Rolling Blue Wonder



The sky hid above the slivers of charcoal clouds that trailed white whispers, rain was not a threat. We sat on a nearby bench listening to the calm steady sound of the waves and had breakfast that we bought at the bakery around the corner.

The color of the sea was achingly beautiful. 





Like a stained glass window that longs for light to shine through…

Light sang at the theatre of the sea.

Graceful without fanfare.

Momentarily the clouds shifted, the sun poured down

 the sea was a bath of liquid beauty.

No one asked, no one needed, it just was.

And I just happened to be there to witness a daily occurrence:

Water and light.

Heaven and Earth.





Empty now of summer tourists, the beach breaths and the air is no longer scented with sunscreen.

And the sea is without the distraction of colorful swimsuits, beach towels, and umbrellas.







The sea reminds me of prayer. 

No words needed. 

Ebb and flow of thoughts, pouring out, disappearing in the sand as the tide flows over it.

Steady strong softness unwinding and gathering.

Moving with the tide, letting go, letting be-

Seashells toss and turn becoming sand.

Moving with the tide, buoyant letting go, letting be

Diving deep and surfacing.




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Wonder and awe.






13 responses to “Rolling Blue Wonder”

  1. Beautiful!

  2. Just beautiful Corey! Your words are like a prayer.
    Wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas.

  3. Thank you, I needed that. Such beauty.

  4. Gorgeous photos, Corey!

  5. Nikki Maxwell

    You are a woman of many beautiful gifts Corey, exquisite thought provoking writing is one of them.
    Wishing you and your family a wonderful and happy Christmas.

  6. Such beauty!… your words and the sea! You keep feeding us with such wonder. Thank you.
    May you and your family have a Blessed Christmas.

  7. Carole Boldt

    Beautifully expressed, Corey.

  8. Gorgeous photos. Beautiful words. Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  9. Lovely, lovely…sweet beauty of the earth//sea///skies. Thank you for this wonderful gift of seeing and smelling, and hearing and remembering. Much appreciation for your ability to capture the essence and share …a true blessing.
    Happy Solstice! Happy winter! Joyeux Noël.

  10. God’s beautiful creation; your beautiful words catching the moment. So peaceful and at peace. Thank you.

  11. LauraInSeattle

    BEAUTIFUL: words, thoughts and the photo itself! I appreciate your daily posts so much. They are a regular part of my day, thank you.

  12. Jacklynn Lantry

    Stunning, I remember being wonderstruck by the color(s) of the sea in Cassis. Slate, azure, aquamarine…A gray-blue palette rolling in from the horizon, waves with silvery ruffles and smoky cloud-white tips.

  13. Wendy McNiece Stoner

    #2017goals This…

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