Mission. One side of the antique olive pot (that I was told was from Biot) had been repaired by wire staples. I love that look in old dishes, so the Biot pot made me feel giddy. I wondered where I could put it, or who would want it, or who might want to buy it. After running through that list of who, what, where, and coming up blank. I told myself to take the dealer's number, take a photo of the antique Biot olive pot and focus on searching for pieces needed for Cassis.



finding modern at the brocante


French Husband and I were with our friend Gina. Gina stayed focused and found this 1960-70's chair. Metal base, chocolate brown leather seat, looks like an egg sliced at an angle.

Cost: 60 Euros.

Bought it.

The chair will go upstairs by an acrylic desk.

Yes I have made the leap from brocante to mid century modern. Cassis will be very different than anything I have ever designed.



finding modern at the brocante


French Husband had an amusing show going on while carrying the chair to the car. He pretended that the chair was super heavy and that he was a weakling. The brocante dealers were getting a kick out of his antics.



finding modern at the brocante


We found a bunch of things. A Bingo Day as I like to call it.

I cannot wait to show you Cassis!



13 responses to “Finding Modern at the Brocante”

  1. Too cute. Gosh, I wish I could have joined in the fun!

  2. It is so obvious how glad he is to have his wife back home. Nice.

  3. Love the chair. Great picture of FH too with the olive pot.
    Way to go on the acrylic desk! That is perfect for the small spaces in Casis. It’s like invisible furniture.

  4. How exciting, can’t wait to see Cassis. So pleased that you’ve been such a brave girl going the mid century way. Cassis is perfect for the style.

  5. Taste of France

    When we were looking at places to buy, we saw a house that had a museum-piece 1950s kitchen. All green linoelum and chrome. A wonder. In mint condition, in every sense of the term.
    I told the owners to take photos and try to sell the cupboards and matching dining set online. They had no idea MCM was a thing.

  6. Jennifer Phillipps

    That husband is a definite scallywagg, but so cute with it!
    I cannot understand how you could leave that beautiful big stapled pot behind….you must have a spot for it?? I love the stapled look….I have a beautiful oxblood red Japanese vase, quite a big one, that has been heavily stapled at the rim and a bit on the neck, which makes it look very well lived…..I hope you can find a home for it. I am all of a quiver at the prospect of seeing Cassis when it is done….happy hunting!!


    FH is such a good sport and has the most pleasant attitude. You are perfect for each other! You will add enough of the old to balance the age and richness of Cassis and contemporary. I can’t wait to see! What a fun day it was ~ I thank you both again! xo

  8. Our French Oasis

    Can’t wait to see inside Cassis, I absolutely love mixing up modern and antique. The chair looks fabulous, I saw a similar one for sale in a shop recently at 1200 euros!

  9. Someone doesn’t waste any time getting back into t swing of things! Love that olive pot! Maybe an outdoor table w a top on it!

  10. Jacklynn Lantry

    Hi Yann! Love the chair you guys. The chair is a great find, looking forward to seeing the finished product.

  11. That chair will be perfect in Cassis. Bravo for reaching out in a new design direction Corey! It will be so special.

  12. Can’t wait to see your take on the mod vintage vibe. It’s so much interesting to mix it up and not have one style, non?

  13. Lisa Gustavson

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