Mari is Coming Back to Town

Yesterday Typepad the server I use to create my blog was down which did not let my blog post download properly. Finally this early morning it appeared, I am sorry if I worried any of you. While creating yesterday’s blog I came across a blog post about Mari that I posted in 2010: Yes I have been blogging for sometime, since 2005, and am so glad some of you have continued reading it. Mari is a blog reader who I met years ago and who is in love with France. Since she comes to France often we met up and always have a crazy fun time together. Here is the first post I wrote about her:


When in France eat.

If you want to experience the French lifestyle… Then you must eat, and in doing so you will entertain every sense you have regarding France.

Sit in cafes, take your time,
Sip wine,
Converse over your meals, have dessert and drink coffee.


The French way is to savor the moment. To dine at the proper time:

Breakfast up until 9:30
Lunch between 12:30 – 2:00
Coffee at 2:00
Tea time between 4:00 – 6:00
Cocktails between 6:00 – 8:00
Dinner anytime after 8:00

And nothing in between or out of order.


A white tablecloth and wine glasses on the table doesn’t mean the meal is going to cost a fortune. A cloth on the table is how it is in France. Setting up the atmosphere is part of the mis en scene.


Mary came to France to buy for her stores in Austin. She also wanted to be inspired. She asked me to tag along and show her the France I love. Boy oh boy was that an easy task to undertake.

I asked her one question and gave a statement:

“Do you like to garlic?
I hope you like old things.”

Luckily she answered correctly.

The First Day we dined on salad with a garlic sauce. Talking was from the side of our mouths the rest of the day.


Mari asked me if I ever thought of given tours, taking people around France, showing them the brocante…. being a tour guide.

“Sure. I even know how I would do it.” I smiled.
“Really,” she said, “Tell me what your plan would be.”
“I would only take one or two people at a time. Custom Tours, my way. The client(s) would pay for everything: The beautiful hotels, the car, the glorious restaurants, the tolls, the cafes, etc. etc. and I would plan where we would go, and where we would stay and where we would eat.” I offered.
“Would the hotels or restaurants be negotiable for your client(s)?” Mari asked.
“Nope.” I said and continued, “And I would plan the whole tour around creative inspiration, food and antiques. Plus two critically important details,” Mari interrupted me and asked;
“…and what would that be?”
I chimed, “I would have first dibs on everything at the brocante regardless if they bought it or not… actually it would be better if they bought it for me,” I grinned.

Mari cracked up laughing, “Is that negotiable?”
“Nope.” I offered.
“I do not think you will have many clients. Though I think that is what you are saying.”
I smiled.

(Little did I know that The French la Vie would come to be years later. Of course the dibs part has changed.)


We ate.
Lunch out everyday.

The Second Day: Fish soup baked in a shell.


Garlic puree for the fish soup. Mari licked it clean. She is a kindred spirit.


Third day Mari had grilled duck. I forgive her because she likes garlic and old things.


The Fourth day: Fish with two types of mango sauce and sesame garlic oil.


The Fifth day: Cod with creamy garlic potatoes and roquette.


A carafe of water was my luncheon drink… I drove ( I could back then…)


The Sixth day: Pumpkin soup with whipped goat cheese on toast.

Mari made the mistake of asking French Husband how whipped goat cheese was made. French Husband felt so honored, nobody ever asks him about cooking or recipes. He barely knows the difference between mustard and chocolate. I am not kidding.

French Husband told Mari, “Well, whipped goat cheese is made by grabbing a goat, holding it above your head and shaking it.”

Mari not missing a beat continued, “And whip cream from a cow is made the same way?”

“Oh no,” French Husband grinned, “A cow is too heavy to shake over one’s head. I buy my whipped cream in a can.”


We had tea.
Mariage Freres.

(This is how I found this old blog post, I was re reading about when I drank tea.)


Creme Brulee was Mari’s favorite.
Mine is Tarte Tatin.


Of course if you love cheese… France is the Royal Kingdom of Cheese.

Cheese and salad was on the menu on the Seventh Day. The cheese was served with a fig, mango jam.

Deliciousness at best.


Oh, the tab. Or reality check.


Usually I make dinner every evening.

On the second to the last night we made Dolmas, or Stuffed Grape Leaves, I wish you could have heard the part of the conversation where I say O.K. a million times to Annie while she is teaching us.  Annie told us we are doing it wrong, she would shake her head, and then there was a big crash because Mari dropped the pan.

Mari said, “The Stuffed Grape Leaves were the best! Annie was the highlight of my trip to France.”

I poked her, then corrected, “Annie, the stuffed grape leaves, Corey and garlic were the high lights of your trip.”



35 responses to “Mari is Coming Back to Town”

  1. Lovely to see a picture of Annie.

  2. Taste of France

    Wonderful remembrances! Your blog really embraces the origin of the term–Web log–a diary.

  3. Merisi in Vienna

    Such a beautiful post, then and now. And I loved meeting Annie again.
    Happy New Year and much love from Vienna,

  4. Love this post and I don’t recall seeing that lovely candid shot of you and Annie together. Was looking for your post so pleased that normal transmission has been resumed so to speak lol.

  5. The food and friendship is a dear treasure. Enjoy a new visit with Mari. How wonderful to see Annie there too.

  6. That fish soup with the crust looks heavenly. Hope you have a great time together.
    Whipped goat cheese…that is too funny!


    Loved the whole post Corey! Mari sounds like my kind of gal, as you are as well! Dreaming of the culinary adventures & indulgences we will have!

  8. Corey, when will you write your book about Annie? You have so much material online from which to choose as a starting place, as well as a trove of photos (doubtless many more than you’ve posted).

  9. Ah, sweet Annie.

  10. Our French Oasis

    What a lovely story to start my day, put a smile on my face, it was such a perfect trip down memory lane.

  11. Lisa DeNunzio

    Aside from enjoying this post, your blog and vicariously following along with the French Muse Experience, I will just say that I am a ‘master’ of thinking of ideas for other people. Having said that I thought….Corey is so good at what she does…..maybe she could instruct other people on how to blog. What a thought!!! As a recent blogger I am always challenged with posts, pictures, etc. In fact I have thousands of pix and it is always a
    problem when I need to locate them.
    So that is my gift to you for 2017 – another thought (idea) (job) for your already busy life to add to your blogging, purchasing and designing houses, antiquing, enjoying life in France with your family and life in general…… I will be your first client,

  12. Oh my, my heart swells as I see Annie! How you brought to us the sweetness, spunkyness and pure delight of this wonderful woman ..what a magnificent memory post. Friends are truly important and bring continuity and stability to our journey. Some great menu items, delicious descriptions…and Yann’s stories are such delight!

  13. La Contessa


  14. Sue Matheson

    Oh, the food for the eyes, so vivid I could taste them!How lovely to see Annie in her element!

  15. Oh I love seeing the pic of Annie. Mari sounds delightful do you know the name of her store in Austin, Texas? I go there often and would love to drop in.

  16. Shelley Noble

    Wonderful post, Corey. Dear Annie, we celebrate her life. And have a marvelous time with your Mari! Bon appetit!

  17. Tongue in Cheek

    Thank you, I do miss her xx

  18. Tongue in Cheek

    It has been for me xxx

  19. Tongue in Cheek

    Happy New Year dear Merisi! xxx

  20. Tongue in Cheek

    I wish I could write more, but understandably with respect I cannot.

  21. Tongue in Cheek

    XOXO thank you xx

  22. Tongue in Cheek

    Oh that fish soup was some of the best eve. Unfortunately, the restaurant changed hands, and the soup is no longer the same.

  23. Tongue in Cheek

    Soon to be! Cannot wait!

  24. Tongue in Cheek

    If only I could, and would if she were my mother. xx

  25. Tongue in Cheek

    Indeed xx

  26. Tongue in Cheek

    Thank you!

  27. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi Lisa, If I can help you I will. Send me an email with questions you might have. I use typepad, which I pay for because it has most everything built in. Meaning I do not have to do the coding, nor structure. Regarding photos I try to use the photos I take straight away, and usually do. Otherwise they get lost in the pile. Anyway if you have any questions let me know.

  28. Tongue in Cheek

    Truly Annie was a dear friend, one I miss daily. One of my best friend’s ever in my life. What joy she was. I am glad others saw her beauty too and felt her goodness.

  29. Tongue in Cheek


  30. Tongue in Cheek

    And tasted as good! Thank you for mentioning Annie! We loved her xxx

  31. Tongue in Cheek

    Mari will get a kick out of you Cousin!!

  32. Tongue in Cheek

    Thank you dear Shelley xxx

  33. becky up a hill

    Went to the A.& M. cafe in Paris for breakfast at 11:00. The cafe was nearly empty, but could tell the waiter spied some hapless Americans coming late for breakfast. We had wonderful omelets.

  34. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    Well now I want every single one of those items you and Mari had on my next trip. Yum yum yum. I’ll be taking meds so that hopefully I’ll be tasting at that time. Fingers crossed. If not, I’ll enjoy the wonderful visuals — not quite the same but one does with what one gets.
    I’m so far behind reading your blogs posts, but enjoy a binge of them from time to time.
    And seeing ANNIE!!!!! What a joy.

  35. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    I got all distracted by getting to see Annie and forgot to laugh at French Husband’s wit about the whipped cream. Such an entertaining guy you’re married to.

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