Brocante and Lunch

Brocante, France, Lunch, Corey Amaro


Simple pleasures: Brocante in the morning, followed by lunch, catching up with brocante friends in the afternoon.

Spent some time meeting contacts for the next French Muse, plus planning artist's and antique dealer's homes for us to visit, for the upcoming Muses.

Do you see that massive frame (up above) full of oil paintings? Well, look at the man on the far left without a shirt. Not my favorite. He should have never had his portrait painted without a shirt.




Brocante, France, Lunch, Corey Amaro


Chez Serge in Carpentras.

On Sunday Serge's offers a 19 Euro menu that is divine.

Reservations a must.



Brocante, France, Lunch, Corey Amaro


 After antiquing, which in French is "Chiner", and the "hunter" of antiques in French is, a chineur. And if you are like me, instead of saying, "antiquing", I say:


which is Frangalise.

Anyway, after chining in Carpentras, we went to Isle Sur la Sorgue.




Brocante, France, Lunch, Corey Amaro


 Today's dessert at Chez Serge was a pineapple and apple crumble.

I did not have the chocolate scoop of ice cream added to mine.

Yann had the extra scoop.




Brocante, France, Lunch, Corey Amaro




Brocante, France, Lunch, Corey Amaro


What did you do today?



Brocante, France, Lunch, Corey Amaro


13 responses to “Brocante and Lunch”

  1. Jacklynn Lantry

    I shoveled snow. We’ve gotten about 2 feet in the last week with more expected tomorrow. I tried to go out to the store but the driving was bad so I just went back home. C, What is that lunch? It looks so yummy.

  2. What a divine day you had. Wouldn’t it be fun to grab that awful portrait of the naked man and make him a shirt from some of your old fabrics. He would then be very suitable to hang
    on your wall…just imagine your guests surprise ithey lift his little fabric shirt to reveal OMG porn lol

  3. Leslie in Oregon

    I’m surprised you didn’t find the beauty in the portrait of the man without the shirt.

  4. Taste of France

    When I saw the glass of wine I thought you were going to make a joke about how you need to say cin cin after being a chineur.

  5. Mary Willmon

    Today I went to the Syrian Sweet Sale here in Tucson. We have several refugee women, with their families, who made wonderful sweets to sell at the YWCA. Tucson turned out in force. A sharing of cultures, which gave me hope for my country. Today was full of smiles!

  6. Christophe

    I went to the monthly brocante in Villereal. I bought an interesting brass lighter used in professional kitchens to light the stove fires (“Le Cuistot”). I also scored a painted porcelain teapot with the name of a porcelain and silverware shop in Bazas as part of the design (Maison Lalanne). (The phone number, also on the pot, was 35!). Passed up a couple of things I likely should’ve bought. It happens!
    I wished I’d had a lunch like the one you had. It looks fabulous!

  7. I am so looking forward to returning to France in October….maybe a return trip to Carpentras.
    Yes a possibility….

  8. Grocery shopping. Making chicken soup as I have a code in my node. Fluffing the house as hub’s bridge group is coming this afternoon. Now for a siesta.

  9. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    Such a contrast to Corey’s amazing day, right, Jacklynn?

  10. Rebecca from the pacific northwest

    You’re killing me with those elegant food pics, each of COURSE with its wine glass beside.
    What did I do today? I viewed (and worked on) the incomplete but utterly wonderful compilation of a lot of people’s work/commitment to excellence/team player ism at my workplace. And got to see something that started from thin air in my own personal pea brain become real, for a tradeshow booth. Which is ridiculously ephermeral. But. Everything has to be Just Right.
    And it is.
    Such a delight.
    (now I am celebrating with a lot of wine, and tomorrow I embrace my dearest darling again.)

  11. Brenda, Walker, LA

    Made cupcakes that make you want to slap your mama so good! The grand kids loved them!

  12. La Contessa


  13. I did what I always do . . . day dream of being and living in France!

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