Prayer at Christmas for Syria and Beyond

Christmas card, Corey Amaro


The birth of Jesus, turn the other cheek, love one another, a young girl unmarried, a man who had faith in her, a stable as a throne, three kings follow a star and find a baby, parents leave their homeland, no room in the inn… 

Those symbols speak to me. They always have. They are humble, full of courage, longing, kindness and faith. Especially when I feel lost in how to help, how to give what I have been given so freely. 


Christmas prayer, everyday prayer: 


Putting my hands palm to palm,

I opened them to form a cup.

I prayed, imagining my prayer taking form into my cupped hands.

I imagined, God's hand, loving hands, underneath my own,

When every word of mine, no longer had a name, when only silence stood between my heart and hands, when my prayer(s) sat heavy in my hands–

I opened them, letting them pour out to the hands underneath.

Letting go.

Letting be with faith in love and goodness.

Trusting that the loving hands underneath my own held my prayer.

That is faith. Brings me courage to face whatever comes my way and to extend myself to go beyond what is comfortable and safe.

to help those in need
Medicine without Boarders 
Love one another.


12 responses to “Prayer at Christmas for Syria and Beyond”

  1. Dear Corey, wishing you and your lovely family a Merry Christmas. And wishing for peace for those in Syria.

  2. Jacklynn Lantry

    I wish you could bottle your faith and sell it. I’d buy the first bottle! Merry Christmas Miss C.

  3. Powerful – figurative language, beautiful post for today. Unbelieveable what Aleppo has undured. Love must conquer all. Merry Christmas!

  4. My friend Fernando just wrote a long poem touching among other topics on the tragedy in Syria. It was published Friday in “Diário Insular” on Terceira (where Corey’s grandparents were from), and I translated it the same day. Here’s an excerpt of my English version:
    Children in Aleppo,
    Where life is a living hell
    How can they have hope
    And celebrate Christmas?

    If there is a Hell, it is on earth.
    In this unfortunate time of ours
    Aleppo is not just a war
    Aleppo is a holocaust.
    In the name of religions
    And of utterly mundane interests
    Multitudes are exterminated
    In inhumane scenarios.
    And in the midst of so much horror
    That we calmly witness
    Who can imagine the degree of pain
    That each child there feels?
    In the innocence of children
    Trapped by war
    Is there still hope
    Of God watching over them?
    Some will have gifts
    Wrapped in solidarity
    And perhaps the innocents will see
    A glimpse of happiness.
    But after this moment
    Necessarily fleeting
    The thought will return:
    “Please, I just want peace.”

  5. And to that I say AMEN! Praying with ceasing! Sending love out into the world.

  6. Another moving and beautiful post, thank you. And thank you for giving the links to donate. I pray for the triumph of peace, compassion and sanity in 2017. And the courage and stamina to help bring about needed change.

  7. Leslie in Oregon

    Thank you, Corey. For those in France, the organization you mention about is Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), ,and in the U.S., it is known as Doctors Without Borders ( ). A more worthy, effective humanitarian relief organization is not to be found.

  8. Love the sentiments of peace and unity expressed here! I have long been a supporter of Doctors Without Borders. However the white helmets are not not an organization that is without controversy. They operate in Al Qaeda/ ISIS controlled areas which are receiving their weapons from US backed organizations with the express purpose of toppling President Bashar. He was elected by 88% of the voting population. I am concerned that misinformation about the conflict in Syria is being done with the express purpose of destabilizing the region even further. To what end… always, financial gain.

  9. Prayers filled with a heart of love and care for those in need…thank you Corey for once again giving voice and written words to a painfully sad situation in the world. My prayers will surely be deepened as I hold your words with mine in prayer.

  10. Oh, Corey, you are a truly good person, with a gracious, loving heart.

  11. Amen.

  12. Oh, Corey. So beautiful.

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