Memories from Our Wedding Day

Corey and yann wedding photo


Yann wore his Father's wedding tuxedo that was midnight blue, and had a cream silk bowtie. I wore my Grandmother Amaro's wedding dress that she never liked, and I found in the bottom of her closet squished in a brown paper bag. The wedding dress was in silk with lace and glass beads. It was so fragile, with little tears and moth holes, my mother and I thought it would fall apart the minute someone hugged me, or if I dare danced. The dress remained intact which was a miracle. My father was a bit dismayed that I, his only daughter, wanted to wear an old tattered dress for her wedding, amongst doing other things that weren't "normal" for a bride. He said, "People are going to think I am cheap." Instead of giving in to his opinion, I would roll my eyes and shake my head, "But it is the way I want it."


My cousin Sheba/Julie on my request brought Cally lilies from San Francisco for my wedding bouquet, which I tied with a piece of lace and satin that I had found at a second hand. My Belle Mere made my wreath for my head the day of my wedding, because I had forgotten to get it together. I wore a gold bangle from my Grandmother that every women in my family wore on their wedding day.


Yann said his vows in French, and though I said mine in English. We did not have bridesmaids or groom mens. My family walked me to the altar. Two good friends read the readings at Mass, Doug and Donna, and Donna gave the homily instead of the priest. My friends Andrea and Bob played the music beautifully for our marriage mass. My cousin Diane made our cake. Instead of photographers, I gave a few friends  throwaway cameras and asked them each to take photos as they wanted. I told Francoise to take a photo of us leaving the church. It is my favorite photo, we only have a handful of photos. But this one sums on the day exactly as I remember it.

We danced to "Stand by Me" (That our friend Bob with his band played) because we had seen the movie together. Every two seconds during the movie Yann would ask, "What are they saying? What does it mean?" Stand by Me was cemented as our song.

And even though it poured rain that day family and friends stood outside the church in two narrow lines, creating an alley way to the turn of the century car, that was borrowed from our friends the Martins. Their son, our friend Dean drove it for us. The family and friends who stood outside waiting for us to leave the church, had handfuls of rice. Yann did not know what he was in for, they threw a TON of rice on us, it hurt so we made a run for it to the car. We found rice in our hair and clothing that evening when we went to bed.


14 responses to “Memories from Our Wedding Day”

  1. Of course I can’t see the details of your dress in the photo, but it kind of has a very modern feel in the picture. You both look great. And it sounds like your wedding was wonderful.

  2. LOVE this story!

  3. Taste of France

    Lovely, and lovely that you recall all those details.
    My wedding was very low-key, paid for myself. Too late–only last year, decades too late–I realized I had hurt my dad by doing it that way. I didn’t want to impose a huge expense on him, when I didn’t think he could afford it. But only much later I realized I’d hurt him, taking away the proud walk down the aisle before his friends, the first dance, the whole frou-frou. When I realized it, he no longer could walk and soon after died.
    Weddings are not just for the couple being married. They are for the whole family.

  4. Did your Grandmother Amaro say why she didn’t like her wedding dress? It looks lovely on you .

  5. Debbie Z.

    I love this photo and story. You both look so happy! And I think your grandmother’s dress is wonderful.

  6. Love this post!

  7. Congrats on your anniversary!

  8. Our French Oasis

    Great memories, I bet the rice hurt! We always throw confetti in England, a lot less painful! Our children often ask me to describe our wedding day in detail, they want to know every tiny bit of information, it fascinates them!

  9. What a beautiful and touching story – and I see you were already then a ‘Broquante-Queen-Junkie’ in your heart 🙂 How wonderful
    Love everything but especially the dress and the old riblon around the calla lilies …..
    In Switzerland, the couple walks in the church together, and we don’t throw confetti or rice but ‘Feuersteine’, boiled sweets in many colours and with silly verses on the inside. Or at least, we used to….. I haven’t seen many weddings lately with this custom, everybody seems too obsessed with eating no junk food – we do have some wonderfully silly photos of guests with cheeks sticking out at funny angles because those fire-stones were quite substantial!!!!
    Happy Anniversary dear Corey & Yann

  10. Sue Matheson

    What lovely memories! We also have very few photos from our wedding 49 years ago. My uncle volunteered to take photos because we had little money for a professional. When he delivered the eight rolls of film to be developed, they were all blank because my uncle had neglected to take the lens cap off the camera. He felt so badly about his mistake that we couldn’t show our dismay and it became a family joke, and a fond part of our wedding memories now that he has passed.

  11. I could listen to your wedding story over and over and over.
    So romantic and pure.

  12. Leslie in Oregon

    Where was your wedding? It sounds very much like my husband’s and my wedding, even though ours was 41 years ago. Thank you for sharing your lovely story, Leslie

  13. A very beautiful, joyous photo. It’s easy to see where Sacha gets his good looks from. Lyn

  14. Deb Archer

    A beautiful picture and story with a foretelling of your love of old. I love your stories and pictures. You are gifted in telling stories and sharing your life. Thank you.

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