

Thank you little flowers that are under our feet, giving way without a cry, as we pass-by.

Thank you fresh air that fills our lungs restoring us without our constant awareness.

Thank you light that shows us today and guides us towards tomorrow.

Thank you heart for beating, for dancing within us, even when we do not hear your steady song.

Thank you eyes that look beyond race allowing us to see one another, who show us that we belong together, not apart.

Thank you arms for wanting to hold the whole world.

Thank you word "sorry", for-giving us the courage to try again and again.

Thank you faith for picking us up, dusting us off, kicking our butts in the right direction.

Thank you blood, the invisible river that flows red in each of us, reminding us that when we bleed we suffer.

Thank you consciousness for keeping us on track when the grass seems greener on the other side of the fence.

Thank you little flowers that reach to the sun after we walk by scenting the days with a fragrance of peace.

Please feel free to add your own thank you…



21 responses to “Gratitude”

  1. Thank you, Father, for modeling forgiveness.
    Thank you, Corey, for hosting us day after day in your blog home’s comments, a place where we feel welcome and a camaraderie that has developed through the years so we can rest and refresh and regain our strength.

  2. Thank you for my free (K-12) and low-cost (college) public education, which taught me to think critically and logically.

  3. RebeccaNYC

    Thank you for Corey who just helped me thorough a rough patch without even knowing it. xoxo

  4. Thank you snowdrop leaves that are just poking up out of the winter soil, letting us know spring will be here in a couple of months. Thank you furnace for working so well and keeping people warm. Thank you dear friends for your patience, kindness and understanding.

  5. Shelley Noble


  6. Thank you, Corey, for lighting the way with solid and sure thought provoking posts for the last 10+ years. And, thank you, Star, your post said it well. God bless us all.

  7. thank you for reminding me that the practice of gratitude will always lift us up

  8. Thank you God for loving us more than we can imagine. Thank you DH for all the sweet things you do for me. Thank you Corey for being true to yourself and sharing your life with us.

  9. Thank you for you,
    for you remind us the small things
    to be grateful for.

  10. Amen to the post and all above comments! Thank you for this beautiful planet, the variety of people who inhabit it, the animal life, for seasons which mark time, the stars and planets in the firmament that roll constantly above us. Thank you for friends, ones that can hold our hands and hearts, ones in books, ones in film, ones on the internet. Thank you for family born both of blood and trial. Thank you for holidays to celebrate, and occasions to mourn, and the wisdom that gives us both. Thank you for providing us with agency to choose for ourselves to be kind and brave, generous and loving.

  11. Thank all of you…for your comments over the years.

  12. Leslie in Oregon

    Thank you for Henry, a kind, loving, devoted, adventurous and beautiful dog who has shared life with us for nearly fourteen years. And thank you for Corey, whose daily missives never fail to teach me and/or make me smile.

  13. Taste of France

    Thank you, France, for Liberté, Égalité et Fraternité. And Laïcité.

  14. Debby in Texas

    Thank you Corey for your beautiful, provocative writing. Thank you God for miraculous flowers. And I’m increasingly grateful for “the conversation ” that is blossoming about diversity, compassion, respect for helping me see life through the eyes of others who have had different life experiences than I. Thank you God for my abundant life, my healthy family, my cozy, warm home and my wonderful friends. Thank you Corey for this opportunity.

  15. Thankful for my wonderful loving, handsome, fun, devoted husband. Thankful for my furry children, without whom I’d be one lonesome chica. Thankful for my friends who make my life complete. Thankful for you-who puts life in perspective. Xo

  16. Thank you ,Corey, for being my go to read each day providimg me with a laugh, a tear or your beautiful,perspective on life.

  17. So many things to be thankful for and to keep in mind in troubled times. A deep breath with gratitude to you, dear Corey.

  18. thank you all for your wonderful thoughtful comments that enhance Corey’s words. This blog is a special place. amen

  19. Thank you Corey and all you fellow followers for words that reach into the depths of my heart and soul every morning.
    Thank you Father for opening my eyes and ears to the words and pictures of all that binds us one to the other.
    Thank you warm and comfortable little cottage that nurtures me every day as I spread my wings with sharing and teaching the refugees who are now living here, close to me.
    Thank you for daylight as it increases every day telling me that soon there will be green buds bursting forth on bushes and trees, and when the s now melts there will be life poking its head through the soil, all to provide spring and summer beauty, food for bees, butterflies and birds, and for we humans flowers for fragrance and visual delight and fruit and vegetables to fill our beings with good, wholesome nutrition.
    Thank you, thank you Corey for a place to feel the love as it spreads around our beautiful world.

  20. Thank you Corey for daily inspiration and solace.

  21. Janet Eiffel

    Thank you for my girlfriends who
    tell me, out loud, that they
    love me.

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