French Provencal Bakery at Christmas

French Provencal Bakery



French Provencal Bakery



French Provencal Bakery



French Provencal Bakery


French Provencal Bakery



French Provencal Bakery



French Provencal Bakery



French Provencal Bakery

French Provencal Bakery




15 responses to “French Provencal Bakery at Christmas”

  1. Jacklynn Lantry

    Suddenly I’m hungry…

  2. …..heavy sigh………….

  3. At least the virtual baked goodies don’t contain any calories 😉 But I’d rather have some of those lovely breads and desserts.

  4. what a slice of heaven. Can’t believe all that wonderful creativity in the natural Christmas decorations! It reminds me of your mom’s style.

  5. Beautiful bakery!


  7. The first time I travelled to Paris was 18 years ago at Christmastime. It was beautiful. There were trees split in half and affixed to Printemps and decorated. The trees lining the sidewalk outside the store sparkled with lights and gold stars. The bakeries and confectionary stores all had wonderful window displays. We bought clementines from the street market that had been imported from Spain. We came home with copper pans from Dehillerins, almond nougat dipped in dark chicolate from Maison du Chocolate, jams and tea from Fauchon, silk scarves from Printemps, ribbons, silk flowers, buttons, tassels at La Dragerie. Music, often classical, drifted into the streets. I can still smell freshly baking bread, it was very cold and I lost a pair of gloves every day for three days. The Museums. It was one of the most memorable weeks of my life. I have been back five more times.

  8. Love the wooden Christmas tree 🙂

  9. Taste of France

    They are very clever with decorations! The twig garland, the bûche tree…
    I can imagine it’s warm and wonderful-smelling inside.
    Probably a line out the door. Everybody in line talking (about the weather) and kissing greetings, because of course they all know each other.

  10. Our French Oasis

    I love that tree, so clever and so pretty. Walking into any boulangerie is a pleasure and at this time of year even more so, especially when I have the children with me, they want one of everything!!!

  11. stadtgarten

    So beautiful!
    Have a nice Christmas Time, Monika

  12. What a treasure!

  13. Makes my heart go pitter patter! So homey and natural. Just Beautiful to me!

  14. Would that be your favourite Boulanger in Rognes perhaps?
    Wonderful photos….


    Love this place I might have go back before I leave for more of the “U” cookie. -I am Christmas dinner party gathering in France – Hello another suitcase!

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