Chelsea Our Christmas Baby

The christmas baby named her brother Sacha

Our daughter learned to talk early. At sixteen months she told me she did not want to wear a diaper. I had never mentioned the toilet to her, so imagine how surprised I was when she kicked those chubby legs saying, "Pas chouche, pas couche! (No Diaper, no diaper!)" Right then and there Chelsea went commando as we went to the shop to buy some underwear, she never wore a diaper again. 



Writing Santa


To say she was precocious is to say that I felt like the kid most of the time. Chelsea would say and do things that were way beyond her years, and often before I had a chance to figure out that it was unusual for a child her age to be doing so.



The Christmas angel

It should have come as no surprise to French Husband and I, that when I was barely pregnant Chelsea said, "My baby brother('s) name is Sacha." I glanced at French Husband and whispered, "She understands?" French Husband wasn't concerned with her knowledge that I was pregnant with a boy, but rather that she already had named him, his eyebrows went down when he asked, "When did you plant that name in her head?"


Santa's letter

I moved my head back into my neck, grimaced, and said, "Hey, if I was going to plant a name, Sacha isn't the name I would have planted. Remember I like Jules, Eli, Beau or Elijah…" before I could continue my list, Chelsea offered her two cents, "No, my baby brother name Sacha, not Jules, not Eli.. no." Then she hugged my barely protruding stomach, kissed it and coo-ed,"S-a-c-h-a."


Santa comes to town


French Husband didn't believe me. "Honestly, I did not know where she got that name, let alone how she put it altogether." I offered in my defense. Though secretly, since Chelsea hadn't picked one of my names, I was glad she hadn't picked one of French Husband's hopeful names for our son.




When I told my family that we were thinking to name our boy Sacha, they laughed thinking it was a joke and a name for a dog.

My Mother in Law came to see us, for the sole reason to change the idea about the name Sacha. When we told her it wasn't our idea but Chelsea's, she shrugged like we were making it up. "Just tell her that she isn't the one to name the baby," my Mother in Law sighed, "You are the parents after all."



Tree lights

But after spending the week with us, my Mother-in-Law left saying, "You must name your baby Sacha, or Chelsea will be devastated. I have never seen a child so determine and steadfast, she talks to that baby as if he is here already!" Then she looked at us demanding, "Who told her that name?" Her eyes darted back and forth at French Husband and I. 

We shrugged, and then blamed each other.



Santa's Christmas Story

Years went by, twenty of them to be exact, and we never knew how Chelsea got the name Sacha in her head… Until one day when I was cleaning out the bookshelf and took out the children's books to put them in a box and take to the garage. Chelsea said, "Oh mom, don't take these away, remember this one…" and before you know it we were cozy on the bed reading their books, recalling memories.



Note in book

"On Christmas Eve" was in the pile, a favorite, a gift given to Chelsea by family friends when we were in Willows before Sacha was born. On Christmas Eve is a story of a little girl who writes a letter to Santa, and an angel who delivers it to him. The book is one without words, and the reader reads the pictures. Hence, whoever reads the book can read it in their own language.


I read the book a million times, as did French Husband, my Brother Mark, My Mother in Law, and many other French and Americans that year to Chelsea.

Each in his own language.



Santa listens



And there on the corner of the page, stands the little angel with a tiny little piece of paper… I read the story many times but never bothered to read the teeny tiny note, instead I said, "The little angel read the little girl's Christmas List to Santa," then I would ask Chelsea (when she was little), "What would be on your list?" 


But on this day I noticed something that I had never noticed before.


Sacha's List


In the book, that a million people who loved Chelsea, who had read the story to her in their own language had probably read the teeny tiny letter that said,

"Dear Santa, I would like a a doll house, chocolates, a dog…. Love Sasha."

The name was in the Christmas Book.



Sasha's list of love

The name was planted in Chelsea's heart over and over again, "Love Sasha".

I laughed and laughed, I was so surprised to finally discover the secret of how Chelsea came up with the name for her baby brother when she was only twenty three months old.



On Christmas Eve

Today is Chelsea's twenty seventh birthday.

A Christmas angel who named her baby brother years ago by listening to the Christmas story.




I know I have asked you before to share the story of how you got your name, and I hope you will re tell your story today in the comment section. 


44 responses to “Chelsea Our Christmas Baby”

  1. corey I love this post-as I have said in previous posts.. the name georgeanne for a little baby ugh-so long non-traditional not as feminine as I would like…never the less here it was…. my mom from the time she was a little girl ALWAYS said when I have a baby girl I am going to name her Georgeanne George after her father whom she adored and he her…and Anne(Anna) after her mother who adored her…she didn’t go with anna because my grandmom went by Anne and she was Ann and didn’t want people to say GEORGIE ANNA (which by the way they do) and to round it off my middle name Irene is her only sibling’s name-I carry her whole necular family in my name….with the advent of computers the 10 letters were too much and often the Anne was dropped and I had to prove I was a girl in my high school ring is engraved George because that is what my dearest friends called me and still do to this day. GEORGEANNE IRENE-has grown on me and now my mom is no longer with us I cherish the story behind me!

  2. Oh, Corey!! I LOVE this story!! How sweet!! Also, isn’t it so curious how children just absorb the smallest details?!? Marvelous!
    My name story? Well, it’s “Tara”…and growing up in southern Virginia, you can imagine that everyone thought I was named after Scarlett O’Hara’s beloved home in “Gone With the Wind.” Au contraire…my mom said she loved that name, and never knew anyone by “Tara,” but she thought that “Tara sounds like a nice person”…et voila…c’est moi!

  3. Janet Eiffel

    All of my adult life people have
    told me that I look like
    Jamie Lee Curtis.
    Actually, I did when younger.
    So much that the comments
    became a bit annoying to me.
    I like her well enough, just
    got tired of saying I’m not her.
    I am “a certain age” now and
    I have let my hair grow longer
    lately, still I am told that
    I look like Jamie Lee Curtis.
    Here is the crazy part…….
    My name is Janet Lee,
    after my mother’s favorite actress,
    Janet Leigh (Curtis).

  4. Bom aniversário, Chelsea!

  5. Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Chelsea!!!

  6. What a lovely story! I have no idea how I got my name, but it came from my mother.

  7. This is a beautiful story Corey and beautifully told. Happy Birthday to your Chelsea!

  8. Had my mother followed the Italian tradition of the first male being named after the fathers’ father and the first female being named after the fathers’ mother I would have been named Florence Gertrude. Whereas my mother loved her new mother in law she said she just couldn’t name her daughter, Florence Gertrude. So I was named Rebecca, one of her favorite names instead. Most people call me Becky now, except my mom. Thanks mom.
    And Happy Birthday Chelsea!

  9. Oh I love this story. The day I was born, June 6 happened to fall on the feast day of Corpus Christi that year so my parents named me Christine. I was number 5 and I think they were running out of names.
    Happy Birthday to Chelsea. Such a wise woman!

  10. My name is Victoria Ann. My parents nicknamed me Vicki. I always felt my nickname did not fit me and my given name was too formal. But I never complained. I was given the middle names of my grandmothers. If I had been given their first names I could have been Myrtle Evangaline!!

  11. Shelley Noble

    Such a sweet story. Chelsea must be a very detailed type of person. Does her day to day occupation involve detail would you say?

  12. Lana Kloch

    love the endearing way chelsea named sasha.. discovered after so many years..
    my name lana was given to me by my father harry mock.. he served in world war ii and he collected movie star photos and autographs..
    he wrote to them and received a lot of them in return.
    his favorite was lana turner…
    i like it and people often think i am from hawaii, because it sounds hawaiian..
    thanks for sharing your wonderful store..
    happy birthday chelsea.. and how did you get your name?

  13. Leonie Buchanan

    My Mum read These Old Shades by Georgette Heyer when she was a teenager & decided her first daughter would be Leonie.
    She called me Leonie the moment she knew she was pregnant…..luckly for her I was a girl. Everyone called the unborn child Leonie.
    Mum died 3 years ago at 95 and I have her original book….very precious.

  14. Taste of France

    This is a wonderful story. Kids are so amazing. It’s a good thing you looked through that book!
    My niece had a name for her little sister, who was still in the oven: Kremela. Luckily, her parents didn’t listen to her. We never did find out where that one came from. Kremela now has two kids of her own.

  15. What a delightful story! I was named after my grandmothers…Evelyn Ruth and Jessie Viola…so I’m Evelyn Viola. My mother’s name was Mary. Growing up people often confused our names calling her Evelyn and me Mary. So maybe my name should have been Mary?

  16. Our French Oasis

    What an absolutely wonderful story, I think it is so great that you stuck with the name. Our youngest is called Georgina, when she was born we called her Georgie or George, everyone did, her youngest sister was just 18 months old an was a late talker. She couldn’t say the name George or Georgie, just GG and as Georgie got older and started to talk herself her number one playmate was the sister closest in age to her, who called her GG, slowly over a couple of years Georgie disappeared and Gigi became her name, I still have many old cards all with the name Georgie on them, but anything from when she was about 3 or 4 changed to Gigi. She is now known solely as this even at school!

  17. I love the story of how Sacha was named…happy birthday Chelsea!
    I was named Leigh Catherine; Leigh after the local undertakers daughter because mum loved the name and Catherine after mum’s mother plus Catherine is a family name on my mothers maternal side.
    Corey, tell us how you and Yann were named, would love to hear.

  18. Oh, I MUST make the time to write to you Corey and to congratulate to Chelsea, your precious precocious baby 🙂
    This is über-wonderful and if it weren’t you to write this, I sd have thought this wasn’t possible – but then WHAT do we know about a child’ inner-life? Adorable, incredible, wonder-full, it’s only words that come to mind but I am mostly marvelling at what riches were in your daughter’s heart and soul at such a young age…. it brings tears of happiness to my eyes.
    Thanks for sharing this precious story with your readers – Happy and joyful, blissful and unrushed Christmas Days to all of you. Love you lots

  19. 🙂 Just bought myself a copy on Ama UK (and sent to a friend’s address – so I will only see it next time we visit UK – a PRE-CHRISTMAS GIFT 2017 for myself!!!!!) – pictures and story was so satisfying and beautiful – shall then, of course, always think of Chelsea and Corey, every time I look into this childrens’ book 🙂

  20. your best post yet. superbe!
    (my brothers named me.)

  21. What a beautiful story. I immediately went to Amazon to try and order a copy of this lovely wordless “Christmas Eve” by Peter Collington as our granddaughter lives in France. Yikes, I t is now a collectable at $ 2500.00 !!! Thank you for sharing this story. My daughter was three when her brother was born. She wanted to call him “Cheesburger” . 🙂

  22. Teresa Cesario

    What a beautiful story and so beautifully written Corey! Thank you
    Merry Christmas!

  23. Oh Corey I love that story!! And Chelsea and I share a special is my birthday too!!!

  24. I had one little boy named Christopher and I so badly wanted a sister for him. I called her Lisa Christine, until one day a friend had MY little girl and named her Lisa Christine. So I changed MY girl’s name to Laurie Christine and darned if another friend didn’t have MY little girl and named her Laurie Christine. I decided that’s it, I am not say aloud my little girl’s name so I called her Sascha to myself. I was a school teacher and when I went to school one day my teaching partner Jill was so excited. They had bought a puppy the night before and named her Sasha.I gave up, I never had MY little girl but I still name her silently and in my journals. I have so many little girls that are dancing around in the sky. They just never made it to me but they are there and no one knows their names but me!!


    I loved your story Corey!
    My name came from my parents middle names. Marian after my fathers middle name and Jean after my Mom’s.
    I am not crazy about it. My Dad named me years before I was born even if I had been a boy. Thank goodness I am not.
    My nick name is GeeGee. I like it better and it is what most of my family calls me even my husband when he was alive.
    I got the name from Captain Kangaroo. My younger sister could not say Mr. Green Jeans name and called him JeanJean. She could not speak well and some how it got attached to me because of my middle name. So GeeGee stuck.

  26. Bonnie Schulte

    I love the name Sacha, and to hear/see you write it on your blog just seems the name it was suppose to be. So great to hear that you found out where Chelsea heard or saw the written name, it just makes it even more special. My middle name is Cornelia, which I never tell, because I dislike it so much. When I asked my Mother where she came up with such an awful name (to me anyway) I was told I was born on St.Cornelius’s day, (Catholic name for that day) and my Grandmother told my Mom, she HAD to use that name. I am only thankful it is not my first name..anyway, what a fun subject on your always fun blog…Bonnie (which is really Bonita, but I don’t use that name either)

  27. I was named after my Mom’s sister Mary who died before I was born. If I was a boy I would have been named Mark. When I was born at Glenn General they told my Dad that Mom had a boy. He went back to work thinking he had 4 boys. Surprise!

  28. Barbara Blizzard

    I am a New Year’s Eve baby. My parents expected a boy and had no name picked out for a girl. The nurses wanted to call me Nancy, but eventually my Mother went to saint names, choosing Barbara Joan. When in France, I love discovering pieces of Joan of Arc’s history.

  29. Happy Birthday to Chelsea and how did she get her name.

  30. Sharon Penney-Morrison

    I have no idea why I was named Sharon. She never said…and I don’t recall ever asking.
    My Father’s middle name was Lee, hence my middle name.
    Our children are born with knowledge from the heavens and some of us never recognize this. Chelsea, Happy Birthday dear one.

  31. Tongue in Cheek

    Very much so!!

  32. Tongue in Cheek

    Wow! Who knew. I wonder why?

  33. Tongue in Cheek

    Happy Birthday Nikki!! xoxo

  34. Tongue in Cheek

    What a surprise, a delightful one! Love your story, and I could picture your mother, father and brothers and you xxx

  35. When expecting me my mother, Anne-Hildegarde, who was a first generation American child of Norwegian parents, read the Nobel prize winning book, “Kristin Lavrensdatter” and determined that to reflect her father’s name, Christian, if she had a daughter it would be Kristin,and so I was named Kristin Anne….Anne being my grandfather’s mothers name and one used often in both Norwegian families.
    As a child the only folks I knew with the name Kristin were Norwegian. Today it is a much used name and often spelled with en, which to a Norwegian means that the name is masculine.

  36. Jacklynn Lantry

    Happy Birthday Chelsea!

  37. beatnheart

    A beautiful and delightful story…
    smart smart Chelsea Girl….happy birthday

  38. Beautiful story! Thank you. Many good wishes for you and your family,

  39. Andrea Hames

    What beautiful story! I was named Andrea because my grandfather admired an actress by the name of Andrea King (born in Paris). My middle name (Francine) was for his mother (Freida), who managed to get herself and her young children out of Rumania to survive. I like the combination of a woman born in France and a survivor. It truly speaks to who I am. Thanks for the opportunity to tell our stories.

  40. Happy Birthday to Chelsea! I was born on Christmas Day. My mom had favored the name “Carol,” but my cousin received that name instead. In almost every class I had in school, there were three or four of us Linda’s, and that was indeed, the most popular girl’s name the year I was born, I discovered. My mother had loved movies. The year I was born, the actress Linda Darnell had made two movies, one of them a film noir. I’m as far from being a film noir star as I could possibly be. However, that name is far better than the name I would have been given if I’d been named for my two grandmothers: Vernettie Blanche!

  41. Lisa DeNunzio

    Happy Birthday Chelsea. When I asked my grandson what was a good name for his new brother he replied, ELMO.
    However, my daughter was a bit more lucky when her aunt suggested Lucienne as her name. This was, in a broad sense, after her great grandmother Lucretzia. ‘Luce’ in Italian means light; and dare alla luce is how Italians refer to being born – given to the light.
    A stretch, but we love the name and the child immensely.

  42. 1eyedmonkee

    We have the same book and now as it goes from the generation of my children to my grandchildren – I’ll never pull it out without thinking of your family.

  43. I enjoyed reading your lovely story. So sweet. Thank you for sharing. Merry Christmas

  44. My full first name is Jan-Marie (I’m hyphenated on both ends!). I was supposed to be born in late December and my name was going to be Ann-Marie. Unfortunately for my little French mum, I was born a few weeks late and arrived in January instead. My little mum decided “Jan—January…” and named me Jan-Marie instead. My middle name is Theresa, after my mum and my confirmation name is Margaret. The nuns told me we could choose the name of a saint or a sister, so I originally chose “Suzanne” after MY sister. Those nuns would have none of it, so Margaret it was. I love the story of how Sacha got his name!

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