Familiar Faces

Corey, barbara and Kristi friends

Photo via Kristi taken this afternoon in Cassis.

The three of us (Kristi from French Word a day, Barbara and I) met twenty some years ago in Marseille. We were three Americans who shared familiar stories of what it was like to live abroad and be married to Frenchmen.

The afternoon flew by with a flutter of conversation. 

A happy reunion.


10 responses to “Familiar Faces”

  1. Jacklynn Lantry

    Funny how we ascribe traits to people without actually meeting them. I often read FWaD and always thought “that lady must be a super brainiac!” When I see her with you I think “Oh she must be a total load of fun!”

  2. I I stsrted following Kristi’s blog again last month. When she mentioned they were moving, my first thought was maybe she will be moving closer to your town and you can visit more often!

  3. Taste of France

    Friends like that are the real deal–when you get together after a long time apart and there are more words than time.

  4. Our French Oasis

    Looks like so much fun, true friends can meet after a decade apart and it feels like only yesterday.

  5. Kristin Espinasse

    Hi Jacklynn, I had to look up “brainiac” 🙂 Loved your comment and thanks for reading.

  6. Kristin Espinasse

    Thanks, Kipper. My new year’s goal is to see Corey more often!

  7. Kristin Espinasse

    That was the hard part: how to catch up on 20 years in only a few hours. Hugs are a great way of summarizing all you could not say. Corey is THE best hugger!

  8. Kristin Espinasse

    C’est la vérité!

  9. Ellen Cassilly

    Corey and Kristin,
    So happy to see you two on my screen this afternoon. Corey how is the renovation going? Fini?

  10. Hello Kristin…what a nice surprise…three good looking women having fun.

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